Page 6 of 3644 Results 51 - 60 of 36433
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Wijesinghe S.N., Zucconi L., Camporesi E., Wanasinghe D.N., Boonmee S., Samarakoon M.C., Chethana K.W.T., Puwakpitiya Gedara C., Maharachchikumbura S.S.N., Wang Y. & Hyde K.D. (2022): An updated account of Fagales-inhabiting Italian Ascomycota and mycogeography, with additions to Pezizomycotina - Asian Journal of Mycology, 5(2): 79–186

Studies of plant-associated Ascomycota are topical, as they have varied life modes depending on their hosts in different ecosystems. In Italy, Fagales are economically and ecologically important plants, especially in the Alps and Apennine mountain ranges. Fagales species host numerous ascomycetous species, comprising endophytes, saprobes, or pathogens. We retrieved data from 308 publications from 1873 to 2021 and listed 776 Ascomycota on Fagales in Italy. Among these, 696 were identified … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Tibell L. & Knutsson T. (2016): Calicium episcalaris (Caliciaceae), a new lichen species from Sweden - Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses, 38: 49–52

A new species of lichen, Calicium episcalaris Tibell & Knutsson, is described from Sweden. It is one of few Calicium species being parasitic or ‘Jugendparasit’, occurring on Hypocenomyce scalaris (Ach.) M.Choisy growing on an old wooden building in South Sweden. EndNote PDF Read more... 

Lendemer J.C. (2023): Studies in Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi – No. 23: Notes on Appalachian taxa including newly reported disjunctions and multiple species new to North America - Opuscula Philolichenum, 22: 81–97

Arthonia ligniariella is reported for the first time from eastern North America based on a collection growing on lignum in North Carolina, U.S.A. Biatora appalachensis, an Appalachian endemic, is shown to be widespread throughout the Appalachian Mountains, primarily at high elevations. The only report of Fellhanera parvula from North America (Tennessee, U.S.A.) is considered to be F. bouteillei. Fellhanera subtilis, previously reported in North America from the Pacific Northwest, is reported for … EndNote PDF Read more... 

Wirth V. & Hertel E. (2009): Die Serpentinit-Flechte Porpidia nadvornikiana in Deutschland nachgewiesen - Hoppea, 70: 283–285

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Lorenz C., Bianchi E., Alberini A., Poggiali G., Benesperi R., Papini A. & Brucato J.R. (2024): UV photo-degradation of the secondary lichen substance parietin: A multi-spectroscopic analysis in astrobiology perspective - Life Sciences in Space Research, 41: 191–201

The cortical anthraquinone yellow-orange pigment parietin is a secondary lichen substance providing UVshielding properties that is produced by several lichen species. In our work, the secondary metabolite has been extracted from air-dried thalli of Xanthoria parietina. The aims of this study were to characterize parietin absorbance through UV–VIS spectrophotometry and with IR spectroscopy and to evaluate its photodegradability under UV radiation through in situ reflectance IR spectroscopy … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Hofmeister J., Pouska V., Palice Z., Šoun J., Gloor R., Brabec M. & Vondrák J. (2024): Hot-spots of epiphytic and epixylic lichens in fragmented temperate forests are underpinned by microhabitat heterogeneity and spatiotemporal habitat continuity - Biological Conservation, 292: 110563 [9 p.]

Habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation are major causes of the ongoing decline of epiphytic and epixylic lichen species in temperate forests throughout Europe. We investigated how extant species richness and composition of epiphytic and epixylic lichen communities in ten hot-spots of lichen diversity in the Czech Republic reflected the occurrence and properties of potentially suitable microhabitats and habitats. At each hot-spot, we surveyed a pair of 1-ha square plots, one in (over-)mature … URL EndNote Read more... 

Meng Q.-F., Thiyagaraja V., Ertz D., Worthy F.R., Saichana N. & Fu S.-B. (2024): Sclerococcum glaucomarioides: a new geographical record from China - Phytotaxa, 642(1): 95–103

The lichenicolous species Sclerococcum glaucomarioides growing on the lichen Ochrolechia akagiensis is newly reported from China. This study provides an illustration and morphological description for this species, complemented by phylogenetic analyses based on ITS, LSU and mtSSU sequence data. The taxon is characterized by adpressed to sessile apothecia that are round to angular with black disc, hymenium with brownish color, 25–40 μm high, broadly cylindrical to subclavate 8-spored asci, 20–30 … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Mironeasa S. & Ungureanu-Iuga M. (2024): Plants, lichens, fungi and algae ingredients for nutrition and health - Applied Sciences, 14(7): 2800 [5 p.]

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Hudon A.T. & Horton T.R. (2024): A survey of fungi and fungus-like organisms at the Albany Pine Bush Preserve, a globally rare inland pine barren system - Northeastern Naturalist, 31(1): 72–91

The Albany Pine Bush Preserve (APBP) in east-central New York is a fire-managed, globally rare inland pine barrens ecosystem supporting numerous rare or declining species. The open landscape of the APBP is comprised of Pinus rigida (Pitch Pine) with an understory dominated by Quercus ilicifolia (Scrub Oak). Urban development and fire suppression have negatively impacted fire-adapted species. Prescribed fires were introduced in 1990 to restore the native plant community. Here we present the first … URL EndNote Read more... 

Moore G. (2024): A preliminary review of North American material in Rafinesque’s herbarium - Rhodora, 124: 333–360

North American material from the herbarium of Constantin Samuel Rafinesque-Schmaltz (1783– 1840) is reviewed. From this effort 585 specimens were identified from 15 public herbaria, including 450 specimens recorded in online herbarium databases. Future research is planned that will expand this effort to: 1) include all material, not just North American, from Rafinesque’s herbarium; 2) determine the original material and type status of each specimen; and 3) develop a Rafinesque herbarium … URL EndNote Read more... 

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