Page 3515 of 3694 Results 35141 - 35150 of 36936
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
van den Boom P.P.G. (2000): Some interesting records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from The Netherlands 4 - Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde, 9: 141-145

Key words: Lichenized ascomycetes, lichenicolous fungi. New records. - Mycoflora of The Netherlands. Abstract: Five lichen species, Gyalecta jenensis, Moelleropsis humida, Psammina aff. simplex, Thelocarpon imperceptum and Tremella pseudophysciae are recorded for the first time for The Netherlands. Chaenotheca xyloxena and Thrombium epigaeum are recorded for the first time since the 19th century. More data are provided for Lichenoconium pyxidatae, Macentina abscondila and Stereocaulon saxatile. … EndNote Read more... 

Osorio H., Aguiar L. W. & Martau L. (1997): Contribuicao a flora liquenica do Brasil 33. Liquens do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul: Depressao Central. - Iheringia, 49: 11-20

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Trinkaus U., Mayrhofer H. & Matzer M. (1999): Rinodina gennarii (Physciaceae), a widespread species in the temperate regions of the southern hemisphere - Australasian lichenology, 45: 15-21

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van den Boom P.P.G. & Zedda L. (2000): Lecania sipmanii, a new epiphytic lichen species from Syria - Willdenowia, 30: 155-160

Lecania sipmanii (Lecanorales, Bacidiaceae), an epiphytic lichen from Syria is described as a species new to science and illustrated. The new species belongs to the L. polycycla group and is mainly characterized by a small, areolate thallus, spores strongly constricted at the septum, paraplectenchymatic excipulum cells and hairs in the thalline margin of the apothecia. It was collected on dust-impregnated bark of Salix and Populus species. EndNote Read more... 

Nelson P.R., McCune B., Wheeler T., Geiser L.H. & Crisafulli C.M. (2018): Nelson P.R., McCune B., Wheeler T., Geiser L.H. & Crisafulli C.M. (2018): Lichen community development along a volcanic disturbance gradient at Mount St. Helens - In: Crisafulli C.M. & Dale V.H. (eds), Ecological responses at Mount St. Helens: Revisited 35 years after the 1980 Eruption, p. 185–198, Springer, New York, NY

Book chapter; Keywords: Volcanic disturbance; Lichen; Fungi; Algae; Community composition; Succession; Colonization; Survival; Mount St. Helens; Disturbance gradient EndNote Read more... 

Ekman S. (1996): The corticolous and lignicolous species of Bacidia and Bacidina in North America - Opera Botanica, 127: 1-148

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Vodák V. (): Užitečné horniny na Novoměstsku - Nové Město n. M. a jeho kraj, 133-141

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Clerc P. & Diederich P. (1991): Usnea wirthii Clerc new to north America and the British Isles - Lichenologist, 23(4): 405-407

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Tehler A. et. al. (1991): Roccellina exspectata Tehler, a new southern australian-New Zealand lichen connection - Lichenologist, 23(4): 403-405

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Henderson A. (1991): Literature on air pollution and lichens 34 - Lichenologist, 23(4): 393-401

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Page 3515 of 3694 Results 35141 - 35150 of 36936