Page 3547 of 3772 Results 35461 - 35470 of 37716
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Schindler H. (1936): Über das Vorkommen der Norstictinsäure in der Lungenflechte Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm., Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges., 54: 240-246

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Topa E. (1936): Fragmente floristice din Bukovina si Basarabia de nord, Bull. Grad. Bot. si al Muz. Botanic Univ, 15(1-4): 209-218

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Topa E. (1937): Contributiuni etnobatanice, Bull. Facult. de Stiinte din Cernauti, 9: 217-224

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Topa E. (1934): Natura ca factor constitutiv al unitatii Neamului Rominesc, Revista de Pedagogie, 3-36

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Haralamb A. (1937): O Statiune de Pinus banatica Georg. et Ion. si Pinus silvestris L. pe Valea Sohodolului de Rung in Oltenia, Referate Comunicari, 20: 1-15

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Kärnefelt I. & Thell A. (2007): Lichenological Contributions in Honour of David Galloway - preface, Bibl. Lichenol., 95: 4 pp

The idea of editing a volume of Bibliotheca Lichenologica dedicated to David Galloway as a tribute to his major contributions to lichenology occurred to the senior editor in the early 1990s, after the stimulating years of organizing IAL 2 with David who was at that time President of the International Association for Lichenology (IAL). Working with David was always exciting: with his extraordinary enthusiasm he encouraged those around him, both in their scientific activities and in the associated … EN Read more... 

Jørgensen P. M. (1978): The lichen family Pannariaceae in Europe, Opera Botanica, 45: 1-124

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Triebel D. (1989): Lecideicole Ascomyceten. Eine Revision der obligat lichenicolen Ascomyceten auf lecideoiden Flechten, Bibl. Lichenol., 35: 1-278

Obligately lichenicolous, non-lichenized ascomycetes which comprise le- cideoid taxa among their hosts are defined as "lecideicolous". Lecideicolous ascomycetes have been found on more than one hundred lecideoid lichen species belonging to thirty two - mostly lecanora- lean - genera. Systematically, lecideicolous ascomycetes are members of the following orders: Arthoniales, Dothideales, Helotiales, Lecanorales, Opegraphales, Ostropales, Sordariales, Yerrucariales. Forty-five species and two varieties … EN Read more... 

Kielhauser G. E. (1939): Zur Ökologie des Quercetum galloprovinciale pubescentetosum, Öster. Botan. Zeitschr., 88: 24-42

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Frey E. (1927): Bemerkungen über die Flechtenvegetation Skandinaviens, verglichen mit derjenigen der Alpen, E. Rübel, Bericht das Geobotanische Fors, 210-259

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Page 3547 of 3772 Results 35461 - 35470 of 37716