Page 3641 of 3691 Results 36401 - 36410 of 36907
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Шершова Н.В. [Shershova N.V.] (2017): Ліхеноіндикація стану атмосферного повітря в смт Фастів Київської області [Lichen indication of air quality in Fastiv urban settlement, Kiev Region] - Український Ботанічний Журнал [Ukrainian Botanical Journal], 74(5): 435–441

[in Ukrainian with English abstract:] The results of lichen indication studies of the atmospheric air in Fastiv (Kiev Region) are presented. In total, 68 species of lichens have been identified, of which 19 species are indicative. Distribution maps of the indicative species of lichens were produced. Based on the data obtained as a result of calculation of atmospheric purity index (IAP) by Le Blanc & De Sloover, a distribution map of lichen indication zones within the town was prepared. The location … EndNote Read more... 

Пірогов М.В. & Волгін С.О. [Pirogov N.V. & Volgin S.O.] (2008): Ліхеноіндикація якості повітря околиць сірковидобувного комплексу за індексами чистоти атмосфери [Lichen indication of air quality in the outskirts of sulphur mining factory with the help of indexes of atmospheric pollution] - Біологічні студії / Studia Biologica, 2(1): 77-86

During the lichen indication investigation of air quality in the outskirts of the Yavoriv state mining-chemical factory „Sirka" in the Lviv region the mapping of the polluted territory with according to Index of Atmospheric Purity (IAP) and Improved Index of Atmospheric Purity (IAP18) was made. It was discovered 81 species of epiphytic lichens, for which the meanings of the Ecological Index (Qi) are calculated and reported for 28 widespread species. At the investigated territory 4 isotoxic lichen … EndNote Read more... 

Наумович Г.О. & Дармостук В.В. [Naumovych G.O. & Darmostuk V.V.] (2015): Ліхенофільні гриби долини р. Інгулець (Україна) [Lichenicolous fungi of the valley of Ingulets river (Ukraine)] - Чорноморський ботанічний журнал [Chornomorski Botanical Journal], 11(4): 512-520

The data for lichenicolous fungi of the valley of Ingulets river are given. The list of lichenicolous fungi includes 22 species. Among them, Stigmidium xanthoparmeliarum Hafellner is new for Ukraine. This species forms a gray necrotic spots in thallus and characterized by 4-spore asci and colorless 1-septate spores. Seven species are new to the Dnipropetrovsk region, 2 species are new for Kirovograd region and one species is new to the Mykolayiv region. Key words: Stigmidium, lichenicolous … EndNote Read more... 

Пірогов М. [Pirogov N.] (2012): Ліхенофільні гриби Українського Розточчя [Lichenicolous fungi of the Ukrainian Roztochya] - Вісник Львівського університету, Серія біологічна [Visnyk of the Lviv University, Biology series], 59: 73-81

Twenty species of lichenicolous fungi presently known for the Ukrainian Roztochya are given. Lichen-hosts, distribution on the investigate territory and taxonomical notes for these species are presented. The description and illustrations for Stigmidium squamariae (B. de Lesd.) Cl. Roux & Triebel., new species for Ukraine, are given. Keywords: Ukraine, lichenicolous fungi, annotated list, Stigmidium squamariae. EndNote Read more... 

Головенко Є.О. [Holovenko Ie.O.] (2016): Ліхенофлора залізорудних відвалів м. Кривий Ріг [The Lichenflora of Kryvyi Rig iron ore dumps] - Чорноморський ботанічний журнал [Chornomorski Botanical Journal], 12(1): 78-84

This article presents information about lichens of five Kryvyi Rig iron ore dumps. 58 species of lichens from 29 genera and 16 families were found. One species – and Trapelia obtegens (Th. Fr.) Hertel is rare for the champaign area of Ukraine. Most species of lichens are represented epiphytic (21) and saxicolous (20) ecological groups. Also noted 8 soil and 9 habitat generalists. Most often on iron ore dumps are species Candelariella aurella (Hoffm.) Zahlbr., Lecanora dispersa (Pers.) Röhl., … EndNote Read more... 

Полякова А.Н. [Polyakova A.N.] (2006): Макролишайники некоторых ущелий Центральных и Западных Хибин - Вестник Мурманского государственного технического университета [Proceedings of the Murmansk State Technician University], 9(5): 757-761

The taxonomic-ecological analysis of the fruticose and foliaceous lichens of 11 mountain canyons (Khibiny) has been shown in the paper. The comparison of the micro-habitats species diversity has been given as well. [In Russian with English abstract] EndNote Read more... 

Oxner A.N. (1945): Матеpiали для лiхенофлори Урала та прилеглих областей - Bot. Ž. AN URSR, 2(3-4): 217-247

Data on the Lichens of the Ural Area. The list of the Ural area lichens presented in this paper was comp led by theled iby the едйшг from specimens gathered during the exped tion of 1926 in the Molotov and Chelyabinsk regions, and on the basis an analysis of the collections of V. Andreyev and Z. Savkina, B. Gorokov, K. lgoshina, V. Sochava, V. Sukachev, V. Govorukhin, S. Lipshit and L. Tulina 2. In addition, the list includes data gathered from previoi investigators and from the literature. EndNote Read more... 

Громакова А.Б. & Земляченко Ю.В. [Gromakova A.B. & Zemlyachenko Yu.V.] (2011): Материалы к изучению лихенофлоры национального природного парка «Слобожанский» - In: Каразинские естественнонаучные студии. Материалы международной научной конференции 1-4 февраля 2011 г., Харьков [Karazin Natural Science Studies. Materials of the international science conference held on 1-4 February 2011 in Kharkov], p. 101-103

Ukraine; lichenoflorics [in Russian language] EndNote Read more... 

Голубкова Н.С., Соколова С.В. & Титов А.Н. [Golubkova N.S., Sokolova S.V. & Titov A.N.] (1995): Материалы к изучению лихенофлоры Нижне-Свирского заповедника. Мateriis ad examinationem lichenoflorae reservati Svirensis inferioris - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 30: 49-52

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Андреев М.П. [Andreev M.P.] (2001): Материалы к изучению лихенофлоры Пензенской области (лишайники заповедника "Приволжская лесостепь"). МATERIES AD EXAМINATIONEM LICHENOFLORAE PROVINCIAE PENZA (LICHENES RESERVATI «STEPPA SILVATICA VOLGENSIS») - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 34[2000]: 72-82

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Page 3641 of 3691 Results 36401 - 36410 of 36907