Ареалогический анализ лихенобиоты Беларуси [Analysis of geographic distribution of lichen biota of Belarus]
- Author:
- Цуриков А.Г. [Tsurykau A.G.]
- Year:
- 2019
- Journal:
- Ботанический журнал [Botanicheskiy Zhurnal]
- Pages:
- 104(11): 1665–1680
- Url:
- DOI: 10.1134/S0006813619110176
[in Russian with English summary: ]
The paper represents the results and problems of the analysis of geographic ranges (distribution) of lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi of Belarus. In total, seven types of geographic ranges are distinguished, namely European, European-North African, Euro-American,
Eurasian, Palearctic, circumpolar (Holarctic) and multiregional. The share of the species
with the widest geographic distribution (multiregional and Holarctic) is 88%. It is assumed
that a real part of the species with narrower ranges can be lower due to the current insufficient knowledge of their geography. This is confirmed by comparison of modern (2019) and
historical (1982) data on geographic distribution of lichens. For this period, the data on the
half (50%) of the analyzed species has been changed. Furthermore, the geographic distribution structure of lichen biota of the country has become looking poorer as the share of multiregional species increased significantly while the amount of European, Eurasian and EuroAmerican species has decreased by 6 times.
Keywords: range, distribution, geographic structure, geographic analysis, lichens, lichenicolous fungi.
- Id:
- 33037
- Submitter:
- zdenek
- Post_time:
- Sunday, 10 January 2021 12:30