Page 6 of 3751 Results 51 - 60 of 37507
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Tartouga M., Elouar I., Ibtissem Z., Mokhtari M., Gali L., Rapa S., Tommasi N. & Marzocco S. (2022): The evaluation of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Parmotrema hypotropa lichen extract, Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 65

Lichens are used since antiquity for multiple therapeutic purposes, treating infections, fever, convulsions, and wounds. This study was designed to evaluate the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the lichen Parmotrema hypotropa (NYL.) Hale. The total phenolics and flavonoids content were determined in ethanol extract; the antioxidant activity was assessed by different chemical assays DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl), ABTS (2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)), β-carotene-linoleic … URL EN Read more... 

Tadome K., Ohmura Y. & Chaki M. (2022): Spirographa pyramidalis (Spirographaceae, Ascomycota), a Lichenicolous Fungus, New to Japan, Journal of Japanese Botany, 97: 212-215

Spirographa pyramidalis (Etayo) Flakus, Etayo & Miadl. (Spirographaceae, Ascomycota), a lichenicolous fungus, is reported as new to Japan. It is characterized by immersed conidiomata and tetrahedral conidia. This parasitic fungus was found on Menegazzia terebrata growing on bark of Cerasus sp. in Hiroshima Pref., western Honshu, Japan at an elevation of ca. 250 m. Menegazzia terebrata is a new host for S. pyramidalis. EN Read more... 

Peksa O., Gebouská T., Škvorová Z., Vančurová L. & Škaloud P. (2022): The guilds in green algal lichens—an insight into the life of terrestrial symbiotic communities, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 98(2): 1-17

Lichenized algae and cyanobacteria are known to be shared and selected by unrelated lichen-forming fungi coexisting in so-called photobiont-mediated guilds. Life in such a guild could be crucial for the survival of a large group of lichen fungi dependent on horizontal transmission of photobionts. Here, we investigate frequent lichen phycobionts of the genus Trebouxia in rock-dwelling lichen communities. We found intensive and repeated sharing of specific Trebouxia assemblages by co-occurring lichens … URL EN Read more... 

Neumann P. & Dolnik C. (2022): The lichen flora of Süderlügum inland dunes [Die Flechtenflora der Süderlügumer Binnendünen], Kieler Notizen zur Pflanzenkunde, 46: 100-114

The Süderlügum inland dunes were already known in the past to be rich in lichens. The dune area, designated as a nature reserve, still has a large number of lichen species, some of which are rare and highly endangered in Schleswig-Holstein, in its remaining heathland and nutrient-poor dry grassland habitats. During several excursions in the years 2018-2022, the lichen flora of the area was recorded; 92 taxa could be detected. The results of the current mapping are compared with the records of the … URL EN Read more... 

Muchnik E. (2022): Some results of lichenological studies in Losiny Ostrov National Park (Moscow and Moscow Region, Russia), Forest Science Issues, 5: 1-28

Relevance and goal. “Losiny Ostrov” National Park with the area of about 13 thousand hectares was organized in 1983 and is situated on the territory of the Moscow agglomeration, partially within the Moscow city limits. A unique complex of natural conditions ensures a considerable wealth of biota, which is far from being fully studied. Despite a long period of lichen studies, until recently information on lichens of “Losiny Ostrov” National Park has been rather scattered and insufficient. … URL EN Read more... 

Jung P., Lehnert L.W., Bendix J., Lentendu G., Grube M., Alfaro F.D., Rio C.d., Gutiérrez Alvarado J.L., van den Brink L. & Lakatos M. (2022): The grit crust: A poly-extremotolerant microbial community from the Atacama Desert as a model for astrobiology, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 9: 9.1052278.10.3389

The grit crust is a recently discovered, novel type of biocrust made of prokaryotic cyanobacteria, eukaryotic green algae, fungi, lichens and other microbes that grow around and within granitoid stone pebbles of about 6 mm diameter in the Coastal Range of the Atacama Desert, Chile. The microbial community is very well adapted towards the extreme conditions of the Atacama Desert, such as the highest irradiation of the planet, strong temperature amplitudes and steep wet-dry cycles. It also has several … URL EN Read more... 

Furmanek Ł., Czarnota P. & Seaward M.R.D. (2021): The effect of lichen secondary metabolites on Aspergillus fungi, Archives of Microbiology, 204(1): 100

A systematic review of literature data on the antifungal potential of extracted lichen compounds and individual secondary metabolites against mold species of the genus Aspergillus is provided. Crude extracts from 49 epiphytic, 16 epigeic and 22 epilithic species of lichens and 44 secondary metabolites against 10 species, Aspergillus candidus, A. flavus, A. fumigatus, A. nidulans, A. niger, A. ochraceus, A. parasiticus, A. restrictus, A. stellatus and A. ustus, were analysed. Several measuring techniques … URL EN Read more... 

Elsakov V., Лаптева Е., Vasilevich M., Gabova E., Kaverin D., Kochanov S., Panyukova E., Mityusheva T., Pystina T., Semenova N. & Tikhonova T. (2022): The assessment of potential risks of solid municipal waste landfill, Theoretical and Applied Ecology, 2022: 72-79

Field and desk research of the Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the territory of the planned construction of the solid municipal waste landfill (ecotechnopark ‘Shiess’, the area of the railway station Shiess in the Arkhangelsk region) revealed limitations and possible potential risks in case of the project implementation. The soil and vegetation cover was characterised, and the chemical composition of surface water in the area (high content of Fe, … URL EN Read more... 

Dostos T., Kapagianni P.D., Monokrousos N., Stamou G.P. & Papatheodorou E.M. (2022): Spatial heterogeneity of Cladonia rangiformis and Erica spp. induces variable effects on soil microbial communities which are most robust in bare-soil microhabitats, Web Ecol., 22(1): 21-31

Biological soil crust (BSC) is an essential part of arid and semiarid regions; however information concerning the spatial heterogeneity of the interactions between crust, plants and soil microbes is limited. Sampling was confined to an area either covered with Erica spp. shrubs interspaced by crust cover (Cladonia rangiformis) or uncovered by crust. Along a straight line of 100 cm from the base of the shrubs towards their periphery and at successive distances of 20 cm, soil samples were collected … URL EN Read more... 

Darmostuk V., Fačkovcová Z., Breidy J., Dokmak H., van den Boom P.P.G. & Guttová A. (2022): Solenopsora species (Leprocaulaceae) as hosts of lichenicolous fungi, Herzogia, 35(1): 115–130

We examined the thalli of members of the lichen genus Solenopsora (Leprocaulaceae) to learn more about their potential to host symptomatic lichenicolous fungi. Altogether, 600 specimens were screened, out of which 78 were infected by lichenicolous fungi. We identified eleven taxa of lichenicolous fungi Arthonia sp., Ceratobasidium bulbillifaciens, Cladosporium sp., Didymocyrtis cladoniicola, Lichenosticta sp., Merismatium cf. peregrinum, Muellerella lichenicola, Muellerella triseptata, Sphaerellothecium … URL EN Read more... 

Page 6 of 3751 Results 51 - 60 of 37507