Moberg R., Tibell S. & Tibell L. (eds.)
Nordic Lichen Flora 6. Verrucariaceae 1 -
Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University and Naturcentrum AB on behalf on Nordic Lichen Society,
85 pp
Pyrenocarpous lichenized fungi have long been recognized as a major group of lichens. Thus numerous species have been described in Verrucaria since the dawn of lichenology, but not until late 19th century this name come to denote more closely related species, characterized as crustose pyrenocarpous lichens having non-septate as- cospores. Comprehensive revisions of Verrucaria and related genera were published by Vainio (Lichenographia fennica I, 1921) and Zschacke (Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, …