Page 3647 of 3754 Results 36461 - 36470 of 37540
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
John V. (1992): Flechten der Türkei. I. Das die Türkei betreffende lichenologische Schrifftum, Pollichia, 1: 1-14

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Topcuoğlu S., Zeybek U. & John V. (1992): The influence of Chernobyl on the radiocesium contamination in lichens in Turkey, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 35: 161-165

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Huneck S., John V., Jakupovic J. & Elix J.A. (1992): Zur Chemie einiger Strauch und Krustenflechten aus der Türkei, Herzogia, 9: 173-179

Key-Words: Lichens, lichen substances, Acarospora epithallina, A. hilaris, A. oxytona, Bryoria fuscescens, Buellia zahlbruckneri, Roccella fucoides, Usnea articulata. The following lichens from Turkey have been analysed for their metabolites: Acarospora epithallina: ( +)-rhizocarpic acid, gyrophoric acid, lecanoric acid; Acarospora hilaris: 3 samples with ( + )-rhizocarpic acid, 1 sample with ( +)-epanorin; Acarospora oxytona: rhizocarpic acid, acaranoic acid and acarenoic acid; Bryoria fuscescens: … EN Read more... 

John V. (1990): Flechtenkartierung in Rheinland-Pfalz, Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk., 456: 177-183

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John V. (1990): Lichen Mapping in Turkey, Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk., 456: 125-129

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John V. (1979): Die Flechte Bacidia inundata (Fr.) Koerb. auf Eisengegenständen im Saarland, Faun-florist. Not. Saarland, 1-2: 1-4

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John V. (1978): Calciphile Flechten aus dem Saarland, Abh. Arb. Gem. tier-u.pfl. geogr. Heimat, 8: 61-81

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John V. (1996): UTM- Grid mapping and distribution patterns of lichens in Turkey, Proceed. IV. Plant Life Southwest Asia, 440-453

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John V. (1995): Données historiques et bibliographiques sur les lichens de la Réserve de la Biosphére des Vosges du Nord, Ann. Sci. Rés. Bios. Vosges du Nord, 4: 15-32

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Otte V., Esslinger T.L. & Litterski B. (2002): Biogeographical research on European species of the lichen genus Physconia, Journal of Biogeography, 29: 1125-1141

Aim The (world) distribution of the European species of Physconia Poelt (Lichenes: Physciaceae) [except Ph. distorta (With.) J. R. Laundon and Ph. americana Essl.] was investigated. The study was complemented by data on the ecological behaviour of the species. Location The location of the study is the whole world with a local emphasis on Europe. Methods The geographical distribution of the lichen species under consideration was investigated from collection data of herbaria and field studies … EN Read more... 

Page 3647 of 3754 Results 36461 - 36470 of 37540