Page 3536 of 3645 Results 35351 - 35360 of 36447
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Iqbal M., Abbas M. & Khalid A. (2022): A New Species of Lichen Genus Acarospora (Acarosporaceae, Lichen Forming Ascomycota) from Darel Valley, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan - Biology Bulletin, 49(SUPPL 3): S45-S50

A new species in the genus Acarospora (Acarosporaceae, lichenized ascomycetes), from Darel Valley, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan, is described and illustrated here under the name Acarospora pakistanica. It is characterized by thicker epihymenium 30-60 mu m, taller hymenium 100-150 mu m, and larger ascospores 5-7 x 1-3 mu m. A detailed description of this taxon is provided. evolutionary relationships, taxonomy, novel species, geographic distribution URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Iqbal M. & Khalid A. (2022): Acarospora sultanii sp. nov. (Acarosporaceae, Lichen Forming Ascomycota) from Darel Valley, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan - Biology Bulletin, 49(SUPPL 3): S40-S44

A new species in the genus Acarospora (Acarosporaceae, lichenized ascomycetes), from Darel Valley, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan, is described and illustrated here under the name Acarospora sultanii. It is characterized by brown to blackish white thallus, thicker epihymenium 40-60 mu m, taller hymenium 120-160 mu m, and larger ascospores 15-25 x 5-9 mu m. Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS-nrDNA sequencing placed our species relative to A. nodulosa. Descriptions and images of the new species are provided, … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Tatipamula V. & Annam S. (2022): Antimycobacterial activity of acetone extract and isolated metabolites from folklore medicinal lichen Usnea laevis Nyl. against drug-sensitive and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis strains - J. Ethnopharmacol., 282: 114641

ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Tuberculosis (Tb) is one of the most infectious diseases caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.t) with almost 2 million deaths yearly. Although many Tb control programs have been organised, there is an elevated number of Tb cases due to the appearance of extremely drug-resistant and multidrug-resistant (MDR) Tb strains. In the cultures of Venezuelan Andes, fruticose lichen Usnea laevis Nyl. (Usneaceae) with folklore name 'Barba de Piedra, Tusinya' is used as a natural … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Wang Q., Li J., Yang J., Zou Y. & Zhao X. (2022): Diversity of endophytic bacterial and fungal microbiota associated with the medicinal lichen Usnea longissima at high altitudes - Front. Microbiol., 13: 958917

Endophytic microbial communities of lichen are emerging as novel microbial resources and for exploration of potential biotechnological applications. Here, we focused on a medicinal lichen Usnea longissima, and investigated its bacterial and fungal endophytes. Using PacBio 16S rRNA and ITS amplicon sequencing, we explored the diversity and composition of endophytic bacteria and fungi in U. longissima collected from Tibet at five altitudes ranging from 2,989 to 4,048 m. A total of 6 phyla, 12 classes, … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Katiyar D., Bansal P., Kumar A. & Prakash S. (2022): Ramalin: A Multi-Mechanistic Lichen Metabolite of Pharmacological Importance - Current Bioactive Compounds, 19: e240322202584

Ramalin (γ-glutamyl-N'-(2-hydroxyphenyl) hydrazide), a nitrogen- containing lichen secondary metabolite, was isolated from Ramalina terebrata, an Antarctic lichen. Since then, it has attracted several researchers, thus leading to various research investigations exploring the pharmacological potential of Ramalin. The current review shall be beneficial for future researchers interested in working on Ramalin because it summarizes all the relevant publications starting from its first-time isolation … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Mohammadi M., Bagheri L., Badreldin A., Fatehi P., Pakzad L., Suntres Z. & van Wijnen A.J. (2022): Biological Effects of Gyrophoric Acid and Other Lichen Derived Metabolites, on Cell Proliferation, Apoptosis and Cell Signaling pathways - Chem Biol Interact, 351: 109768

Secondary metabolites from fungi, algae and lichens have remarkable biological activities as antibiotics, fungicides, antiviral drugs, and cancer therapeutics. This review focuses on the lichen-derived metabolite gyrophoric acid and other select secondary metabolites (e.g., usnic acid, salazinic acid, physodic acid, vulpinic acid ceratinalone, flavicansone, ramalin, physciosporin, tumidulin, atranorin, parmosidone) that modulate a number of cellular pathways relevant to several biomedical diseases … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Дармостук В.В. [Darmostuk V.V.] (2022): Новий етап у вивченні ліхенофільних грибів – Diederich et al. 2022. Flora of Lichenicolous Fungi, Vol. 1, Basidiomycota. National Museum of Natural History, Luxembourg, 351 pages. ISBN: 978-2-919877-26-3. Price: 35 €. - Чорноморський ботанічний журнал [Chornomorski Botanical Journal], 18(4): 377–379

[in Ukrainian] Book review URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Svoboda D. (2022): Lišejníky – přehlížené malé ekosystémy - Krása našeho domova, XXII/64 [podzim/zima 2022]: 26–27

[in Czech] a popular paper on lichens EndNote Read more... 

Tanona M. & Czarnota P. (2022): What determines the diversity and succession of lichens inhabiting post-bark beetle snags in the Western Carpathians? - Annals of Forest Research, 65(1): 65-84

"The life strategy of Norway spruce allows the recovery of European spruce forests in a scenario of catastrophic disturbances caused by the European spruce bark beetle. However, little is known about how the development of this insect infestation has influenced the preservation of the ecological balance in these forests over the last decades. Based on the upper montane spruce forests in the Polish Western Carpathians, we decided to check what species of lichens are using the decaying wood of post-bark … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Vust M. & Mermilliod J.-C. (2022): Psorotichia allobrogensis Hue et autres nouveautés lichénologiques dans le canton de Fribourg - Meylania, 70: 23–30

Psorotichia allobrogensis Hue and other lichenological novelties in the canton of Fribourg. The list of lichens collected during the biodiversity days in Montbovon (FR) in June 2009 is presented. Ninety-six species were observed. Several species from other excursions in the canton of Fribourg were added, in particular those recorded during the general meeting of Bryolich in Fribourg in 2007. In total, 34 species are reported for the first time in the canton of Fribourg and one of these is reported … EndNote PDF Read more... 

Page 3536 of 3645 Results 35351 - 35360 of 36447