Page 7 of 3717 Results 61 - 70 of 37163
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
任强 张丽花 [Ren Q. & Zhang L.-H.] (2018): 中国北方野粮衣属地衣分类学研究 [Taxonomic studies on the genus Circinaria in northern China], Mycosystema, 37(7): 865–880

[in Chinese with English abstract: ] The present studies of the genus Circinaria in northern China were based on morphological, chemical and ecological characters. More than 400 specimens collected from eleven provinces in northern China were examined. Twelve species are recognized. Six new combinations in the genus Circinaria are presented. Aspicilia maculata f. subochracea is upgraded to species level. Circinaria hispida and C. schafeevii are new records to China. Lecanora tortuosa var. ferruginea, … URL EN Read more... 

任强 [Ren Q.] (2019): 中国白衣属的分类修订 [Taxonomic revision of the genus Lepra (Pertusariales) in China], Mycosystema, 38(11): 1840–1864

[in Chinese with English abstract: ] Seventeen species of the genus Pertusaria s. lat. are transferred to the recently resurrected genus Lepra. Lepra albopunctata and L. muricata are reported as new to China. Pertusaria sanguinulenta is synonymized with Lepra submultipuncta. Pertusaria brachyspora is excluded from the lichen checklist of China because of wrong identification. Some of the wrongly identified specimens cited in literature are corrected, and a key to the 37 Lepra species known in … EN Read more... 

中西 勤 [Nakanishi T.] (2007): 植物界(生薬及び植物)から薬用成分の探索と構造研究 [Search and structural elucidation of medicinal products from the vegetable kingdom (crude drugs and plant materials)], Yakugaku Zasshi, 127(12): 1975–1996

[in Japanese with English abstract:] This review describes chemical and biological studies on natural products achieved by the author for the latest 47 years and its main contents are composed of the following researches of the eight sections, entitled 1) Hopane-type triterpenes from a lichen, Parmelia leucotyliza, 2) Spirostanol and frostanol glycosides from Metanarthecium luteo-viride (Liliaceae), 3) Selective reduction of double bonds: preparation of 22,23-dihydroergosterol from ergosterol, 4) … EN Read more... 

中二男 山 [Yamanaka T.] (1968): イワタケ群落の発達 予報 [Preliminary notes on the development of the Gyrophora esculenta community], The Journal of Japanese Botany, 43(10-11): 363–367

[in Japanese with English summary: ] The succession and development of the Gyrophora esculenta community have been observed on Mt. Kuishi in Shikoku. In 1960, three quadrats denuded of G. esculenta were set up on siliceous rocks at an altitude of 970 m above sea-level (Fig. 1). Because it was difficult to remove all individuals of very small size from rock faces, the succession may be considered to have started from the beginning of the foliose lichen stage. During seven years, as shown in Fig. … URL EN Read more... 

ガ里子 布 [Nuno M.] (1963): 褐色ウラミゴケ類とその成分のクロマトグラム [On some brown Nephromata and chromatograms of their ingredients], The Journal of Japanese Botany, 38(7): 196–202

[in Japanese with expanded English summary] Thin-layer chromatography of the constituents of several species of Nephroma URL EN Read more... 

เส็งเล็ก สั., พลเยี่ยม เ. & บุญประกอบ กั. [Senglek S., Polyiam W. & Boonpragob K.] (2010): ค่าความสำคัญและดัชนีความหลากหลายทางชีวภาพของไลเคนตามความสูง ของลำต้นก่อเดือยในป่าดิบเขาต่ำ ณ อุทยานแห่งชาติเขาใหญ่ [Important value and biodiversity index of lichens along the trunks of Castanopsis acuminatissima in the lower montane rain forest at Khao Yai National Park], วารสารพฤกษศาสตร์ไทย [Thai Journal of Botany], 2 (ฉบับพิเศษ/Special Issue): 81-88

[in Thai language with English abstract:] Study on important value and biodiversity index of lichens along vertical stratification of habitats on trunks of Castanopsis acuminatissima (Blume) A.DC. was performed at the lower montane rainforest at Khao Yai National Park. The objectives of this study were to use lichen community for environmental indicator and identifying status for conservation and utilization. Quadrates of 20 x 60 cm were placed at the base, mid trunk and canopy of five host trees. Thallus … EN Read more... 

