Page 3550 of 3770 Results 35491 - 35500 of 37696
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Glenn M. G. & Webb S. L. (1997): Lichens as indicators of forest integrity, Bibl. Lichenol., 68: 155-164

The species richness and abundance of corticolous lichens was studied as a function of distance from an anthropogenic edge, in three forest types. Lichens and light were sampled systematically in transects from the edge to 45 m into the interior, in natural forests of Pinus resinosa, P. banks iana and in hardwood forests in NW Minnesota, and in two hardwood forests 100 km from New York City. Three-fold greater species richness per tree in MN, compared to the East is likely due to air pollution. Light … EN Read more... 

Dietrich M. & Scheidegger C. (1997): A representative survey of frequency of epiphytic lichens at the regional and national levels and its use for the red list of Switzerland, Bibl. Lichenol., 68: 145-154

Consistency and objectivity in red lists are difficult to achieve. Therefore, the new IUCN conservation categories focus on the actual decline of populations using a probabilistic analysis. The application of these categories however, requires information on actual abundance and distribution. As little is known on the population biology of lichens, a national inventory is being carried out in order to assess representative data on frequency and distribution of all species for the official, regionalized … EN Read more... 

Diederich P. (1997): Lichenicolous fungi in the tropics, Bibl. Lichenol., 68: 215-221

The tropical lichenicolous fungi are poorly known. Recent studies in Papua New Guinea show that this biological group of fungi is well represented in the tropics, but most common at higher altitudes or on foliicolous lichens. Most species recorded in the tropics are either cosmopolitan, or they grow on hosts restricted to the tropics EN Read more... 

Cengia-Sambo M. (1931): Il microclima di una valle alpina attraverso i licheni. Osservazioni fitogeografiche nella Campagna lichenologica in Val Badia, Archivio Botanico, 8(3-4): 193-206

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Cengia-Sambo M. (1933): Fragmenta Lichenologica II. Una nueva sezione del Gen. Caloplaca Th.Fr. Ed altre entita nuove, Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, 40: 281-287

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Cengia-Sambo M. (1937): Osservazioni lichenologiche sul gruppo del M. Ferrato, Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, 44: 1-17

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Cengia-Sambo M. (1937): Contributo alla conoscenza dei licheni dell A.O., Atti delTerzo di Studi Coloniali, 15: 68-75

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Cengia-Sambo M. (1931): Ecologia dei Licheni. Parte II. I licheni umicoli dei passi alpini erbosi, Atti della Soc. Ital. Di Scieze Naturali, 70: 279-291

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Cengia-Sambo M. (1939): Licheni del Brasilie, Annali di Botanica, 22: 1-23

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Cengia-Sambo M. (1939): Casi di parassitismo fra due specie licheniche e di autoparassitismo. Considerazioni sul consozio lichenico, Annali di Botanica, 22: 1-9

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Page 3550 of 3770 Results 35491 - 35500 of 37696