Kharuk V.I., Petrov I.A., Im S.T., Golyukov A.S., Dvinskaya M.L. & Shushpanov A.S.
Tree clusters migration into alpine tundra, Siberia,
Journal of Mountain Science,
19: 3426-3440
We hypothesize that in mountain windy habitat trees formed clusters (hedges) as adaptive structures for seedlings’ rooting, survival, and tress’ upslope migration. We studied hedges formed by Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica du Tour) and larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) within the treeline ecotone in southern Siberian Mountains, investigated hedges formation, evolution, habitat amelioration, and analyzed tree’s growth index (GI) dependence on the eco-climate variables (air temperature, precipitation, …