Zhurbenko M.P. & Diederich P.
One new genus and six new species of lichenicolous hyphomycetes -
37(1): 48–61
One genus, Baliomyces, and six species of lichenicolous hyphomycetes, B. taimyricus (on Amygdalaria), Chalara
valdiviana (on Nephroma), Codonmyces ochrolechiae (on Ochrolechia), Minutoexcipula ohmurae (on Menegazzia
and Anzia), Sclerococcum tremoleciae (on Tremolecia), and Talpapellis psorulae (on Psorula), are described as new
to science.
Key words: Ascomycota, anamorphs, lichen-dwelling fungi, taxonomy.