Page 3626 of 3773 Results 36251 - 36260 of 37722
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Welch A. R., Gillman M. P. & John E. A. (2006): Effect of nutrient application on growth rate and competitive ability of three foliose lichen species, Lichenologist, 38(2): 177-186

Study done with Parmelia sulcata, P. caperata and Xanthoria parietina attached to roofing slates. These results suggest that elevated nutrient levels can affect lichen growth rates and competition between thalli, leading to alterations in lichen community structure., Nutrient Enrichment, Competition, Parmelia, Xanthoria, Flavoparmelia, Saxicolous, British Isles, Fertilizer EN Read more... 

Hobohm C. (1998): Epiphytische Kryptogamen und pH-Wert - ein Beitrag zur ökologischen Charakterisierung von Borkenoberflächen, Herzogia, 13: 107-111

EN Read more... 

Lücking R., Aptroot A., Umaña L., Chaves J. L., Sipman H. J. M. & Nelson M. P. (2006): A first assessment of the Ticolichen biodiversity inventory in Costa Rica: the genus Gyalideopsis and its segregates (Ostropales: Gomphillaceae), with a world-wide key and name status checklist, Lichenologist, 38(2): 131-160

Treatment of 31 species in Gyalideopsis and recent segregates for Costa Rica. New: Gyalideopsis altamirensis Lücking & Umaña sp. nov., G. macarthurii Lücking, Umaña & Aptroot sp. nov., G. pseudoactinoplaca Lücking & Chaves sp. nov., G. wesselsii Lücking, Sipman & Chaves sp. nov., Jamesiella chaverriae Chaves, Umaña & Lücking sp. nov. Authors include a world-wide key and checklist to 94 taxa of Gyalideopsis and recent segregates (Diploschistella, Ferraroa, Jamesiella and Lithogyalideopsis)., … EN Read more... 

Vězda A. (1967): Lecidea praecox, eine neue Flechten-Art aus der Verwandtschaft von Lecidea uliginosa (Schrad.) Ach, Preslia, 39: 1-4

Lecidea praecox sp. nov., Aphanopsis coenosa (Ach.) Coppins et P.James EN PDF Read more... 

Coppins B. J. & Fryday A. M. (2006): New or previously misunderstood species of Lithographa and Rimularia (Agyriaceae) from the southern subpolar region and western Canada, Lichenologist, 38(2): 93-107

Lithographa graphidioides (Cromb.) Imshaug ex Coppins & Fryday comb. nov. (Argentina, Chile, Falkland Islands), L. opegraphoides sp. nov. (Falkland Islands), L. serpentina sp. nov. (New Zealand), Rimularia actinostoma sp. nov. (Canada), R. austrolimborina sp. nov. (Chile). A key to 6 species of Lithographa is included., Rimularia, Lithographa, New Taxa, New Zealand, Canada, British Columbia, Keys, Chile, South America, Campbell Island, Subantarctic EN Read more... 

Hawksworth D. L. (2006): Misunderstanding the status of Ciferri & Tomaselli's generic names necessitates Peteraamesia gen. nov. for Sclerophyton circumscriptum and an additional species, Lichenologist, 38(2): 187-190

Peteraamesia gen. nov., P. circumscripta (Taylor) comb. nov., P. sorediata (Sparrius, P. James & M. A. Allen) comb. nov., Sclerophyton, Nomenclature, Peterjamesia, New Taxa, Ciferri, Tomaselli EN Read more... 

Wirth V. (2009): Antonín Vězda, der Lichenologe (1920-2008, Herzogia, 22: 5-15

biography EN Read more... 

Coppins B.J. (1985): Review: Current Concepts in Plant Taxonomy. Edited by V.H Heywood & D.M Moore. [Systematics Association Special Volume No. 25.] London, etc.: Academic Press 06 1984. Pp. 432, figures 110. ISBN 0 12 347060 9. Price £35, Lichenologist, 17: 115-116

review EN Read more... 

Wolseley P., James P. W., Theobald M. R. & Sutton M. A. (2006): Detecting changes in epiphytic lichen communities at sites affected by atmospheric ammonia from agricultural sources, Lichenologist, 38(2): 161-176

Comparisons of epiphytes on oak trees between oceanic Devon sites and continental Norfolk localities. Results on twigs in both sites suggest that lichens on twigs respond more rapidly to recent changes in ammonia concentrations while trunks may maintain relict lichen communities due to either a legacy of previous acidification or ecological continuity. The results suggest that loss of acidophytes is taking place prior to the establishment of nitrophytes indicating the importance of establishing levels … EN Read more... 

Sérusiaux E., Fischer E. & Killmann D. (2006): Nyungwea, a new genus of lichen with goniocyst-producing stipes from Rwanda and Uganda (East Africa), Lichenologist, 38(2): 115-121

New Nyungwea gen. nov., N. pallida sp. nov. with Trentepohlia photobiont. The taxonomic position of the genus is unresolved, but authors suggest a possible position in the Arthoniales., Rwanda, Nyungwea, New Taxa, East Africa, Uganda, Goniocysts, Consoredia, Mabira Forest, Nyungwe Forest, Goniocystangia, Trentepohlia, Arthoniales EN Read more... 

Page 3626 of 3773 Results 36251 - 36260 of 37722