Guttová A.
Lišajníky a machorasty v rukopisoch Gustáva Maurícia Reussa -
Bull. Slov. Bot. Spoločn., Bratislava, ,
25: 31-37
Two manuscripts on flora of the vicinity of the town Revúca by devoted Slovak polymath
Gustáv Maurícius Reuss (1818–1861) are presented and evaluated from lichenological and
bryological viewpoint. They comprise 17 lichens, 3 of which are currently red-listed:
Anaptychia ciliaris (CR), Evernia prunastri (EN), Brodoa atrofusca (VU). 2 unique
vernacular names for Cetraria islandica are commented. 39 mosses and 7 liverworts are
mentioned, 3 of which are currently vulnerable: Acaulon muticum, …