Vicente R., Westberg M., Isaksson R., Anderberg R., Frisch A., Hammarström O., Hansson J., Jonsson F. & Svensson M.
Additions to the flora of lichenicolous fungi of Sweden II,
Graphis Scripta,
36(7): 123–147
We report 24 lichenicolous fungi as new to Sweden, of which 12 are also new to Fennoscandia and two are
new to Europe. The newly reported species are Abrothallus bryoriarum, A. usneae, Arthrorhaphis
arctoparmeliae, Burgoa angulosa, Buelliella ohmurae, Calycina alstrupii, Catillaria lobariicola,
Cercidospora ochrolechiae, Chalara lobariae, Katherinomyces cetrariae, Llimoniella vinosa, Merismatium
lobariae, Muellerella atricola, Neobuelliella poetschii, Opegrapha anomea, Refractohilum intermedium, …