Page 2 of 3717 Results 11 - 20 of 37163
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Heki M., Nishikawa T. & Fujii M. (1952): Experimental studies in the treatment of tetanus and on a case of tetanus treated with usnic acid, Japanese Journal of Medical Science and Biology, 5(2): 89–100

In experimental tetanus infection of mice, aureomycin, usnic acid and terramycin were chosen as the most recommendable remedies among 61 agents tested. The combined effectiveness of usnic acid and penicillin was also admirable. A case of tetanus, in which anti-tetanus serum, penicillin and myanecin could not help much, has been brought to prompt recovery from the disease with usnic acid. URL EN Read more... 

Follmann G. & Huneck S. (1969): Mitteilungen über Flechteninhaltsstoffe. LIX. Zur Chemotaxonomie einiger Roccellaceen, Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 32: 35–43

[in German with English summary: ] 1. Sixteen rare or critical Roccellaceae have been analyzed microchemically or by thin layer chromatography. 2. Roccella subpodicellata (Wain.) Follm. et Hun. comb. nov. and Roccella subpodicellata (Wain.) Follm. et Hun. f. complanata (Wain.) Follm. et Hun. comb. nov. contain erythrin, Hubbsia lumbricoides Web., Roccella africana Wain., Roccella flaccida Del., Roccella linearis (Ach.) Wain. var. primaria Wain., Roccella montagnei Bel. f. obtusa Wain., Roccella … URL EN Read more... 

Feige G.B., Viethen B., Geyer M. & Follmann G. (1986): Untersuchungen zur Phytochemie der Flechtenfamilie Roccellaceae Chev. I. Über die Sekundärstoffe und Chemotypen von Roccella hypomecha (Ach.) Bory, Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 60: 143–148

[in German with English summary: ] Several morphologically undistinguishable specimens (97) of the South African shrublike lichen Roccella hypomecha (Ach.) Bory proved to be extremely variable in their pattern of secondary products by high performance liquid chromatography: Five different chemotypes indicate the non-uniformity of the species complex. The dibenzofurane schizopeltic acid is demonstrated for the first time in the genus Roccella, whereas the depsides lecanoric acid and erythrin represent … URL EN Read more... 

Asahina Y. & Sakurai Y. (1951): Über die Bestandteile von Cladonia submitis Evans, Journal of Pharmaceitical Society of Japan, 71(10): 1166

a new aliphatic lichen substance, pseudonorrangiformic acid, isolated and described from Cladonia submitis EN Read more... 

Orange A. (2022): A lichen survey of the Gwydyr Forest Mines, NRW Evidence Report No: 600, Natural Resources Wales, Bangor, 108 pp

This report surveys lichens in 23 SSSI units in Gwydyr Forest. It identifies 18 Metallophyte Habitat Index species, exceeding the SSSI threshold. Two species are newly recorded in Britain, with two others potentially undescribed. Metallophyte richness is constrained by habitat factors, and threats include plant colonization and conifer encroachment. Conservation efforts must address site-wide biodiversity, as no single site supports all species. Recreational disturbance is minimal. Recommendations … URL EN Read more... 

Макрый Т.В. [Makryi T.V.] (2022): Слизистые цианобионтные лишайники Оренбургского заповедника (Южный Урал, Россия) [Сyanolichens of Orenburg nature reserve (Southern Urals, Russia)], Известия Иркутского государственного университета. Серия: Биология. Экология [Bulletin of Irkutsk State University], 41: 35–44

[in Russian with English abstract: ] Cyanobiont lichens are one of the most ancient groups of organisms. They are of great interest to researchers, but so far the ranges and ecology of many even well-known species have not been well studied. The data on 23 species of jelly cyanobiont lichens from the families Lichinaceae (eight species, six genera) and Collemataceae (fifteen species, five genera), are discovered on the territory of Orenburg State Nature Reserve, are provided. The studies were carried … URL EN Read more... 

Лиштва А.В. [Lishtva A.V.] (2023): Новинки в лихенофлоре заповедника «Витимский» (Восточная Сибирь) [Novelties in the lichenoflora of the Vitimsky Reserve (East Siberia], Известия Иркутского государственного университета. Серия: Биология. Экология [Bulletin of Irkutsk State University], 45: 21–31

[in Russian with English abstract: ] As a result of lichenological studies in the vicinity of Lake Oron (Vitimsky State Nature Reserve) and revision of herbarium material, 9 species of lichens were identified that had not previously been listed for a specially protected natural area. Some of the identified species have a wide distribution (Absconditella lignicola, Bryoria americana, Pyxine meissneriana, Trapeliopsis flexuosa and Multiclavula vernalis), and some have limited ranges covering … URL EN Read more... 

Лиштва А.В. [Lishtva A.V.] (2022): Дополнение к лихенофлоре государственного природного заповедника «Витимский» [Supplement to the lichenoflora of the Vitimsky state nature reserve], Известия Иркутского государственного университета. Серия: Биология. Экология [Bulletin of Irkutsk State University], 39: 72–77

[in Russian with English abstract: ] Previously, 425 species were known in the lichen flora of the Vitimsky State Nature Reserve (southern Siberia, north of the Irkutsk region). This list was later supplemented with 11 more species. In 2018-2021, a collection of specimens was collected in three new areas of the reserve, in which 36 lichen species, not previously known for the reserve, were identified, among which two (Chaenothecopsis nigropedata and Lichenomphalia velutina) are new for South … URL EN Read more... 

Лиштва А.В. [Lishtva A.V.] (2013): Эпифитные лишайники островов реки Ангары в зоне затопления Богучанской ГЭС [Epiphytic lichens on islands of the Angara River in the flooding area of the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station], Известия Иркутского государственного университета. Серия: Биология. Экология [Bulletin of Irkutsk State University], 6: 118–122

[in Russian with English abstract: ] I investigated diversity of three islands on Angara River in the flooding area of the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station. 136 species of epiphytic lichens from 62 genera have been revealed. Such species as Leptogium asiaticum, Menegazzia terebrata, Platismatia glauca, Sticta wrightii, Usnocetraria oakesiana are endangered and threatened in the region. Key words: Epiphitic lichens, Angara river, islands, Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station. EN Read more... 

Истомина Н.Б. & Лихачева О.В. [Istomina N.B. & Likhacheva O.V.] (2021): Факторы, влияющие на разнообразие лишайников в усадебных парках Псковской области [Factors affecting lichen diversity in manor parks of Pskov Region (Northwestern Russia)], Известия Иркутского государственного университета. Серия: Биология. Экология [Bulletin of Irkutsk State University], 35: 19–33

[in Russian with English abstract: ] The article describes the results of studies of the factors affecting lichen diversity in 46 manor parks of the region of Pskov. The investigated parks were founded in the end of XVIII – beginning of XX centuries. Twenty of them are fragmented and currently occupy less than 5 ha, the area of nine parks varies from 5 to 10 ha, those preserved within historical boundaries cover from 11 to 100 ha. Manor parks are situated both within the settlements’ boundaries … URL EN Read more... 

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