Page 3546 of 3691 Results 35451 - 35460 of 36907
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Hafellner J. (1996): Bemerkenswerte Funde von Flechten und lichenicolen Pilzen auf makaronesischen Inseln V. Über einige Neufunde und zwei neue Arten - Herzogia, 12: 133-145

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Miądlikowska J. (1996): Contribution to the flora of lichenized Ascomycotina of the Czywczyn Mts. (Eastern Carpathians, Ukraine) III. Peltigera and peltigericolous fungi - Herzogia, 12: 129-132

Seventeen species of Peltigera and four peltigericolous fungi are reported from the Czywczyn Mts. (Eastern Carpathians, Ukraine). Peltigera membranacea and P. didactyla var. extenuata are new for the Eastern Carpathians and five other Peltigera species are new for the Czywczyn Mts. Four species of lichenicolous fungi are recorded for the first time from the Ukraine. The herbarium material was collected during 1933 - 1935 by Professor T. Sulma. Key words: Lichens, Peltigera, peltigericolous fungi, … EndNote Read more... 

Mayrhofer H., Koch M. & Batič F. (1996): Beiträge zur Flechtenflora von Slowenien II. Die Flechten des Pohorje - Herzogia, 12: 111-127

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Schultz M. (1996): Floristische und soziologische Bearbreitung der Flechtenflora von Rostock - Herzogia, 12: 97-110

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Heibel E., Mies B. A. & Feige G. B. (1996): Interessante Flechtenfunde aus Nordrhein-Westfalen im Herbarium Siegfried Woike - Herzogia, 12: 85-96

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Berger F. (1996): Neue und seltene Flechten und lichenocole Pilze aus Oberösterreich, Österreich II. - Herzogia, 12: 45-84

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Huneck S., Porzel A. & Lumbsch H. T. (1996): Zur Chemie von Hypotrachyna rachista und Tephromela atra var. cypria - Herzogia, 12: 39-43

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Berger F. & Diederich P. (1996): Lichenodiplis hawskworthii sp. nov., a third lichenicolous species of Lichenodiplis (Coelomycetes) - Herzogia, 12: 35-38

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van den Boom P.P.G. & Vězda A. (1996): Woessia etayana sp. nov., a lichen species from the western Pyrenees - Herzogia, 12: 31–34

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Printzen C. & Rambold G. (1996): Two corticolous species of Ophioparma (Lecanorales) from East Asia - Herzogia, 12: 23-29

Two East Asian species, originally described as belonging to Lecidea, are placed in Ophioparma (Lecanorales, Ophioparmaceae). Descriptions are given and the systematic position of the family Ophioparmaceae is briefly discussed. The genus Ophioparma is emended to accommodate species with non-septate ascospores." New: Ophioparma handelii (Zahlbr.) comb. nov. (Syn.: Lecidea pseudohaematomma), O. pseudohandelii (Asahina) comb. nov. EndNote Read more... 

Page 3546 of 3691 Results 35451 - 35460 of 36907