邦産地衣類中の遊離アミノ酸について(第1報) [On the free amino acids in lichens of Japan. I]

藤川福二郎, 平井邦夫, 平山晃久, 豊田 武, 中村泰三, 西牧敏子, 吉川卓甫, 安田節子, 西尾佐智恵, 糀谷紘一, 中井徹, 安藤俊子, 辻芳子, 富崎啓子, 渡辺雅経, 藤沢美乃, 永井みち子, 小山真理子, 松阿彌憲子, 浦崎三智子, 高川美智子 & 京都薬科大学 [Fujikawa F., Hirai K., Hirayama T., Toyota T., Nakamura T., Nishimaki T., Nishikawa T., Yasuda S., Nishio S., Kojitani K., Nakai T., Ando T., Tsuji Y., Tomisaki K., Watanabe M., Fujisawa M., Nagai M., Koyama M., Matsuami N., Urasaki M. & Takagawa M.]
蕚 纛 箋 議 [Yakugaku Zasshi]
90(10): 1267-1274
Qualitative and quantitative determinations were made on free amino acids contained in 75 kinds of domestic lichens, using an automatic amino acid analyzer (Hitachi Model KLA-2) and the total nitrogen was determined by the semimicro-Kjeldahl method. Correlation among the genus and species of lichens with the kind and content of amino acids and total nitrogen was examined. Some difference was observed even among the same genus and there seemed to be hardly any correlation. The kind of amino acids contained in individuals was 19 at the most, while only five kinds were present in some. As far as the 75 kinds of lichens examined in the present series of work were concerned, total nitrogen was less than 1% in 53 kinds, 1-2% in 12 kinds, 2 -3% and 3-4% in four each, and more than 4% in one. The total nitrosen content of Peltigera variolosa (Mass.) Gyeln. was the highest among all the lichens examined with 4.52%, but its free amino acid content rather low. This is probably due to the present of nitrogenous compounds other than amino acids. Of these 75 kinds of lichens, four kinds of Lobaria genus and three kinds of Sticta genus, both of Stictaceae family, had larger content of total nitrogen than other genus. It was of interest that taurine was found in 11 kinds of lichens including Alectoria sulcata Gyeln., Cetraria pseudocomplicata Asahina and Cladonia aggregata (Sw.) Ach. All of the 75 kinds of lichens examined were found to have a few Ninhydrin-positive substances which could not be identified. [in Japanese]
Monday, 12 January 2015 15:09