Page 3552 of 3770 Results 35511 - 35520 of 37696
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Krog H. (1990): Parmotrema hensseniae sp. nov, Bibl. Lichenol., 38: 307-310

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Kärnefelt I. (1990): Evidence of a slow evolutionary change in the speciation of lichens, Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 38: 291-306

There are many known lichens which occur in rather isolated populations in the Southern Hemisphere. Several questions could be asked as to how these major disjunctions came to be established? Long distance dispersal through various dispersal mechanisms have been discussed as possible causes of major disjunctions among lichens and plants in general but events of plate tectonics have also been taken into consideration correlated with the timing of evolution of the various plant groups. The … EN Read more... 

Jørgensen P. M. & James P. W. (1990): Studies in the lichen family Pannariaceae. IV. The genus Degelia, Bibl. Lichenol., 38: 253-276

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Huovinen K., Ahti T. & Stenroos S. (1990): The composition and contents of aromatic lichen substances in Cladonia section Cladonia and group Furcatae, Bibl. Lichenol., 38: 209-241

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Brodo I. M. (1990): Rhizocarpon hensseniae, a cephalodiate lichen from the northwest coast of North America, Bibl. Lichenol., 38: 29-35

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Hertel H. & Rambold G. (1990): Zur Kenntnis der Familie Rimulariaceae (Lecanorales), Bibl. Lichenol., 38: 145-189

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Mayrhofer H., Scheidegger C. & Sheard J. W. (1990): Rinodina lecanorina and R. luridata, two closely related species on calciferous rocks, Bibl. Lichenol., 38: 335-356

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Räsänen V. (1934): Einige neue Flechtenarten und Flechtenparasiten, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. Vanamo, 5/9: 4-12

B15; Dermatocarpon Linkolae Räs. sp. n., D. Laatokkaënse Räs. sp. n., Nesolechia Erichsenii Räs. sp. n., Biatoropsis usnearum Räs. gen. et sp. n., Cyphelium subligillare Räs. sp. n., Placodium plicatoverrucosum Räs. sp. n. EN PDF Read more... 

Räsänen V. (1934): Ein paar flechtensystematische Bemerkungen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. Vanamo, 5/9: 3-4

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Räsänen V. (1933): Jäkäläsuku Usnea Hoffm. ja sen läheise sukulaiset (Die Flechtengattung Usnea Hoffm. und ihre nächsten Verwandten), Mem. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 8: 185-188

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Page 3552 of 3770 Results 35511 - 35520 of 37696