Page 1 of 3694 Results 1 - 10 of 36936
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Abbayes H. des (1961): Cladonia (Lichens) nouveaux ou peu connus du Vénézuéla et des frontiéres brésiliennes voisines. - Rev. Bryol. et Lichén., vol. 30: fasc. 1-2

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Adam B. (1942): A Solorinella asteriscus a hazai lösztalajon. - Botanikai Közlemények, 39: 3-4

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Afonina O.M., Bredkina L.I. et Makarova I.I. (1980): Raspredelenije lisajnikov i mchov v lesostepnych landsaftach v srednem tecenii r. Indigirgki. (Distribution of lichen and moses in - Botaniceskij zurnal, 65(1): 66-83

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Ahmadjian V. (1958): Antarctic Lichen Algae. - Carolina Biological Supply Co., Vol. 21, No. 5

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Ahti T. (1966): Correlations of the chemical and morphological characters in Cladonia chlorophaea and allied lichens. - Ann. Bot. Fennici, 3: 380-390

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Ahti T. (1965): Notes on the distribution of Lecanora conizaeoides. - Lichenologist, 3: 91-92

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Ahti T. (1966): Parmelia olivacea and the allied non-isidiate and non-sorediate corticolous lichens in the northern hemisphere. - Acta Bot. Fennica, 70: 1-68

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Ahti T. & Vitikainen O. (1974): Bacidia chlorococca, a common toxitolerant lichen in Finland - Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica, 49: 95-100

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Anděl P. & Černohorský Z. (1978): Lišejníky a znečištění ovzduší na Liberecku - Preslia, 50: 341-359

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Andrews J.T. & Webber P.J. (1964): A lichenometrical study of the northwestern margin of the Barnes Ice Cap: A geomorphological technique - Geographical Bulletin, 22: 80-104

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Page 1 of 3694 Results 1 - 10 of 36936