Page 5 of 3644 Results 41 - 50 of 36438
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Jørgensen P. M. & Sipman H.J.M. (2007): The lichen Fuscopannaria leucosticta (Tuck.) P. M. Jørg. found in the tropics - Lichenologist, 39(3): 305-307

In a recent treatment of the Pannariceae of Ecuador, Jørgensen & Arvidsson (2004: 131) pointed out the surprising absence of the genus Fuscopannaria in Ecuador, a genus which is rather common, with many species, in the Pacific Northwest of North America (Jørgensen 2001). The authors claim that, on the western side of the Americas, the genus appears to stop north of Mexico, only to reappear in southern Chile and Argentina. While going through his material, the second author discovered two specimens … EndNote Read more... 

Seaward M.R.D. (1980): The use of lichens as bioindicators of ameliorating environments. - In: R. Schubert & J. Schuh (eds.): Bioindikation auf der Ebene der Individuen - Martin-Luther-Universitat, Halle-Wittenberg, pp. 17-23

General article discusses the use of lichens in monitoring improvements in air pollution levels with examples from the British Isles EndNote Read more... 

Demková L., Bobuľská L., Harangozo Ľ. & Árvay J. (2023): Using bio-monitors to determine the mercury air pollution in a former mining area - Engineering Proceedings, 57(1): 28 [7 p.]

Total mercury air pollution was evaluated in the former mining area of Gelnica (Slovakia) using tree bark, mosses (Climacium sp., Pleurosium sp.), and lichen (Pseudevernia sp.). Samples were collected (tree bark) and exposed (moss and lichen bags) on the heaps and near the mines. Additionally, the internal parts of the mines were evaluated. The mercury content in the bio-monitors was evaluated using an AMA-254 analyzer. The results showed significant differences in tree bark mercury content between … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Голубкова Н.С. & Чабаненко С.И. [Golubkova N.S. & Chabanenko S.I.] (1996): Usnea aciculifera Vain. и U. bismolliuscula Zahlbr. - редкие виды во флоре России. Usnea aciculifera Vain. et U. bismolliuscula Zahlbr. - species rarae pro flora Rossiae - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 31: 101-105

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Пірогов М.В. [Pirogov N.V.] (2012): До методики визначення ліхенофільних грибів [Towards the method of lichenicolous fungi determination] - Modern Phytomorphology, 2: 89-90

The role of morphological and anatomical study of lichenicolous fungi has presented in this article, the examples to use of anatomical characters in identification of them are presented too. Key words: lichenicolous fungi, anatomy. EndNote Read more... 

Михайлова И.Н. & Шейдеггер К. [Mikhailova I.N. & Scheidegger C.] (2001): Дополнение к лихенофлоре Урала. Additamenta ad lichenofloram montium Uralensium - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 34[2000]: 166-167

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Гавриленко Л.М. & Ходосовцев O.Є. [Gavrylenko L.M. & Khodosovtsev A.Ye.] (2009): Лишайники та ліхенофільні гриби Бургунської балки (Херсонська область) [Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of theBurguns`ka balka (Khersons`ka oblast)] - Чорноморський ботанічний журнал [Chornomors'k. Bot. Z.], 5(1): 28-36

94 species of lichens and lichenicolous fungi (43 genera, 22 families, 11 orders) are found inBurguns’ka balka raivne in southern Ukraine (Khersons`ka oblast / region). Acrocordia subglobosa (Vězda) Vězda & Poelt, Arthonia lecanorina (Almq.) R. Sant., Athelia arachnoidea(With.) J. R. Laundon, Collema fuscoviridis (With.) J. R. Laundon, Polycoccum marmoratum (Krempelh.) D. Hawksw. are revealed to be new to the steppe zone of Ukraine. 56 species (58,4%)are saxicolous occurring on limestone outcrops, … EndNote Read more... 

Гудовичева А.В. [Gudovicheva A.V.] (2006): Новые для Среднерусской возвышенности виды лишайников [Lichen species new to the Mid-russian uplands] - Ботан. журн. [Bot. Zhurn.], 91(7): 1110-1113

The lichen species Arthonia lapidicola, Dimelaena oreina, Fellhanera bouteillei, Lecanora persimilis and Leptogium tenuissimum are first recorded for the Mid-Russian Uplands. EndNote Read more... 

Messuti M.I. & Archer A.W. (2009): ¿Cuántos taxones pueden incluirse teóricamente en el género Pertusaria? (How many taxa can theoretically be included in Pertusaria?) - Glalia, 2(3): 1-9

The number of taxa within the genus Pertusaria DC. is at present uncertain but, using a combination of the chararcters used for the systematic separation of the taxa such as chemistry, morphology and ascospore number and structure, yields a theorethical number of taxa, close to 1 550, as reflected in this work. EndNote Read more... 

Picquenard C.-A. (1899): ... [Lettre] par M. Malinvaud, énumère les principaux résultats de ses dernières herborisations lichénologiques dans le Finistère - Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 46: 214-215

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