Triebel D.
Lecideicole Ascomyceten. Eine Revision der obligat lichenicolen Ascomyceten auf lecideoiden Flechten,
Bibl. Lichenol.,
35: 1-278
Obligately lichenicolous, non-lichenized ascomycetes which comprise le- cideoid taxa among their hosts are defined as "lecideicolous". Lecideicolous ascomycetes have been found on more than one hundred lecideoid lichen species belonging to thirty two - mostly lecanora- lean - genera. Systematically, lecideicolous ascomycetes are members of the following orders: Arthoniales, Dothideales, Helotiales, Lecanorales, Opegraphales, Ostropales, Sordariales, Yerrucariales. Forty-five species and two varieties …