Page 20 of 3754 Results 191 - 200 of 37540
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Richter B., Partzsch M. & Hensen I. (2003): Vegetation, Kultur- und Nutzungsgeschichte der xerothermen Hügellandschaft bei Mücheln/Wettin (Sachsen-Anhalt), Hercynia, 36: 91–121

The xerothermic landscape of the lower Saale-valley near Mücheln/Wettin is characterized by a high relief energy and a varying geological subsoil. Acid porphyry outcrops are covered with basic loess and marly till. Different exposition and inclination additionally cause a very rich mosaic of vegetation units, which include rare and endangered dry and semi-dry grassland communities as well as dwarf shrub heaths. The Euphorbio-Callunetum, the Thymo-Festucetum cinereae and the Filipendulo vulgaris-Helictotrichetum … URL EN Read more... 

Schubert R. (1977): Ausgewählte pflanzliche Bioindikatoren zur Erfassung ökologischer Veränderungen in terrestrischen Ökosystemen durch anthropogene Beeinflussung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung industrieller Ballungsgebiete, Hercynia, 14: 399–412

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Marstaller R. (1980): Zur Verbreitung einiger basiphiler Bryophyten im östlichen Thüringen. 2. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens, Hercynia, 17: 117–143

phytosociology; associated lichens included in phytosociological relevés URL EN Read more... 

Marstaller R. (1999): Die Moosgesellschaften des Naturschutzgebietes "Dissau und Steinberg" bei Eichfeld, Kreis Saalfeld-Rudolstadt. 81. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens, Hercynia, 32: 231–249

In the nature reserve "Dissau und Steinberg" near the village Eichfeld (eastem Thuringia, Germany) the flora and vegetation of bryophytes have been recorded. Especially characteristic are the epilithic communities on lime stone and rotten wood, the associations on mineral soils and living bark more rarely tobe found. Allthese comrnunities are represented by numerous records in 13 tables. 26 bryophyte communities and 159 bryophyte species have been found. Keywords: Bryophytes, vegetation, … URL EN Read more... 

Marstaller R. (1969): Die xerothermen Pflanzengesellschaften waldfreier Sonderstandorte im Buntsandsteingebiet des mittleren Saaletales, Hercynia, 6: 225–257

phytosociology; xerothermic grasslands; heathland; Heide, Cladonio-Callunetum, numerous lichens (especially Cladonia spp.) listed in phytosociological relevés, selected specimens identified by O. Klement URL EN Read more... 

Marstaller R. (2009): Die Moose und Moosgesellschaften im Naturschutzgebiet „Bodenstein“ bei Wintzingerode (Eichsfeldkreis). 134. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens, Hercynia, 42: 21–44

In the nature reserve “Bodenstein” near Wintzingerode, situated in the northwestern part of Thuringia (Germany), the bryophyte communities and flora have been recorded. Significant for the trophic rich soil, limestone, living bark and rotten wood there are associations of the alliances Grimmion tergestinae, Ctenidion mollusci, Neckerion complanatae, Fissidention taxifolii, Ulotion crispae, Dicrano scopariiHypnion filiformis and Bryo capillaris-Brachythecion rutabuli. In the nature reserve … URL EN Read more... 

Marstaller R. (2008): Moosgesellschaften der Bleicheroder Berge (Landkreise Nordhausen und Eichsfeld). 127. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens, Hercynia, 41: 39–61

In the limestone district “Bleicheroder Berge”, situated in the northern part of Thuringia near Bleicherode (Germany), the bryophyte vegetation have been recorded. Significant there are basiphytic communities of the alliances Grimaldion fragrantis, Phascion cuspidati, Grimmion tergestinae, Ctenidion mollusci, Fissidention gracilifolii, Neckerion complanatae and neutrophytic or acidophytic communities of the alliances Fissidention taxifolii, Dicranellion heteromallae, Dicrano-Hypnion filiformis … URL EN Read more... 

Marstaller R. (2012): Die Moosgesellschaften der Fahner Höhe mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Naturschutzgebiete „Hirschgrund“ bei Gierstädt und „Im Haken“ bei Witterda (Landkreise Erfurt und Gotha). 154. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens, Hercynia, 45: 51–80

From the limestone district Fahner Höhe, situated in the central part of Thuringia (Germany), the bryophyte communities were recorded. Important alliances for this district are communities of the Grimmion tergestinae, Neckerion complanatae, Fissidention taxifolii, Dicranellion heteromallae, Dicrano-Hypnion filiformis, Ulotion crispae, Syntrichion laevipilae, Nowellion curvifoliae, Bryo-Brachythecion rutabuli and Brachythecion rivularis. 35 associations and communities are represented by numerous … URL EN Read more... 

Marstaller R. (2003): Die Moosgesellschaften des Naturschutzgebietes „Ziegenried“ bei Plaue (Ilmkreis). 99. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens, Hercynia, 36: 151–170

In the nature reserve “Ziegenried” near the town Plaue (Thuringia, Germany) the flora and vegetation of bryophytes have been recorded. Significant are on limestone the epilithic communities Orthotricho-Grimmietum pulvinatae, Ctenidietum mollusci, Seligerietum calcareae, Seligerietum pusillae and Homomallietum incurvati, on calcareous soils the epigaeic communities Aloinetum rigidae, Weissietum crispatae and Encalypto-Fissidentetum cristati, on rotten wood the Brachythecio-Hypnetum cupressiformis … URL EN Read more... 

Marstaller R. (1986): Die Moosgesellschaften des Totensteins bei Elgersburg, Kr. Ilmenau. 24. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens, Hercynia, 23: 167–187

phytosociology; numerous associated lichens included in phytosociological relevés URL EN Read more... 

Page 20 of 3754 Results 191 - 200 of 37540