Пчелкин А.В. & Пчелкина Т.А. [Pchelkin A.V. & Pchelkina T.A. ]
Первые сведения о лихенобиоте природного парка «Долина реки Сходни в Куркино» (Москва) [The first data on lichen biota of Nature Park «Shodnya River valley in Kurkino» (Moscow)] -
Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium,
46: 190–196
Preliminary list of lichens of the Nature Park «Shodnya River valley in Kurkino» (Moscow) comprises 51 species. The list includes data on their ecology, distribution and GPS coordinates for the red-listed species (5 are included in the Red Data Book of Moscow, 2 — in the Red Data Book of the Moscow Region). The locality of new for Moscow lichen species Melanelixia subargentifera (Nyl.) O. Blanco et al. is provided. Keywords: lichens, Red Data Book of Moscow, Natural Park «Shodnya River valley …