Page 3644 of 3694 Results 36431 - 36440 of 36936
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Liška J. (1988): Československá lichenologická bibliografie I - Bryonora, 1: 10-14

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Soldán Z. (1989): Recenze: Longton R.E., (1988) The biology of polar bryophytes and lichens,391 p - Bryonora, 2: 6-6

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Liška J. (1988): Recenze: Wirth V., Die Flechten Baden-Würtenbergs - Bryonora, 1: 4-4

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Liška J. (1988): Recenze: Lišejníky, mechorosty a kapraďorosty ve fotografii - Bryonora, 1: 4-4

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Vězda A. (1980): Lichenes selecti exsiccati 069: 1701-1725 - Editi ab Instituto Botanico Universitati,

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Vězda A. (1980): Lichenes selecti exsiccati 068: 1676-1700 - Editi ab Instituto Botanico Universitati,

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Mejstřík V. (1999): Lišejníky okolí Padrťských rybníků v Brdech - Bryonora, 24: 22-27

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Palice Z. (1999): Nová lichenologická literatura VIII - Bryonora, 23: 19-23

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Hinds J.W. & Hinds P.L. (2007): The Macrolichens of New England - Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden No. 96. New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, New York, 584 pp

North American lichens recognizing 461 species in 98 genera for the six-state region. Twenty-eight species are reported for the first time for NE, whereas 20 species that have been reported (in the last 50 years) as occurring in NE have been excluded as doubtful." Keys are provided for 502 taxa and include taxa in adjacent areas which may occur. Color photographs are included for most of the taxa along with synonyms, a description with chemistry, range and habitat information and notes. Introductory … EndNote Read more... 

Moberg R., Tibell S. & Tibell L. (eds.) (2017): Nordic Lichen Flora 6. Verrucariaceae 1 - Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University and Naturcentrum AB on behalf on Nordic Lichen Society, 85 pp

Pyrenocarpous lichenized fungi have long been recognized as a major group of lichens. Thus numerous species have been described in Verrucaria since the dawn of lichenology, but not until late 19th century this name come to denote more closely related species, characterized as crustose pyrenocarpous lichens having non-septate as- cospores. Comprehensive revisions of Verrucaria and related genera were published by Vainio (Lichenographia fennica I, 1921) and Zschacke (Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, … EndNote Read more... 

Page 3644 of 3694 Results 36431 - 36440 of 36936