陈健斌 [Chen J.-B.]
中国大陆的梅衣科Ⅵ.梅衣类地衣中的八个中国新记录种 [Parmeliaceae (Ascomycota) lichens from China’s mainland VI. Eight species new to China in parmelioid lichens],
30(6): 881-888
[in Chinese with English abstract: ] Parmelioid genera comprise about 40 genera. Some of these genera recently have been combined based on morphological
and/or molecular evidence. The 33 genera are currently used with more than 1,500 species. Of which 20 genera with ca. 200 species
were recorded in mainland China. Eight species new to China in parmelioid lichens, Arctoparmelia separata, Everniastrum
lipidiferum, Everniastrum mexicanum, Flavoparmelia baltimorensis, Myelochroa hayachinensis, Parmelia …