Page 3553 of 3772 Results 35521 - 35530 of 37716
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Cengia-Sambo M. (1939): Licheni dell' A.O.I. Raccolti dal Console Prof. Senni e dal Centurione ing. Giordano ufficiali della Milizia Naz. Forestale di Addis Abeba nel 1937, Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, 46: 437-455

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Cengia-Sambo M. (1931): Fragmenta Lichenologica I., Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, 38: 65-77

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Cengia-Sambo M. (1933): Osservazioni e confronti sullecologia dei Licheni delle morene antiche e recenti - I., Archivio Botanico, 9: 118-134

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Cengia-Sambo M. (1932): Florula lichenica del Passo del Piccolo S. Bernardo, Estratto dell Annuario N. 2 del Laborat, 3-38

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Cengia-Sambo M. (1929): Flora Somala. Lichenes, Sindacato Italiano Arti Grafiche Editore, 3-20

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Zhou Q.-M., Wei J.-C., Ahti T., Stenroos S. & Högnabba F. (2006): The systematic position of Gymnoderma and Cetradonia based on SSU rDNA sequences, Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 100: 871-880

Phylogenetic relationships of Gymnodenna coccocarpum and Cetradonia linearis were investigated using nucleotide sequence data of the SSU rDNA. Our results show that Gymnodenna and Cetradonia form a clade, which is a sister group of Pycnothelia and Carassea. As a result, both Gynmoderma and Cetradonia are clearly members of the family Cladoniaceae and the family name Cetradoniaceae has to be abandoned. The SSU rDNA of Gymnoderma contains seven group I and one spliceosomal intron, the positions and … EN Read more... 

Vivas M., Millanes A. M., Xavier Fihlo L., Honda N. K., Pereira E. C., Vicente C. & Legaz M.-E. (2006): Production of barbatic acid by immobilized cells of Cladonia miniata var. parvipes in calcium alginate, Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 100: 855-863

Cell aggregates of Cladonia miniata var. parvipes immobilized in calcium alginate were used to assay their ability to produce barbatic acid. Immobilisates were supplied with sodium acetate or calcium acetate as a precursor for phenol biosynthesis, with ampicillin to prevent bacterial conta mination. Barbatic acid was actively produced during incubation, although cell vitality progressively decreased. Calcium acetate increased the rigidity and mechanical resistance of immobilisates and produced cell … EN Read more... 

Vitikainen O. (2006): Peltigera tartarea, a new species from Arctic America, Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 100: 853-854

Peltigera tartarea (Llano) Vitik. stat. et comb. nov. is reported from the arctic slope of Alaska and compared with allied species of the genus. Unlike many other species of the genus Peltigera, P venosa (L.) Baumg. has a narrow range of morphological variation and is mostly easy to identify. Therefore, the description of P venosa f. tartarea Llano, one of the few infraspecific taxa ever proposed in the species, arouses interest. According to Llano (1951), the form was fertile and its photo- biont … EN Read more... 

Aguirre-Hudson B., Farkas E. & Lőkös L. (2002): Pyrenolichens of the Hungarian lichen flora I: The genus Leptorhaphis Körber., Bibl. Lichenol., 82: 3-18

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Hafellner J. & Rogers R.W. (1990): Maronina, a new genus of lichenised ascomycetes (Lecanorales, Lecanoraceae) with multispored asci, Bibl. Lichenol., 38: 99-108

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Page 3553 of 3772 Results 35521 - 35530 of 37716