เพิงสูงเนิน ว., มงคลสุข พ., บุญประกอบ ก. & มาโนช เ. [Poengsungnoen V., Mongkolsuk P., Boonprakob K. & Manoch L.] (2010): ความหลากหลายของไลเคน วงศ์กราฟิดาซิอิ ในเขตรักษาพันธุ์สัตว์ป่าภูหลวง จังหวัดเลย [Diversity of the lichens in family Graphidaceae in Phu Luang Wildlife Sanctuary, Loei province], วารสารพฤกษศาสตร์ไทย [Thai Journal of Botany], 2 (ฉบับพิเศษ/Special Issue): 73-79

[in Thai language with English abstract:] Six hundred and eighty-six lichens specimens in family Graphidaceae on rocks and plants were collected from 7 forest types, coniferous forest, dry dipterocarp forest, dry evergreen forest, lower montane rain forest, lower montane scrub, mixed deciduous forest and tropical rainforest, in Phu Luang Wildlife Sanctuary, Loei province between June 2008 and November 2009. They were identified into 96 species 14 genera: Carbacanthographis, Diorygma, Dyplolabia, … EN Read more... 

ศรีปรางค์ ว. & มงคลสุข พ. [Sriprang V. & Mongkolsuk P.] (2010): ไลเคนแบบแผ่นจานในเขตรักษาพันธุ์สัตว์ป่าภูหลวง จังหวัดเลย [Discolichens at Phu Luang Wildlife Sanctuary, Loei province], วารสารพฤกษศาสตร์ไทย [Thai Journal of Botany], 2 (ฉบับพิเศษ/Special Issue): 47-53

[in Thai language with English abstract:] This study is to collect discolichens on bark and rocks in Phu Luang Wildlife Sanctuary, Loei province, during June 2008 to November 2009. The total of 342 specimens were collected from 4 forest types: lower montane scrub, tropical rainforest, lower montane rain forest and dry dipterocarp forest at the elevation 700-1,555 metres above sea levels. The samples were identified into 12 families 15 genera 40 species, among them four species: Bacidia spadicia, … EN Read more... 

มีสิม สั. & มงคลสุข พ. [Meesim S. & Mongkolsuk P.] (2010): โฟลิโอสไลเคน วงศ์ฟิสเซียซีอิ ในเขตรักษาพันธุ์สัตว์ป่าภูหลวง จังหวัดเลย [Foliose Iichens of family Physciaceae at Phu Luang Wildlife Sanctuary, Loei province], วารสารพฤกษศาสตร์ไทย [Thai Journal of Botany], 2 (ฉบับพิเศษ/Special Issue): 55-64

[in Thai language with English abstract:] The foliose lichens in family Physciaceae from barks and rocks in Phu Luang Wildlife Sanctuary, Loei province were collected during 2005-2009. There were 481 samples from seven forest types: lower montane scrub, lower montane coniferous forest, lower montane rainforest, dry dipterocarp forest, dry evergreen forest, mixed deciduous forest and tropical rainforest. They were identified into six genera and 46 species. The number of species of Heterodermia, … EN Read more... 

มีสิม สั. & มงคลสุข พ. [Meesim S. & Mongkolsuk P.] (2010): การศึกษาครัสโตสไลเคน วงศ์ฟิสเซียซีอิ ในประเทศไทย [Study on the crustose lichens of family Physciaceae in Thailand], วารสารพฤกษศาสตร์ไทย [Thai Journal of Botany], 2 (ฉบับพิเศษ/Special Issue): 65-72

[in Thai language with English abstract:] The main objective of this investigation is to compile crustose lichen of Physciaceae at various places of Thailand for taxonomic identification, determination keys and taxonomic database construction. From 632 lichen collecting samples during January 2003 to January 2010 of corticolous and saxicolous from 11 provinces, nine forest types: mangrove forest, lower montane forest, lower montane rain forest, dry evergreen forest, lower montane scrub, dry … EN Read more... 

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