Page 3578 of 3770 Results 35771 - 35780 of 37696
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Ohmura Y. & Kashiwadani H. (2018): Checklist of lichens and allied fungi of Japan, National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs [Tokyo], 49: 1–140

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Aptroot A., dos Santos L.A., Fraga Junior C.A.V. & Cáceres M.E.S. (2023): Ramalea and the new genus Appressodiscus belong in the Ramalinaceae, Bryologist, 126(3): 360–366

A species of the genus Ramalea, R. coilophylla, was recollected at the type locality and an additional large population was found in another state, Espı´rito Santo, in Brazil. This enabled a morphological study showing that the podetia arise from the margins of primary squamules. Sequencing showed the species and, because it is very similar to the type species, the genus, which was lastly cited as incertae sedis, to belong to the Ramalinaceae. A new species from the Amazon was also shown to … URL EN Read more... 

Yakovchenko L.S., Davydov E.A. & Ryzhkova P.Yu. (2023): The genus Placolecis (Catillariaceae, Lichenized Ascomycota) in Russia, Turczaninowia, 26(2): 128–139

A review of the lichen genus Placolecis in Russia is presented. Localities in the Primorye Territory of Placolecis loekoesiana, a new to Russia species, and P. opaca, a new to the Russian Far East species, are reported. ForP. opaca, this is a second locality in Russia after Trans-Baikal Territory (South Siberia). Placolecis loekoesiana was previ-ously known exclusively from the “locus classicus” in South Korea. New localities in South Korea are also reported. The description … URL EN Read more... 

Lamacraft D. & Chambers S.P. (2023): Lichen survey of three coastal SSSIs on the Llŷn Peninsula, Gwynedd, Natural Resources Wales Evidence Report, 675(1): 1-79

Work was completed by a combination of site survey in the autumn-winter 2022 and collation of records made by the author in recent years. 151 taxa of lichens and lichenicolous fungi were recorded on all three SSSIs: 115 in Glannau Aberdaron, 53 in Mynydd Penarfynydd and 89 in Porth Ceiriad (see Appendix 1). 51 of these are notable including: • Heterodermia leucomelos; extensive population in Glannau Aberdaron SSSI. • Caloplaca aractina; one of only three British localities outside of the Lizard, … EN Read more... 

Lisická E., Pišút I. & Kliment J. (2008): Lišajníky (Lichens). In: Kliment J., Lisická E., Šoltés R., Bernátová D., Dítě D., Janišová M., Jarolímek I., Kochjarová J., Kubinská A., Kučera P., Mišíková K., Obuch J., Pišút I., Topercer J., Uhlířová J. & Zaliberová M. (2008): Príroda Veľkej Fatry. Lišajníky, machorasty, cievnaté rastliny, Vydavateľstvo Univerzity Komenského, Bratislava, 408 pp

An annotated checklist of lichens recorded from the National Park Velká Fatra is presented. For each taxon the following information is provided: vernacular name, IUCN category of threat and rareness within Slovakia, legal protection status, presence in the Red book of threatened and rare species of the Slovak and Czech Republics, synonyms), substrate/habitat preferences, localities, unpublished herbarium data and references. In Velká Fatra Mts 406 species of lichens (ca one quarter of all species … EN Read more... 

Pišút I. (2008): Nachträge zur Kenntnis der Flechten der Slowakei 20, Acta Rerum Naturalium Musei Nationalis Slovaci / Zborník Slovenského Národného Múzea, Prírodné Vedy, 54: 29-32

Addition to the knowledge of lichens of Slovakia. Publication of further noteworthy lichen findings from Slovakia is continued. Slovakia, lichens Die Veröffentlichung weiterer Funde interessanterer Flechtenarten aus der Slowakei wird fortgesetzt (siehe PIŠÚT 2006). Alle Belege sind vom Verfasser gesammelt worden und im Slowakischen Nationalmuseum (BRA) oder im Botanischen Institut der Slowa- kischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (SAV) in Bratislava aufbewahrt URL EN Read more... 

Tokgoz E., Emsen B. & Dogan M. (2023): Allelopathic effects of some lichens on growth and antioxidant activities of in vitro propagated Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst, Journal of Taibah University for Science, 17(1): 2229595 [10 p.]

The effects of Dermatocarpon miniatum and Parmelia saxatilis lichens on growth, total phenolic, total flavonoid contents and antioxidant potentials of in vitro medicinal plant Bacopa monnieri were investigated. B. monnieri was treated with different concentrations of methanolic and aqueous extracts of D. miniatum and P. saxatilis lichens. Total phenolic, total flavonoid contents and antioxidant activities of B. monnieri that showed the best growth with lichen application and control plant were … URL EN Read more... 

Park J.S., Kwag Y.-N., Han S.-K. & Oh S.-O. (2023): Two new species of the family Acarosporaceae from South Korea, Mycobiology, 51(4): 216–229

Acarosporaceae is a crustose lichen and is known as a species that has more than 50 multispores, and has hyaline spores. Those taxa are often found in rock and soil in mountain areas or coastal regions in Korea, and very diverse forms and species are known. However, after an overall genetic phylogenetic analysis of carbonized ascomata in 2015, species consisting only of the morphological base are newly divided, and several species of Acarosporaceae in Korea are also being discovered in this … URL EN Read more... 

Aartsma P., Odland A., Reinhardt S. & Renssen H. (2023): Drivers of soil temperature variation in alpine lichen heaths and shrub vegetation during the summer, Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 55(1): 2209397 [13 p.]

Lichen heaths are decreasing in abundance in alpine and Arctic areas because of an increased competition with shrubs. This shift in vegetation might have important consequences for the soil temperature. The aim of this study is to find the drivers of the variation in soil temperature below lichen heaths and shrubs. Moreover, we want to gain more insight in the variability of the soil temperature below lichen heaths. We measured the soil temperature in thirty lichen plots and fifteen shrub plots … URL EN Read more... 

Melie T., Pirro S., Miller A.N., Smith S.D., Schutz K.S. & Quandt C.A. (2023): Comparative genomics and phylogenomic investigation of the class Geoglossomycetes provide insights into ecological specialization and the systematics of Pezizomycotina, Mycologia, 115(4): 499‒512

Despite their global presence and ubiquity, members of the class Geoglossomycetes (Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota) are understudied systematically and ecologically. These fungi have long been presumed saprobic due to their occurrence in or near leaf litter and soils. Additionally, they lack an apparent association with other organisms, reinforcing this perception. However, observations of sporocarps near ericaceous shrubs have given rise to an alternative hypothesis that members of Geoglossomycetes … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3578 of 3770 Results 35771 - 35780 of 37696