Page 3647 of 3772 Results 36461 - 36470 of 37716
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Zhurbenko M.P. (1992): Lichens from the coast of Eniseiskii Gulf, W. Taimyr, Siberia, Graphis Scripta, 4(1): 1-4

Russia, Siberia, Taimyr, USSR, ["A list of 141 taxa of lichens from the coast of Eniseiskii gulf, W. Taimyr, Siberia and their ecotopic distribution is presented. Eight species, including a few amphiberingian, are reported as new to Taimyr."] EN Read more... 

Zhurbenko M.P. (2007): New lichenicolous fungi from Eurasia, Graphis Scripta, 19: 1–9

Five lichenicolous ascomycetes, Polycoccum ventosicola, Pronectria protopannariae, Skyttea dacampiae, Stigmidium leprariae and Sphaerellothecium soechtingii, are described as new to science from Norway. S. soechtingii is also present in Russia and Austria. EN Read more... 

Zhurbenko M.P. (2009): New and interesting lichenicolous hypocrealean fungi from the Northern Hemisphere, Sydowia, 61: 177–188

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Zhurbenko M.P. (2019): A new finding of an enigmatic lichenicolous ‘lichen’ from the Arctic, Новости систематики низших растений [Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii] / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 53(2): 333–335

A lichen-like association occurring on thalli of other lichens and outwardly resembling species of genus Sphaerellothecium is briefly described, illustrated and discussed based on its new collection in the Arctic. Keywords: lichenization, extreme environments, Russia, Siberia. EN Read more... 

Zhurbenko M.P. (2020): Lichenicolous fungi from the Holarctic. Part III: New reports and a key to species on Hypogymnia, Opuscula Philolichenum, 19: 180–189

Cercidospora parva and Feltgeniomyces mongolicus are reported for the first time from North America, the latter is also first documented from the Arctic. Micarea inquinans is newly reported for Russia, and Epithamnolia xanthoriae is reported as new to European Russia. Baeomyces and Dibaeis are reported as new host genera for Epithamnolia xanthoriae, and Dibaeis for Merismatium nigritellum. A key to the species of lichenicolous fungi growing on Hypogymnia is provided. Keywords. – Biodiversity … URL EN Read more... 

Zhurbenko M.P. (2020): Clypeococcum lenae (Dothideomycetes), a new lichenicolous species from the Arctic, with a key to species of lichenicolous fungi on Solorina, Opuscula Philochenum, 19: 199–207

The new lichenicolous fungus, Clypeococcum lenae, growing on Solorina is described from the Siberian Arctic. The species is characterized by immersed, aggregated pseudothecia, united by a common, K+ violet clypeus, and often laterally and basally surrounded by stromatically transformed host tissues, I and K/I− hymenium, well-developed pseudoparaphyses, bitunicate, 8-spored, I and K/I− asci, and brown, ellipsoid to obovate, muriform ascospores. A key to the species of lichenicolous fungi … URL EN Read more... 

Zhurbenko M.P. (2021): Arthonia buelliae sp. nov. (Arthoniaceae, Arthoniales, Ascomycota) and other noteworthy lichenicolous fungi from the Primorye Territory of Russia, Phytotaxa, 483(2): 183–189

Arthonia buelliae, a gall-inducing lichenicolous ascomycete from Russia growing on Buellia stellulata, is described as new to science. The species is characterized by immersed ascomata, I+ blue then reddish-brown and K/I+ blue hymenia, 8- spored, I−, K/I− asci and (1–)2–3-trans-septate or rarely submuriform, brown, granulate ascospores. Polycoccum stellulatae is newly documented for Asia and Russia, and Sclerococcum sphaerale for Russia. To date, 41 species of lichenicolous fungi are … URL EN Read more... 

Zhurbenko M.P. (2023): Contributions to the knowledge of lichenicolous fungi growing on Pannariaceae, including four new species and an identification key, Herzogia, 36(1): 131–160

Four species of lichenicolous fungi are described as new to science: Capronia marginalis (on Psoroma pallidum), with large perithecia, up to 250 μm diam., short and inconspicuous setae, a hemiamyloid hymenial gel, and light greyish orange, (0 –)3-septate ascospores with rather acute ends; Cladophialophora novozhilovii (on Psoroma hypnorum), with loose, light grey sporodochia, up to 530 μm diam., and light grey-brown, often slightly angular, 0(–1)-septate conidia; Lichenochora alaskana (on … EN Read more... 

Zhurbenko M.P. (2023): Hidden biodiversity in herbarium collections: experience of searching for lichenicolous fungi in lichen herbaria, Новости систематики низших растений [Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii] / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 57(2): F13–F18

Lichen herbaria contain a large number of parasitic fungi accidentally collected along with lichens. Various aspects of searching for lichenicolous fungi in lichen herbaria are discussed. The productivity of such searches, including the discovery of species new to science, may be higher than when these fungi are searched in nature. In one day’s work, 20–25 specimens of lichenicolous fungi can be found in the herbarium, and 2–15 specimens can be found in field studies. Keywords: lichen … URL EN Read more... 

Zhurbenko M.P. (2023): Contributions to the knowledge of lichenicolous fungi growing on Sphaerophoraceae, with a key to the species, Herzogia, 36: 504–523

Four species of lichenicolous fungi are described as new to science: Abrothallus leifidii (on Leifidium), Micarea novae-zelandiae (on Bunodophoron), Spirographa bunodophoronis (on Bunodophoron), and Umushamyces wedinii (on Bunodophoron). Pyrenocarpous ascomycete 1 (on Bunodophoron), which resembles Polycoccum species, and pyrenocarpous ascomycete 2 (on Sphaerophorus), which resembles Endococcus oropogonicola are briefly characterised. Cercidospora punctillata is first reported from Sphaerophorus … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3647 of 3772 Results 36461 - 36470 of 37716