Page 3640 of 3754 Results 36391 - 36400 of 37540
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Zimmermann E. & Feusi S. (2020): Lichenicole Pilze der Schweiz III: Zur Biodiversität lichenicoler Pilze im Engadin (Graubünden, Schweiz), Meylania, 66: 31–39

Thirty-seven lichenicolous fungi were collected in the Inn valley in the lower Engadin (Canton of Grisons, Switzerland). Among these, 12 species are recorded for the first time in Switzerland: Abrothallus peyritschii, Clypeococcum hypoceno- mycis, Gyrophthorus perforans, Lichenothelia rugosa, Lichenopeltella peltigericola, Polycoccum clauzadei, Pronectria fragmospora, Roselliniella nephromatis, Telogalla olivieri, Taeniolella diploschistis, Tremella anaptychiae and T. cetrariicola EN Read more... 

Zimmermann E. & Feusi S. (2022): Lichenicole Pilze der Schweiz VII: Erwähnenswerte Arten aus dem Schweizer Jura, Meylania, 70: 41–49

Lichenicolous fungi of Switzerland VII: Rare and noteworthy species from the Swiss Jura. Ten rare and noteworthy lichenicolous fungi from Switzerland are documented photographically and a short description is given: Lichenoconium cargillianum, Lichenopeltella peltigericola, L. santessonii, Llimoniella phaeophysciae, Nectriopsis hirta, N. physciicola, Niesslia lobariae, Pronectria etayoi, Xenonectriella physciacearum, X. zimmermanni. Fife of these represent first records for Switzerland: Lichenopeltella … EN Read more... 

Zimmermann E. & Feusi S. (2021): Lichenicole Pilze der Schweiz V: Zur Biodiversität lichenicoler Pilze am 2850 m hohen Breitkamm beim Umbrailpass (Schweiz, Graubünden), Meylania, 68: 39–53

Forty-six lichenicolous fungi were recorded at the alpine plain Breitkamm at about 2850 m a.s.l. near Umbrailpass (Grisons, Switzerland). Among these, 22 species are published for the first time for Switzerland. Endococcus cladiae, Phoma thamnoliae and Sphaerellothecium aculeatae are recorded for the first time in the Alps. A possibly undescribed Abrothallus-species on Flavocetraria cucullata and another unknown ascomycete on Cetraria islandica are presented. The following species are worth mentioning … EN Read more... 

Zimmermann E. & Feusi S. (2023): Lichenicole Pilze der Schweiz IX: Erwähnenswerte Funde aus dem Mittelland, Meylania, 72: 19–34

Lichenicolous fungi of Switzerland IX: Noteworthy records from the Swiss Plateau. Twenty notable lichenicolous fungi have been recorded and documented photographically from the Swiss Plateau. Eight of these represent new records for Switzerland: Bloxamia leucophthalma, Dacampia cladoniicola, Endophragmiella franconica, Gonatophragmium lichenophilum, Microsphaeropsis physciae, Neocoleroa lichenicola subsp. bouteillei, Pronectria caloplacae, Taeniolella punctata. URL EN Read more... 

Zimmermann E. & Feusi S. (2018): Lichenicole Pilze der Schweiz I: Bemerkenswerte Funde lichenicoler Pilze anlässlich der Bryolich-Jahresversammlung 2017 in der Lenk (Schweiz, Berner Oberland), Meylania, 61: 38–46

23 lichenicolous fungi were recorded during the excursions of the Bryolich annual meeting 2017 in the surroundings of Lenk (BE, Switzerland). Among these, 13 species are published for the first time for Switzerland, 3 findings are new for Switzerland. Two unknown lichenicolous fungi are outlined (Chionosphaera sp., Xenonectriella sp.). EN Read more... 

Zimna J. (1954): Rozmieszczenie rodzaju Cetraria Ach. w. Polsce i krajach sasied nich--Distributio speciarum generis Cetraria Ach. in Polonia et in terris adiacentibus, Fragmenta Floristica & Geobot. [Krakow], 1(2): 48-68

Enumerantur loci natales specierum generis Cetraria Ach. in Polonia et in terris adiacentibus. Quae enumeratio fundata est tam litteris adhuc promulgatis quam herbariis, quae in Instituto Systematices et Geographiae Plantarum-Universitatis M. C. S. Lublinensis asservantur (collect, prof. J. Motyka). Species generis Cetraria apud nos provenientes pro parte plantae sunt arcticae (C. hiascens), pro parte arcto-alpinae (C. cucullata, C. hepatizon, C. nivalis). Reliquae species apud nos Silvas „bory" … EN PDF Read more... 

Zitenyuk A.M. & Khodosovtsev O.Ye. (2024): The genus Solorina (Peltigeraceae, Peltigerales) and its lichenicolous fungi in Ukraine, Chornomorski Botanical Journal, 20(4): 378–389

[in Ukrainian with English title and abstract: ] Question: What is the current state of local Solorina populations in Ukraine? How many lichenicolous fungi are associated with this genus? Location: Ukraine. Materials and methods: field research, herbarium (KW-L) and database (GBIF) data, microscope technique. Nomenclature: Results: A critical revision was carried out for the lichen genus Solorina in Ukraine and allied lichenicolous fungi. The current state … URL EN Read more... 

Zizovic I., Ivanovic J., Misic D., Stamenic M., Djordjevic S., Kukic-Markovic J. & Petrovic S.D. (2012): SFE as a superior technique for isolation of extracts with strong antibacterial activities from lichen Usnea barbata L., Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 72: 7-14

The number of cases of fatal infections in humans and animals caused by multiresistant and panresistant bacterial strains has been dramatically increased over the past 10 years on almost every continent. Therefore, implementation of newer technologies in order to develop processes for isolation of substances with strong antibacterial activities from natural sources is of increasing interest. In this study, advantage of high pressure processing and supercritical fluid extraction with carbon dioxide … EN Read more... 

Zlatník A. (1936): »Lužanský prales« na Podkarpatské Rusi, největší československá pralesová reservace, Krása Našeho Domova, 28: 110-118

Ukraine; virgin forests; several Cladonia species in phytosociological releve EN PDF Read more... 

Zlatník A. & Hilitzer A. (1932): Přehled přírodních rezervací a jejich návrhů na Podkarpatské Rusi, Sborník MAP, 6(2): 33-84

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Page 3640 of 3754 Results 36391 - 36400 of 37540