Hafellner J.
Die Gattung Pyrrhospora in Europa,
9: 725-747
A synopsis and key to the European species of Pyrrhospora with notes also on some extra-European species. New: Biatora anthracophila (Nyl.) comb. nov., B. foveata (Timdal) comb. nov., P. elabens (Fr.) comb. nov., P. petraeoides (Nyl. ex Bab. & Mitt.) comb. nov., P. subcinnabarina (Tønsberg) comb. nov., P. amagiensis (Räs.) comb. nov., P. catillaria (Wainio) Hafellner & Grube comb. nov., P. griseococcinea (Nyl. in Hue) comb. nov., P. manipurensis (K. Singh) comb. nov.