Page 3514 of 3694 Results 35131 - 35140 of 36936
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Bielczyk U. (1999): Materialy do geograficznego rozmieszczenia porostow (Lichenes) w Polsce 1. Porosty Tatr - Fragm.Flor. Geobot. Ser. Polonica, 6: 245-253

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Bielczyk U. (1998): Lista gatunkow porostow prawnie chronionych w Polsce - Fragm.Flor. Geobot. Ser. Polonica, 5: 251-258

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Pasich-Bielczyk U. (1973): Odkrycie soraliow u porostu Stereocaulon incrustatum Flk. - Fragmenta floristica et geobotanica, 19(4): 467-469

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Bielczyk U. (2000): Bibliografia prac prof. J. Nowaka z zakresu lichenologii - Wiadomości Botaniczne, 44(3-4): 49-54

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Ahti T. (1997): Cladonia melanopoda, an overlooked Andean lichen - Acta Univ. Ups. Symb. Bot. Ups., 32(1): 7-10

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Ahti T. (1998): A revision of Cladonia stricta - Folia Cryptog. Estonica, 32: 5-8

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Ahti T. & Guzmán-Dávalos L. (1998): Cladonia jaliscana, a nex lichen species from Mexico - Lichenographia Thompsoniana, 21-24

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McCarthy P. M. & Kantvilas G. (2000): A new terricolous Pyrenocollema (lichenized Ascomycotina, Xanthoparmeliaceae) from Tasmania - Herzogia, 14: 39-42

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Hafellner J. & Berger F. (2000): Über zwei seltene lichenicole Pilze auf Trapelia - Herzogia, 14: 31-34

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van den Boom P.P.G. & Etayo J. (2000): Contribution to the knowledge of lichenicolous fungi and lichens from Portugal and Spain - Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde, 9: 151-162

Key words: Lichenicolous fungi, lichens. - New records. - Mycoflora of Portugal, Iberian Peninsula. Abstract: Lichenicolous fungi, collected from 1983-1999 at many localities in Portugal, are recorded. 57 taxa are recognized. Most records mentioned below are new for continental Portugal. Some specimens from continental Spain are also reported here. Amongst the most interesting species recorded are: Capronia triseptata, Cornutispora limaciformis, Lichenopeltella ramalinae, Lichenopuccinia poeltii, … EndNote Read more... 

Page 3514 of 3694 Results 35131 - 35140 of 36936