Page 19 of 3703 Results 181 - 190 of 37024
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Coppins B.J. (2002): New, Rare and interesting lichens - British Lichen Society Bulletin, 90: 78-86

Taeniolella rolfii, Thelocarpon saxicola, Alectoria sarmentosa, Alectoria sarmentosa subsp. sarmentosa, Alectoria sarmentosa subsp. vexillifera, Arthonia endlicheri, Arthonia ligniaria, Arthonia mediella, Arthonia pulvinata, Arthopyrenia viridescens, Bacidia incompta, Bacidia subcircumspecta, Biatora epixanthoides, Candelariella aurella f. smaragdula, Caloplaca cerina, Cecidonia xenophana, Cetrelia olivetorum s. lat., Cladonia norvegica, Collema bachmanianum, Collema fragile, Cornutispora ciliata, … URL EndNote Read more... 

Chester T. (2002): Listing Headstones - British Lichen Society Bulletin, 90: 58-61

Guidelines for listing headstones and recording lichens in churchyards, with a focus on best practices for data collection. URL EndNote Read more... 

Coppins B., Street L., Street S. (2002): Small Ecological Project Report: Aspen Woods in Strathspey - British Lichen Society Bulletin, 90: 57-57

Summary of a small ecological project in Strathspey, focusing on aspen woods and the associated lichen species. URL EndNote Read more... 

Pedley I. (2002): Autumn Field Meeting 2001: Church Stretton - British Lichen Society Bulletin, 90: 44-56

Report on the autumn field meeting held in Church Stretton, including a species list and notes on the area's lichen flora. URL EndNote Read more... 

Smith P.L. (2002): A Preliminary Lichen Conservation Protocol for Civil Engineering Projects - British Lichen Society Bulletin, 90: 34-43

A proposed protocol for managing lichen conservation during civil engineering projects, aimed at minimizing environmental impact. URL EndNote Read more... 

Coppins B. J., Seed L., Earland-Bennett P.M. (2002): Neofuscelia luteonotata, New to the British Isles - British Lichen Society Bulletin, 90: 29-33

Description of Neofuscelia luteonotata, a species newly recorded in the British Isles, including its habitat and chemical analysis. URL EndNote Read more... 

Chester T. (2002): Knuston Course - British Lichen Society Bulletin, 90: 28-28

An overview of the Knuston residential course on churchyard lichens, led by Tom Chester, with details on the program and its success. URL EndNote Read more... 

Gilbert O. (2002): Revision of the Lichen Flora of Great Britain - British Lichen Society Bulletin, 90: 25-26

Summary of the planned revision of the Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland, including updates on species and taxonomy. URL EndNote Read more... 

Simkin J. (2002): Biobase - British Lichen Society Bulletin, 90: 23-24

Description of updates to BioBase, the system used for recording and managing lichen data, including new features and future projects. URL EndNote Read more... 

Richardson D. H. S. (2002): Dougal Swinscow Memorial Lecture - British Lichen Society Bulletin, 90: 4-5

A reflection on Dougal Swinscow's contributions to lichenology, highlighting major achievements over the last 40 years. URL EndNote Read more... 

Page 19 of 3703 Results 181 - 190 of 37024