Page 12 of 3645 Results 111 - 120 of 36447
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Цуриков А.Г. & Храмченкова О.М. [Tsurykau A.H. & Khramchankova V.M.] (2009): Влияние кислотности корки деревьев на встречаемость лишайников (на примере г. Гомеля) [Influence of the bark acidity on frequency of lichens (on an example of Gomel town)] - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 43: 261–275

47 lichen species of 21 genera and 7 families are determined in the town of Gomel. Some features of their distribution in Gomel were studied. No correlation has been found between the number of lichen species on a tree and its trunk diameter. Different tree species were found to have different sets of lichen species. Bark pH values were defined for 11 tree species in Gomel. Three groups of tree species have been distinguished by bark pH. The first group includes Acer negundo with the bark pH = 7.17, … EndNote Read more... 

Цуриков А.Г. [Tsurykau A.G.] (2023): Лишайники Беларуси [Lichens of Belarus] - Гомель : Гомельский государственный университет имени Франциска Скорины [Gomel : Francisk Skorina Gomel State University], 379 p.

[in Russian] a book on lichens of Belarus EndNote PDF Read more... 

Цуриков А.Г. [Tsurykau A.G.] (2021): Эпифитные лишайники Беларуси. II. Облигатные и факультативные эпифиты [Corticolous lichens of Belarus. II. Obligate and facultative epiphytes] - Известия Иркутского государственного университета. Серия Биология. Экология [The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Biology], 35: 51–60

[in Russian with English abstract :] The lichen biota of Belarus lists 406 corticolous species. Of these, 213 (35.7%) species are obligate epiphytes. Crustose lichens make up the majority of obligate epiphytes (157 species, or 73.7%). Apparently, this can indicate the decisive role of the morphology and chemistry of the substrate for the closely contacted lichen thallus. Facultative epiphytes are represented by 193 species, which are quite widely represented by foliose and fruticose life forms … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Цуриков А.Г. [Tsurykau A.G.] (2019): Ареалогический анализ лихенобиоты Беларуси [Analysis of geographic distribution of lichen biota of Belarus] - Ботанический журнал [Botanicheskiy Zhurnal], 104(11): 1665–1680

[in Russian with English summary: ] The paper represents the results and problems of the analysis of geographic ranges (distribution) of lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi of Belarus. In total, seven types of geographic ranges are distinguished, namely European, European-North African, Euro-American, Eurasian, Palearctic, circumpolar (Holarctic) and multiregional. The share of the species with the widest geographic distribution (multiregional and Holarctic) is 88%. It is assumed that a real … URL EndNote Read more... 

Цуриков А.Г. [Tsurykau A.G.] (2019): Динамика географической структуры лихенобиоты Беларуси как индикатор современных биоклиматических условий [Dynamics of the geographic structure of Lichen biota of Belarus as indicator of modern bioclimatic conditions] - Ботанический журнал [Botanicheskiy Zhurnal], 104(8): 1167–1188

[in Russian with English summary: ] The biogeographical structure of the lichen biota of Belarus was studied in order to understand its distribution patterns (floristic elements) against the background of modern ecogeographical and historical factors. Seven floristic elements are distinguished, namely arid, boreal (cool-temperate), hypo-arctic-montane, montane, multi-zonal, nemoral (mild-temperate) and suboceanic. Nemoral element is the most diverse in the country, counting 205 (30.9%) species. … URL EndNote Read more... 

Хрусталева И.А., Давыдов Е.А., Елесова Н.В. & Яковченко Л.С. [Khrustaleva I.A., Davydov E.A., Elesova N.V. & Yakovchenko L.S.] (2020): Лесные сообщества Салаирского кряжа как места обитания охраняемых видов лишайников [Forest communities of the Salair ridge as habitats of protected lichen species] - Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии [Problems of Botany of South Siberia and Mongolia], 19(2): 386–393

[in Russian with English summary: ] For a comprehensive assessment of the habitats of rare and vulnerable lichen species, four key sites in the Eltsovsky, Togulsky and Zarinsky districts of the Altai territory were studied, which described plant communities – spruce forests, forests with spruce and cedar pine, as well as fir-aspen forests. In total, 20 geobotanical descriptions were performed, each with an area of 400 sq. m; the vertical and horizontal structure and composition of species were described. … URL EndNote Read more... 

