Page 3555 of 3677 Results 35541 - 35550 of 36768
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Nakano T. & Ihda T. (1996): The identity of photobionts from the lichen Pyrenula japonica - Lichenologist, 28(5): 437-442

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Adler M. T. & Ahti T. (1996): The distinction of Punctelia perreticulata and P. subrudecta (Parmeliaceae, Leanorales) - Lichenologist, 28(5): 431-436

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Marcano V., Mohali S., Palacios-Pru E. & Morales Mendez A. (1996): The lichen genus Bulbothricella, a new segregate in the Parmeliaceae from Venezuela - Lichenologist, 28(5): 421-430

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Harada H. (1996): Hyalopyrenia japonica, a peculiar new pyrenocarpus lichen genus from Japan - Lichenologist, 28(5): 415-419

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McCarthy P. M. & Elix J. A. (1996): Myeloconis, a new lichen genus of pyrenocarpous lichens from the tropics - Lichenologist, 28(5): 401-414

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van den Boom P.P.G., Alonso F.L. & Egea J.M. (1996): Lecania poeltii, a new lichen species from Portugal and northern Africa - Lichenologist, 28(5): 395-399

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Ariño X. & Saiz-Jimenez C. (1996): Lichen deterioration of consolidants used in the conservation of stone monuments - Lichenologist, 28(4): 391-394

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Schroeter B. & Sancho L. G. (1996): Lichens growing on glass in Antarctica - Lichenologist, 28(4): 385-390

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Silberstein L., Siegel B.Z., Siegel S.M., Mukhtar A. & Galun M. (1996): Comparative studies on Xanthoria parietina, a pollution-resistant lichen, and Ramalina duriaei, a sensitive species. II. Evaluation of possible air pollution-protection mechanisms - Lichenologist, 28(4): 367-383

Surveys of the distribution of the lichens Xanthoria panetina and Ramalina duriaei in Israel showed that environments with air pollution had no damaging effectson X. panetina, whereas R. duriaei had disappeared from polluted environments: physiological studies supported this relative sensitivity. Investigations of possible defence mechanisms protecting X. parietina from the damaging effects of air pollution showed a multitude of possible protective systems. These included constitutive avoidance such … EndNote Read more... 

Silberstein L., Siegel B.Z., Siegel S.M., Mukhtar A. & Galun M. (1996): Comparative studies on Xanthoria parietina, a pollution-resistant lichen, and Ramalina duriaei, a sensitive species. I. Effects of air pollution on physiological processes - Lichenologist, 28(4): 355-365

Xanthona parietina thalli were collected from a ‘clean-air’ location and from a polluted area. Ramalina duriaei thalli were collected from the same ‘clean-air’ location and some thalli were transplanted to air polluted locations, where R. duriaei no longer occurs. The effects of air contaminants on these two lichens were compared under controlled laboratory conditions and in field experiments. Air contaminants and exposure to bisulphite ions had little or no damaging effect on X. parietina, … EndNote Read more... 

Page 3555 of 3677 Results 35541 - 35550 of 36768