Page 7 of 3751 Results 61 - 70 of 37507
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
da Rosa C.N., Pereira Filho W., Bremer U.F., Putzke J., de Andrade A.M., Kramer G., Hillebrand F.L. & de Jesus J.B. (2022): Spectral behavior of vegetation in Harmony Point, Nelson Island, Antarctica, Biodiversity and Conservation, 31(7): 1867-1885

The present article aims to identify the spectral pattern of several species of mosses, lichens, and of an alga found in Maritime Antarctica from hyperspectral data obtained in situ. Spectral data from 17 species of Antarctic vegetation were collected in Harmony Point, between February 8th and 15th, 2019. To evaluate the possibility of distinguishing the species of vegetation obtained in the field from satellite images, band simulations have been performed, in addition to spectral vegetation indices … URL EN Read more... 

Borgato L., Ertz D., Van Rossum F. & Verbeken A. (2022): The Diversity of Lichenized Trentepohlioid Algal (Ulvophyceae) Communities is Driven by Fungal Taxonomy and Ecological Factors, Journal of Phycology, 58(4): 582-602

Trentepohliales are a group of both free-living and lichenized algae, with most diversity occurring in tropical regions. Recent studies showed that the abundance of lichens with a trentepohlioid photobiont has been increasing in temperate habitats, probably because of global warming, which makes them an interesting study case. A detailed molecular study of the diversity of lichenized Trentepohliales, epiphytic as well as epilithic, was performed in three forests of north-western Europe. Additional … URL EN Read more... 

Tadome K. & Ohmura Y. (2022): Six Species of Montane and Subalpine Lichenicolous Fungi New to Japan, Journal of Japanese Botany, 97: 23-32

Six lichenicolous fungi, Abrothallus parmeliarum, Arthonia digitatae, Lichenopuccinia poeltii, Reconditella physconiarum, Stigmidium subcladoniicola, and Vouauxiella lichenicola, are reported as new to Japan. These were found on the host lichens collected in montane to subalpine area of Nagano and Saitama Prefectures in central Honshu and Hokkaido in Japan EN Read more... 

Subbaiyan R., Ganesan A. & Ramasubramanian B. (2022): Self-potent anti-microbial and anti-fouling action of silver nanoparticles derived from lichen-associated bacteria, Applied Nanoscience, 12(8): 2397-2408

Controlling and eradicating microbial existence require an interdisciplinary framework involving nanomaterials to develop innovative anti-bacterial agents. Especially, sustainable and eco-friendly synthesis of nanoparticles has been realized to be beneficial. Herein, the work focuses on a simple, low-cost, and environmentally benign microbial production of Ag nanoparticles for anti-fouling application. The synthesized Ag nanoparticles were analyzed using UV–visible spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction … URL EN Read more... 

Carlberg T. & Stone D.F. (2022): Scytinium siskiyouense (D.F.Stone & Ruchty) Otálora, P.M.Jørg. & Wedin sponsorship for the CALS conservation committee, Bulletin of the California Lichen Society, 29(2): 19-24

Scytinium siskiyouense is endemic to northern California and southwest Oregon, where it grows primarily on hardwoods in mixed midseral Pseudotsuga menziesii/hardwood forest stands. This habitat is moderately widespread but midseral conifer forests are financially lucrative to harvest. Prior to 2015 there were 35 occurrences across its range, 19 of which were in California. Occurrence monitoring following wildfires in 2015 and 2021 showed that these numbers have declined to 29 and 13 (respectively), … EN Read more... 

Šeklić D.S. & Jovanović M.M. (2022): Platismatia glauca—Lichen species with suppressive properties on migration and invasiveness of two different colorectal carcinoma cell lines, Journal of Food Biochemistry, 46(7): e14096

Abstract Platismatia glauca is a popular lichen traditionally used as a spice and possesses significant anti-cancer potential, whose anti-migratory/anti-invasive properties were mostly disregarded. Migration/invasion of cancer cells is processed in cancer metastasis and targeting their markers is an important strategy in anti-cancer treatment. We examined the anti-migratory/anti-invasive properties of P. glauca extract on two colorectal carcinoma cell lines (HCT-116 and SW-480) and elucidated possible … URL EN Read more... 

Demir S., Alemdar N.T., Yulug E., Demir E.A., Durmus T.B., Mentese A. & Aliyazicioglu Y. (2024): Usnic acid suppresses inflammation and endoplasmic reticulum stress in a methotrexate-induced pulmonary toxicity model via modulating Nrf2 pathway, South African Journal of Botany, 177: 572–578

Pulmonary toxicity represents a significant adverse effect of methotrexate (MTX), characterised by increased oxidative stress (OS) and inflammation. This study focused on revealing the therapeutic role of usnic acid (UA) against MTX-induced lung injury through biochemical and histological approaches by involving the nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2)/heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) pathway. A single dose of MTX was administered to rats to induce pulmonary toxicity, and the therapeutic effect … URL EN Read more... 

Popova K. & Razumovskaya A. (2022): Plant occurrences on the Rybachy and the Sredny Peninsulas, Murmansk Region, Russia: a dataset, BIODIVERSITY DATA JOURNAL, 10: e77094

The Rybachy and the Sredny Peninsulas are the northernmost part of Murmansk Region in the European part of Russia. While the most part of the Region is covered by boreal forest, the Peninsulas are covered by tundra. The vegetation and flora of Murmansk Region are well studied at present. The Peninsulas were first studied in 1829 by a Finnish botanist Jacob Fellman. The most comprehensive research was conducted in the late 19th - early 20th century. Nevertheless, the species composition of the Peninsulas' … URL EN Read more... 

Kellett D.K. & Alisauskas R.T. (2022): Reduction in biomass of freshwater arctic vegetation by foraging and nesting hyperabundant herbivores shows recovery, ECOSPHERE, 13(11): e4275

Abstract Arctic-nesting geese are specialist herbivores of grasses and sedges (collectively, graminoids). Under moderate grazing pressure, these migratory herbivores can create and maintain arctic grazing lawns with high nutritional content and low aboveground biomass. Nutrient and energy subsidies from southern agricultural landscapes during winter have improved survival among populations of Ross's (Anser rossii) and lesser snow geese (Anser caerulescens caerulescens), leading to marked population … URL EN Read more... 

Harrison G.R., Boggess L.M., Budke J.M. & Madritch M. (2022): Rock-climbing shifts cliff-face vegetation community composition based on site characteristics, Applied Vegetation Science, 25(2): e12667

Abstract Questions What are the effects of rock-climbing on diversity, abundance and composition of cliff-face vegetation along environmental gradients? Does site variability influence cliff vegetation more than the presence of climbing? Location Linville Gorge Wilderness Area, NC, USA. Methods We compared species richness, Shannon’s diversity, abundance and species composition of lichens, bryophytes and vascular plants within 334 plots, each 1 m2. We compared climbed plots with unclimbed plots … URL EN Read more... 

Page 7 of 3751 Results 61 - 70 of 37507