Miądlikowska J.
Contribution to the flora of lichenized Ascomycotina of the Czywczyn Mts. (Eastern Carpathians, Ukraine) III. Peltigera and peltigericolous fungi,
12: 129-132
Seventeen species of Peltigera and four peltigericolous fungi are reported from the Czywczyn
Mts. (Eastern Carpathians, Ukraine). Peltigera membranacea and P. didactyla var. extenuata are new
for the Eastern Carpathians and five other Peltigera species are new for the Czywczyn Mts. Four
species of lichenicolous fungi are recorded for the first time from the Ukraine. The herbarium material
was collected during 1933 - 1935 by Professor T. Sulma.
Key words: Lichens, Peltigera, peltigericolous fungi, …