Page 3546 of 3751 Results 35451 - 35460 of 37510
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Thomson J.W. (1982): Lichen vegetation and ecolgical patterns in the high Arctic, Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 53: 361-364

The cold, dry semideserts which exist across the north end of Greenland and the northern and western Canadian Arctic Archipelago place very different stresses upon their vegetation than in the other deserts of the more southerly lattiudes. The long dark season and correspondingly long light season rather than diurnal changes, and the low angles of the light which yields 69% in long wave radiation and only 50% of global radiation in the shorter waves available for photosynthesis, representing 16% … EN Read more... 

Berger F. (2000): Die Flechtenflora der Schlögener Schlinge im oberösterreichischen Donautal, Beitr. Naturk. Oberösterreichs, 9: 369-451

The area of the „Schlögener Schlinge" in the Danube-valley of Upper Austria is a hot spot of lichen diversity. Here the river has carved a 250 m deep valley through the Moldanubian cristallin. The most extensive study was carried out on „Steiner Fels", an example for a nearly undisturbed ecosystem. Despite the location in a near-continental macroclimate, a lot of subatlantic and submediterranean lichens are thriving caused by a rich orographic subdivision with favourable microclimate conditions. … EN Read more... 

Schubert R. (1982): Lichens of central Asia, Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 53: 341-343

In central Asia there are extensive highlands generally rising above 2000 m. The region forms a triangle with the corners in Hindukush, in the junction of the mountains on the base of South-East Asia and in the northern end of the Chingan mountains. Tibet, the basin of Tarim with its bordering mountains, Dsungaria, Altai and Mongolia belong to central Asia. The climate of central Asia is extremely continental. The winter is very cold and dry. The summer has generally little precipitation. During … EN Read more... 

Kukwa M. & Sągin B. (2001): The lichen species Lepraria eburnea found in Poland, Polish Botanical Journal, 46(2): 207-209

The lichen species Lepraria eburnea J. R. Laundon is reported as new to Poland. A description of the species is given, with remarks on chemical variability, ecology and distribution. Keywords: Lepraria, taxonomy, distribution, Poland. EN Read more... 

Kukwa M. (2001): New and noteworthy lichenized and lichenicolous fungi to Estonia, Folia Cryptog. Estonica, 38: 25-26

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Sutton B.C. & Muhr L.-E. (1986): Cheiromycina flabelliformis gen. et sp. nov. on Picea from Sweden, Nordic Journal of Botany, 6: 831-836

The new genus Cheiromycina, based on the new species C. flabelliformis is described and illustrated from Picea wood in Sweden. It is characterized by eustromatic sporodochial conidiomata, a thick-walled branched conidiogenous system and holobastic flabelliform to palmate, hyaline to pale brown, distoseptate conidia. It is compared and contrasted with several similar deuteromycetes, especially on coniferous substrates. EN Read more... 

Zahlbruckner A. (1904): Lichenes a cl. Damazio in montibus Serra do Ouro Preto Brasiliae lecti in herb. Barbey-Boissier asservati, Bull. Herb. Boissier Ser. 2, 4: 134-136

Brazil, Parmelia proboscidea Tayl. apud Mack. var. ornatula Zahlbr. var. nov., Parmelia subcaperata Krph. f. ciliata Zahlbr. nov. f. EN PDF Read more... 

Steiner J. (1911): Flechten aus dem italienisch-franzosischen Grenzgebiete und aus Mittelitalien, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Gesell. Wien, 61 (1-2): 29-64

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Almborn O. (1935): Nya svenska lokaler för Parmelia laciniatula (Flag.) Zahlbr., Botaniska Notiser, 464-471

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Almborn O. (1939): Lichenological notes I, Botaniska Notiser, 1939: 773-780

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Page 3546 of 3751 Results 35451 - 35460 of 37510