Page 14 of 3691 Results 131 - 140 of 36907
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Berger F., Breuss O. & Lőkös L. (2023): Checkliste der Flechten des Burgenlandes (Österreich) - Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde, 31: 39–62

A revised checklist of the lichenized fungi so far recorded from the Austrian province Burgenland is presented. The list is based on the last species list of Austrian lichens (HAFELLNER & TÜRK 2016) and includes formerly overlooked publications by Hungarian authors and recent contributions which means an addition of 143 taxa. Altogether 579 taxa (570 species) have been published to occur in Burgenland. Key words: Biodiversity, distribution, lichens – Mycobiota of Austria. EndNote PDF Read more... 

Berger F. & Breuss O. (2023): Neue und bemerkenswerte Flechtenfunde im Burgenland (Österreich) - Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde, 31: 1–20

94 lichen species are reported from Austria´s easternmost province, most of which (71) are new findings for Burgenland. Many lichen species are typical colonizers of dry and warm habitats; the occurrence of some rare and (sub)oceanic species in southern Burgenland is also of particular interest. Key words: Lichenized Ascomycota, biodiversity, floristics, mycobiota of Austria, xerothermic. EndNote PDF Read more... 

Zehm A., Blick T., von Brackel W., Bräu M., Fuchs H. & Guggemoos T. (2024): 1.000 Arten im Garten – selbst kleine Hausgärten können zur Artenvielfalt beitragen - Anliegen Natur, 46(1): 63–74

Untersucht wurde ein 250 m² großer, relativ isolierter Hausgarten im Innenstadtbereich einer mittelgroßen Stadt in Südbayern. Insgesamt konnten dabei 1.081 Arten festgestellt werden. Dies dokumentiert, dass auch Gärten oder andere Kleinflächen ohne besondere Strukturausstattung eine bedeutende Artenvielfalt beherbergen können. Es unterstreicht, wie sehr es sich lohnt, alle Flächen zum Schutz der Biodiversität zu begrünen und naturschutzfachlich zu optimieren. Viele Millionen Menschen … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Schröder S.A., Costantini I., Etxebarria I., Madariaga J.M. & Arana G. (2024): Assessment of marine and urban-industrial environmental impact on stone acting as the base of a quaternary bronze sculpture - Microchemical Journal, 204: 111187 [12 p.]

This work investigates the influence of a marine and urban-industrial environment on the deterioration of a funerary memorial in Getxo (Basque Country, Spain). The sculpture and artificial stone materials as well as their degradation products were characterised via a multi-analytical approach. An in situ characterisation of the bronze statue and its artificial limestone base was carried out with portable Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (ED-XRF) and Raman spectrometers. In addition, several samples … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Nayana Prakash V., Pranav K., Christy A., Joseph S., Sreejith K.A., Sreekumarb V.B. & Jincy T.S. (2024): Lichens of the Sholayar 10 ha permanent plot, Western Ghats with Allographa cinerea as new to India - Biology Bulletin, 51: 948–953

The paper presents the first-ever report of lichens from Sholayar 10 ha permanent plot, with a total of 38 species under 23 genera and 14 families. Of these, one species, Allographa cinerea (Fée) Lücking and Kalb reported as new to India, and nine species namely Coenogonium dilucidum (Kremp.) Kalb and Lücking, Crypthonia albida (Fée) Frisch, Enterographa divergens (Müll. Arg.) Redinger, Graphis indica J. Kalb and Kalb, Malmidea fuscella (Müll. Arg.) Kalb and Lücking, Malmidea piae (Kalb) … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Joshi Y. (2022): Three new species of lichenicolous fungi from India - Kew Bulletin, 77: 333–340

Three species of lichenicolous fungi: Polycoccum lecanorum Y.Joshi sp. nov. (on Lecanora frustulosa), Toninia lobothalliae Y.Joshi sp. nov. (on Aspicilia almorensis and Lobothallia praeradiosa) and Zwackhiomyces protoparmeliopsidis Y.Joshi sp. nov. (on Protoparmeliopsis garovaglii) are described in detail with notes on their distribution, ecology and taxonomy, and compared with similar species. URL EndNote Read more... 

Монгуш Ч.Б., Давыдов Е.А., Яковченко Л.С. & Самбыла Ч.Н. [Mongush Ch.B., Davydov E.A., Yakovchenko L.S. & Sambyla Ch.N.] (2023): Дополнения к флоре лишайников государственного природного заповедника «Азас» (Республика Тыва) [Additions to the lichen flora of the State Nature Reserve “Azas” (Republic of Tuva)] - Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии [Problems of Botany of South Siberia and Mongolia], 22(1): 241–245

[in Russian with English summary: ] 40 species of epiphytic lichens and 1 lichenicolous fungus are reported for the State Nature Reserve “Azas” in the Republic of Tuva. The species belong to 21 genera and 12 families. Most of them are representatives of Parmeliaceae and Cladoniaceae. All studied species grow on substrates associated with trees: bark, dead wood, stumps and branches of trees, mosses. The studied species are characterized by fruticose (20 species), foliose (13 species) and … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Smith N.E.C. (2024): Call me by your name: Considerations of DNA sequences as types within wider discussions on fungal nomenclature - Mycology, 15(2): 137–143

This paper discusses the interaction between two substantial debates in taxonomy and nomenclature: The potential introduction of DNA-only types into fungal taxonomy and whether certain species names are offensive and should be changed. It argues that the acceptance of DNA sequences as types will likely lead to a proliferation of eponyms (species named after a person or persons) and that this will render them more likely to censure thus creating a point of instability in the fungal nomenclature. … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Ignatenko R.V., Nikerova K.M. & Ignatenko A.A. (2024): The main biogenic elements’ content in Lobaria pulmonaria cephalolichen thalli in different ontogenetic stages in the boreal forests of Karelia (Paanajärvi National Park) - Chemistry and Ecology, 40(7): 747–768

The analysis of the main biogenic elements in the thalli of the epiphytic cephalolichen Lobaria pulmonaria of different ontogenetic stages was conducted. Thallus for research was collected in the spruce forests of the Paanajärvi National Park, which disturbance age varied from 190 to 270 years from the tree trunks (living and dead) of Populus tremula, Salix caprea, Sorbus aucuparia, Betula spp. Chemical analysis of thalli samples showed that N content increased (r = 0.43, p = 0.0039) and … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Søchting U., Arup U., Ertz D., Lebouvier M., Fryday A., Bungartz F., Sancho L.G. & Perlmutter G. (2024): Hueidea – a genus to host former Huea species (Teloschistaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) - Opuscula Philolichenum, 23: 1–16

The name Huea, used for a lichen genus which hosts the two common Antarctic species H. cerussata and H. grisea (= H. coralligera), was formally recommended for rejection by the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi. Based on molecular data, we transfer these two species to the genus Hueidea. Hueidea was originally described in the family Fuscideaceae for the single alpine Australian endemic species Hueidea australiensis. However, our molecular data show it belongs to the Teloschistaceae and we here transfer … EndNote PDF Read more... 

Page 14 of 3691 Results 131 - 140 of 36907