Холод С.С. [Kholod S.S.] (2014): Растительность и мерзлотные формы рельефа на острове Врангеля [Vegetation and permafrost relief in Wrangel Island] - Комаровские чтения [Komarovskie chteniya / V.L. Komarov Memorial Lectures], 62: 241–313

[in Russian with English abstract: ] The questions of the relationship of vegetation with permafrost landforms – patterned ground, baydzharahs – are considered. The position of syntaxa, allocated on the basis of floristic classifi cation, is revealed in the space of particle size, diameter of the polygons, gipsometrical position of the edge with respect to its central part. For the purpose of detailed research into the nature of relationships of permafrost landforms and vegetation 11 structural/morphological types … EndNote Read more... 

Ходосовцева Ю.А. [Khodosovtseva J.A.] (2008): Лишайники арборетуму Нікітського ботанічного саду та їх біоіндикаторні властивості [The lichens of Nikitsky Botanical garden and its bioindicator quality] - Чорноморський ботанічний журнал [Chornomorski Botanical Journal], 4(1): 114-122

Corticolous lichenized fungi of 80 species from 46 genera, 16 familia and 5 orders are found in Nikitsy botanical garden. Among them Thelocarpon laureri and Thelopsis rubella are first reported for Crimean peninsula. Quercus pubescens is worth to use for lichenological monitoring in southern coast of Crimean peninsula for this tree harbours most of lichens here (38 species) and grow both in urban and nature ecosystems. The corticolous lichens of the botanical garden are divided to three groups … EndNote Read more... 

Ходосовцевa Ю.А. [Khodosovtseva Yu.A.] (2009): Ліхеноіндикаційна оцінка якості атмосферного повітря рекреаційних ландшафтів Ялтинського амфітеатру [Estimation of atmospheric air quality in resort landscapes of Yalta amphitheatre through lichenoindication] - Чорноморський ботанічний журнал [Chornomors'k. Bot. Z.], 5(3): 397-405

Using distribution of 122 species of lichens and location of the lichenoindication zones, estimation of the atmospheric air quality is made in 10 resort landscapes of Yalta amphitheatre. High atmospheric air quality is found in reserve «Yuzhnoberezhnye Dubravy», Nikitsky Botanical Garden and “Polyana Skazok” vicinity, and low atmospheric air quality – for the park landscapes of Yalta city embankment. Key words: lichenoindication, bioindicators, resort landscapes, air quality, the AR … EndNote Read more... 

Ходосовцевa Ю.А. [Khodosovtseva Yu.A.] (2009): Ліхеноіндикаційне картувaння урбанізовaних ландшафтів Ялтинського амфітеатру (Kрим) [The lichen indicate mapping in urbanized localities in Yalta amphitheatre (the Crimea)] - Чорноморський ботанічний журнал [Chornomors'k. Bot. Z.], 5(2): 207-218

Calculating the modified index of air pollution (I.A.P.) (Kondratyuk, 1996,) for 301 points in the Yalta amphitheatre, a range of meaningsfrom 0 to 87 was obtained. The data was used as the basis for map zoning. Six isotoxical lichen zones were distincted: polluted zone (I.A.P. from 0 to 5), moderately polluted zone (I.A.P. from 6 to 10), slightly polluted zone (I.A.P. from 11 to 20), moderately clean zone (I.A.P. from 21 to 30), background clean zone (I.A.P. from 31 to 40), zone of high cleanness … EndNote Read more... 

Page 12 of 3645 Results 111 - 120 of 36447