Page 15 of 3717 Results 141 - 150 of 37163
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Masyagina O.V., Evgrafova S.Y., Kovaleva N.M., Detsura A.E., Porfirieva E.V., Menyailo O.V. & Matvienko A.I. (2024): The hydration-dependent dynamics of greenhouse gas fluxes of epiphytic lichens in the permafrost-affected region, Forests, 15(11): 1962 [22 p.]

Recent studies actively debate oxic methane (CH4) production processes in water and terrestrial ecosystems. This previously unknown source of CH4 on a regional and global scale has the potential to alter our understanding of climate-driving processes in vulnerable ecosystems, particularly high-latitude ecosystems. Thus, the main objective of this study is to use the incubation approach to explore possible greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes by the most widely distributed species of epiphytic lichens (ELs; … URL EN Read more... 

Vicente R., Westberg M., Isaksson R., Anderberg R., Frisch A., Hammarström O., Hansson J., Jonsson F. & Svensson M. (2024): Additions to the flora of lichenicolous fungi of Sweden II, Graphis Scripta, 36(7): 123–147

We report 24 lichenicolous fungi as new to Sweden, of which 12 are also new to Fennoscandia and two are new to Europe. The newly reported species are Abrothallus bryoriarum, A. usneae, Arthrorhaphis arctoparmeliae, Burgoa angulosa, Buelliella ohmurae, Calycina alstrupii, Catillaria lobariicola, Cercidospora ochrolechiae, Chalara lobariae, Katherinomyces cetrariae, Llimoniella vinosa, Merismatium lobariae, Muellerella atricola, Neobuelliella poetschii, Opegrapha anomea, Refractohilum intermedium, … URL EN Read more... 

Raynor S.J., Watts J.L. & Manzitto-Tripp E.A. (2024): Sarea cirrhendocarpa, a fungus species new to science from the southern Rocky Mountains, Phytotaxa, 671(1): 87–97

Sarea cirrhendocarpa, a resinicolous fungus, is here described as new to science from two specimens collected in the Indian Peaks Wilderness (Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest, Colorado, USA) during the summer of 2023, a third specimen from Holy Cross Wilderness (White River National Forest, Colorado, USA) during the summer of 2024, and a fourth specimen from the Kachina Peaks Wilderness (Coconino National Forest, Arizona, USA) that was collected in 1998. The new species is readily distinguished … URL EN Read more... 

Yakovchenko L.S. (2024): The second record of the rare freshwater lichen, Anisomeridium carinthiacum, to Russia from the south of Far East, Turczaninowia, 27(2): 139–145

During the study of the lichen biota of Crylion Cape (Sakhalin Is.), the rare amphibious freshwater lichen growing on siliceous rocks, Anisomeridium carinthiacum,was identified on the basis of morphological and anatomical data. This is the second record to Russia after the Caucasus Mts. and the first record for the Russian Far East and Sakhalin Is. The ecology, distribution and differences from the morphologically similar pyrenocarpous freshwater lichen species from East Asia are … URL EN Read more... 

Урбанавичюс Г.П. & Урбанавичене И.Н. [Urbanavichus G.P. & Urbanavichene I.N.] (2024): Diromma dirinellum и Ocellomma picconianum (Roccellaceae, Ascomycota) в лихенофлоре России [Diromma dirinellum and Ocellomma picconianum (Roccellaceae, Ascomycota) in the lichen flora of Russia], Turczaninowia, 27(2): 52–59

[in Russian with English summary: ] The genus Diromma, represented by the Mediterranean species D. dirinellum is reported for the first time from Russia, based on the materials collected in the North-Western Caucasus in the Utrish Reserve on the Abrau Peninsula (Krasnodar Territory). Additionally, a second Mediterranean species, Ocellomma picconianum, was recorded for the first time in the Caucasus. Both species have a distribution that is primarily restricted to the Mediterranean basin. As in … URL EN Read more... 

Макрый Т.В. [Makryi T.V.] (2024): Enchylium substellatum – новый для России вид лишайника [Enchylium substellatum, a new lichen species for Russia], Turczaninowia, 27(2): 46–51

[in Russian with English summary: ] A description and location of a new lichen species for Russia, Enchylium substellatum, are given. The lichen was collected on fine earth at outcrops of crystalline limestone in the stony steppe on the Olkhon Island (Lake Baikal, west coast), in an area characterized by a wide distribution of island intrazonal mountain steppes. The issues of ecology and distribution of this rare lichen are discussed. It was discovered in the same ecotope with other calciphilous … URL EN Read more... 

Konoreva L.A., Chesnokov S.V. & Zheludeva E.V. (2024): The genus Involucropyrenium (Verrucariaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) in Russia, Turczaninowia, 27(2): 39–45

A review of the lichen genus Involucropyrenium in Russia is presented. During the study of the lichen biota of the Magadan Region, Involucropyrenium waltheri (Kremp.) Breuss (Verrucariaceae) was identified on the basis of morphological and anatomical data. It is the first record to Russia both as a species and at genus level. A detailed description of the morphology and anatomy of the studied specimens is given. The arctic-alpine distribution of the species has been noted; it is … URL EN Read more... 

Ismailov A.B. & Urbanavichus G.P. (2024): Micarea doliiformis (Pilocarpaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) – a first record for Russia and Asia from Dagestan (East Caucasus), Turczaninowia, 27(3): 90–96

Micarea doliiformis is reported as new to Russia and Asia from the broad-leaved floodplain forest of the Samur River delta. Our record considerably extends the eastern range of the species from its previously known Western European-Atlantic distribution. A detailed description of the specimen with ecological preferences is given. The main difference from similar species with white-tomentose pycnidia (Micarea hedlundii and M. tomentosa) is larger, non-micareoid photobiont and the mostly biguttulate … URL EN Read more... 

Bolkan V.Y., Solhaug K.A. & Gauslaa Y. (2024): Growth and acclimation dynamics in reintroduced Erioderma pedicellatum (Hue) P.M.Jørg., a critically endangered cyanolichen in boreal rainforest , Flora, 320: 152624 [11 p.]

This study focuses on the critically endangered Erioderma pedicellatum, a sexually reproducing cyanolichen. The species’ decline is primarily attributed to habitat loss and extinction debts. The aim is to understand the possibilities of reintroduction via transplantation on Picea abies (L.) H.Karst. and gain insights into the species' growth response to environmental gradients in its boreal rainforest habitat. The source population of E. pedicellatum found on open, sun-exposed spruce branches within … URL EN Read more... 

Gregoris K. & Pope W.H. (2024): Extraction of high-quality metagenomic DNA from the lichens Flavoparmelia caperata and Peltigera membranacea, Journal of Microbiological Methods, 227: 107065 [6 p.]

Lichens are composite organisms found throughout temperate terrestrial forests, with species-specific associations with industrial air pollution. Metagenomic analysis of lichen samples requires robust nucleic acid extraction methodology, a process that is challenging due to the protective cortex layers, high polysaccharide content, and the vast diversity of the internal microbiome. Our method includes physical lysis through garnet bead beating, chemical lysis using a sodium dodecyl sulfate buffer, … URL EN Read more... 

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