Page 3631 of 3772 Results 36301 - 36310 of 37716
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Hafellner J. (1994): Beiträge zu einem Prodromus der lichenicolen Pilze Österreichs und angrenzender Gebiete. I. Einige neue oder seltene Arten, Herzogia, 10: 1-28

Records of 36 rare species of lichenicolous fungi are presented, most of them new to Austria. Abrothallus bryoriarum Haf. (host of type: Bryoria spec), Clypeococcum Cetrariae Haf. (host of type: Cetraria islándica), Endococcus verrucosus Haf. (host of type: Aspicilia caesiocinerea), Minutoexcipula tuerkii Haf. (host of type: Pertusaria glomerata), Opegrapha rotunda Haf. (host of type: Physconia distorta), and Phoma denigrans Haf. (host of type: Lecanora epibryon) are described as new. The new combinations … EN Read more... 

Hofmann P., Wittmann H., Türk R. & Breuss O. (1993): Die Flechten und Flechtenparasiten von Osttirol (Österreich) - ein erster Überblick, Herzogia, 9: 837-879

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Gauslaa Y., Anonby J., Gaarder G. & Tønsberg T. (1992): Huldrestry, Usnea longissima, en sjelden urskogslav på Vestlandet, Blyttia, 50(3): 105-114

[Usnea longissima, a rare ancient forest lichen in western Norway] EN Read more... 

Hafellner J. (1993): Über Funde von lichenicolen Pilzen und Flechten im südlichen Norwegen, Herzogia, 9: 749-768

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Hafellner J. (1993): Die Gattung Pyrrhospora in Europa, Herzogia, 9: 725-747

A synopsis and key to the European species of Pyrrhospora with notes also on some extra-European species. New: Biatora anthracophila (Nyl.) comb. nov., B. foveata (Timdal) comb. nov., P. elabens (Fr.) comb. nov., P. petraeoides (Nyl. ex Bab. & Mitt.) comb. nov., P. subcinnabarina (Tønsberg) comb. nov., P. amagiensis (Räs.) comb. nov., P. catillaria (Wainio) Hafellner & Grube comb. nov., P. griseococcinea (Nyl. in Hue) comb. nov., P. manipurensis (K. Singh) comb. nov. EN Read more... 

Giralt M., Poelt J. & Suanjak M. (1993): Die Flechtengattung Vezdaea mit V. cobria spec. nov., Herzogia, 9: 715-724

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Giralt M., Obermayer W. & Mayrhofer H. (1993): Rinodina poeltiana spec. nova (lichenized Ascomycetes, Physciaceae), a new corticolous blastidiate species from Austria, Herzogia, 9: 709-714

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Urbanavichus G.P & Andreev M.P. (ed.) (2009): A checklist of the lichen flora of Russia, The Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 171 pp

First catalogue of the lichen flora of Russia contains 3331 species, and 476 genera of lichens, lichenicolous and allied non-lichenized fungi, occurring in 14 principal regions. The list is mainly based on the critical analysis and comprehensive compilation of published data, supplemented with data from some key herbaria through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). The synonyms include 1185 infrageneric epithets. Thirteen species are reported for Russia for the first time: Arthonia … EN Read more... 

Berger F. & Türk R. (1993): Bemerkenswerte Flechtenfunde aus dem Donautal zwischen Passau und Aschach (Oberösterreich, Österreich), Herzogia, 9: 669-681

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Follmann G., Huneck S., Schulz M. & Sánchez-Pinto L. (1993): Neue Untersuchungen zur Ausstattung der Roccellaceen mit sekundären Inhaltsstoffen, Herzogia, 9: 653-668

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Page 3631 of 3772 Results 36301 - 36310 of 37716