Анотований список ліхенізованих та ліхенофільних грибів Чорноморського біосферного заповідника [An annotated list of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi of Black sea biosphere reserve]
- Author:
- Ходосовцев О.Є. [Khodosovtsev A.Ye.]
- Year:
- 2012
- Journal:
- Чорноморський ботанічний журнал [Chornomorski Botanical Journal]
- Pages:
- 8(4): 393-400
- Url:
[in Ukrainian with English abstract:] The data about 104 species of lichenized and 7 species of lichenicolous fungi of Black sea
region are given. 30 from them are new for this territory, 17 – excluded from list of lichen
biota of reserve. Xanthoria monofoliosa S.Y. Kondr. et Karnef. – is a new species for
Ukraine. The species are arranged on the reserve areas Ivano-Rybalchansky, Volyzhyn
forest, Tendrivska Kosa, Solenoozerny, Yagorlytsky Kut and Potievka.
Keywords: locations, Tendrivska Kosa, Solenoozerny, Potievka, Ivano-Rybalchansky,
Volyzhin forest, Yagorlytsky kut.
- Id:
- 23380
- Submitter:
- zdenek
- Post_time:
- Thursday, 12 September 2013 10:36