Page 3543 of 3751 Results 35421 - 35430 of 37510
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Dembitsky V.M., Bychek I.A., Kashin A.G. (1992): Chemical constituents of some lichen species, Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 71: 255-262

5 lichen species from the Volga river basin were examined for their chemistry. The quantities of total, neutral, phospho-, and glycolipids were estimated. Individual lipid classes in the phospholipid and glycolipid fractions were studied. Fatty acids present in separate lipid classes as well as in various fractions and total lipids, were detected using thin layer, column and gas liquid chromatography techniques. EN Read more... 

Arnold F. (1870): Flechten aus Krain und Küstenland. Gesammelt von J. Głowacki, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Gesell. Wien, 20: 431-466

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Černohorský Z. (1951): Klíč k určování našich nejběžnějších dutohlávek, Vesmír, 29(5): 108-109, 117-119

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McCarthy P. M. & Malcolm W.M. (1996): Strigula occulta, a new saxicolous lichen from New Zealand, Mycotaxon, 60: 323-326

Strigula occulta sp. nov. Includes a key to the six saxicolous species of Strigula known from New Zealand and Australia EN Read more... 

Galun M., Paran N. & Ben-Shaul Y. (1971): Electron microscopic study of the lichen Dermatocarpon hepaticum (Ach.) Th. Fr., Protoplasma, 73: 457-468

The ultrastructure of the alga and fungus of the lichen Dermatocarpon hepaticurn and their relationship has been studied. The contact between the symbionts was found to be of a different type from that found in other lichen species, and to some extent comparable with the relation of obligate parasites and their host. The anatomy of the thallus and the distribution pattern of the components in the thallus has been revealed by examining serial sections. EN Read more... 

Upreti D.K. & Budel B. (1990): The lichen genera Heppia and Peltula in India, Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 68: 279-284

Five species of Peltula and two species of Heppia are reported from India. Of the seven species, Heppia lutosa, H. trichophora, Peltula euploca, P. obscurans, P. patellata, P. tortuosa and P. zahlbruckneri, only H. trichophora and P. euploca were previously known from India. No lichen compounds were detected in all taxa by TLC EN Read more... 

Anders J. (1932): Schade A. (1932): Die Verbreitung von Racodium rupestre Pers. and Coenogoniam nigrum (Huds.) Zahlbr. in Sachsen, Natur und Heimat, 4: 1 p

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Arnold F. (1870): Lichenologische Ausflüge in Tirol [V. Der Rettenstein + Nachträgliche Berichtigungen], Verh. Zool.-Bot. Gesell. Wien, 20: 541-546

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Steiner J. (1919): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Flora Griechenlands. Bearbeitung der anläßlich der zweiten Wiener Universitätsreise im April 1911 zu Griechenland gesammelten Pflanzen. C. Lichenes, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Gesell. Wien, 69: 52-101

B09, Greece; Rinodina cinerascens sp. nov., Caloplaca fuscoatroides sp. nov., Lecanora muralis subsp. graeca subsp. nov., Stereocaulon denudatum subsp. santorinense Steiner subsp. nov. EN PDF Read more... 

Steiner J. (1915): Adnotationes Lichenographicae III., Österr. Botan. Zft., 65: 278-292

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Page 3543 of 3751 Results 35421 - 35430 of 37510