Page 3633 of 3674 Results 36321 - 36330 of 36739
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Преснякова М.Г. [Presnjakova M.G.] (2002): Новые виды лишайников Нижегородской области. LICHENES REGIONIS NIZHEGORODENSIS NOVI - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 35[2001]: 200-202

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Пристяжнюк С.А. [Pristyazhnyuk S.A.] (1996): Жизненные формы лишайников субантарктических тундр полуострова Ямал. II. Связь с экологическими факторами [Lichen life-forms in subarctic tundras of Yamal Peninsula. II. Relations to ecological factors] - Ботанический журнал [Botan. Zhurn.], 81(4): 48-55

The general patterns of relationships between the lichen life-forms and various environmental factors. were considered using lichens of the Sabayaha River middle: reaches as an example. On the basis of 70 geobotanical descriptions, the ordination of 86 most common lichen species for the studied region was carried out according to several factors: humidity, ground litter and peat layer thickness, depth of the snow tended to increase as the environmental conditions have deteriorated. The influence … EndNote Read more... 

Пристяжнюк С.А. [Pristyazhnyuk S.A.] (1996): Жизненные формы лишайников субантарктических тундр полуострова Ямал. I. Система жизненных форм [Lichen life-forms in subarctic tundras of Yamal Peninsula. I. Life-form system] - Ботанический журнал [Botan. Zhurn.], 81(3): 34-42

Lichen life-forms were studied on the basis of their ecology and morphology analysis. Within seven key regions of Yamal peninsula subarctic tundras. The life-forms system of Yamal lichens, their morphological and ecological characteristics are presented. 109 specIes are pointed out as examples, and 9 of them are shown for Yamal peninsula for the first time. [In Russian with English summary] EndNote Read more... 

Пристяжнюк С.А. [Pristyazhnyuk S.A.] (2001): Синузии напочвенных лишайников субарктических тундр полуострова Ямал [Epigeal lichen synusia in the subarctic tundra of the Yamal] - Ботанический журнал [Botan. Zhurn.], 86(5): 30-38

Authors views on classification units of the lichen synusia and on the methodical approaches of their singling out are presented. Methods of singling out and classification of epigeal lichen synusia used for the investigation of lichen cover structure in the Yamal Peninsula subarctic tundra are described. The system of epigeal lichen synusia of the Yamal subarctic including two formions, 4· federations, 13 unions and 83 societetes is given. The ecological and coenotic characteristics of the … EndNote Read more... 

Пристяжнюк С.А. [Pristyazhnyuk S.A.] (2001): Сравнительный анализ напочвенных лишайниковых синузий в субарктических тундрах полуострова Ямал [Comparative analysis of terricolous lichen synusia in the subarctic tundras of the Yamal Peninsula] - Ботанический журнал [Botan. Zhurn.], 86(7): 15-25

Тhе complexes of the terricolous lichen synusias growing оп the four key subarctic plots in the Yamal peninsula are compared. Latitudinal сhапgеs of the lichеп cover and peculiarities of the terricolous lichen synusia complexes оп the territories with light and heavy soils are studied. EndNote Read more... 

Пристяжнюк С.А. [Pristyazhnyuk S.A.] (2008): Методические подходы к оценке состояния природной среды на основе лихенологических данных (на примере севера средней Сибири) - in : Виноградова К.Л. (eд) (2008): Фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы ботаники в начале XXI века. Материалы всероссийской конференции (Петрозаводск, 218-221

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Пчелкин А.В. [Pczelkin A.V.] (1987): Новые и интересные таксоны лишайников-эпифитов Дальнего Востока. Lichenum epiphytorum taxa nonnula ex Oriente Extremo nova et curiosa - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 24: 166-168

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Пчелкин А.В. [Pchelkin A.V.] (2018): Лишайники природно-ландшафтного парка «Зарядье» (Москва): перспектива мониторинга [Lichens of the natural-landscape park «Zaryadye» (Moscow): the possibility of monitoring] - Бюллетень Московского общества испытателей природы. Oтдел биологический [Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biological series], 123(4): 44–49

[in Russian with English summary: ] In October 2017, 86 epilithic and 13 epiphytic species of lichens were found in the territory of the Natural-landscape park «Zaryadye». Most epilithic species are confi ned to the «Northern Landscape». The lichen fl ora of the park is of some interest, as an example of a massive transplantation of lichens into urban conditions with a high concentration of atmospheric pollution. This makes it possible to monitor the vitality of transplanted lichens. Key … EndNote Read more... 

Пчелкин А.В. [Pchelkin A.V.] (2018): Rusavskia elegans (Link.) S. Kondr. & Kärnefelt на стенах Соловецкого монастыря: биоповреждение или биозащита? [Rusavskia elegans (Link.) S. Kondr. & Kärnefelt on the walls of the Solovetsky Monastery: biodeterioration or bioprotection?] - Бюллетень Московского общества испытателей природы. Oтдел биологический [Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biological series], 123(6): 41–47

[in Russian with English summary: ] During the restoration with the help of metal brushes restorers removed the lichen thalli of Rusavskia elegans from the walls of the Solovetsky monastery. Special studies have shown that this lichen has no negative impact on the stones of the Solovetsky monastery. Under the Rusavskia elegans, the substrate is somewhat more durable, but on most sample plots for the signifi cance level of 0.05 according to Student’s t-test, there are no signifi cant differences … EndNote Read more... 

Пчелкин А.В. & Пчелкина Т.А. [Pchelkin A.V. & Pchelkina T.A. ] (2012): Первые сведения о лихенобиоте природного парка «Долина реки Сходни в Куркино» (Москва) [The first data on lichen biota of Nature Park «Shodnya River valley in Kurkino» (Moscow)] - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 46: 190–196

Preliminary list of lichens of the Nature Park «Shodnya River valley in Kurkino» (Moscow) comprises 51 species. The list includes data on their ecology, distribution and GPS coordinates for the red-listed species (5 are included in the Red Data Book of Moscow, 2 — in the Red Data Book of the Moscow Region). The locality of new for Moscow lichen species Melanelixia subargentifera (Nyl.) O. Blanco et al. is provided. Keywords: lichens, Red Data Book of Moscow, Natural Park «Shodnya River valley … EndNote Read more... 

Page 3633 of 3674 Results 36321 - 36330 of 36739