阿不都拉.阿巴斯, 拉扎提.努尔太, 库丽娜孜.沙合达提 & Mukhidinov N. [Abbas A., Nurtai L., Sahedat G. & Mukhidinov N.]
采自哈纳斯的中国地衣新记录属 [A new record of lichen genus from Kanas, China],
植物分类与资源学报 [Plant Diversity Resources],
37(4): 423-424
[in Chinese with English abstract:] A lichen genus, Placynthiella, new to China is reported from Kanas, and a new record of species to China, P. oligotropha is described in detail. The morphological, anatomical and chemical description of this species were given. Photos of the thallus, apothecia, asci and ascospores were also provided.