Page 1 of 3733 Results 1 - 10 of 37321
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Zeller L., Baumann C., Gonin P., Heidrich L., Keye C., Konrad F., Larrieu L., Meyer P., Sennhenn-Reulen H., Müller J., Schall P. & Ammer C. (2022): Index of biodiversity potential (IBP) versus direct species monitoring in temperate forests, Ecological Indicators, 136: 108692

Effects of forest management on forest biodiversity have received increasing attention in both research and forestry practice. Despite advances in technology, monitoring of biodiversity remains time and cost-intensive and requires specific taxonomic expertise. In forest management, however, there is increasing interest and need to integrate biodiversity monitoring into forest inventories efficiently to estimate the potential effects of forest management on biodiversity. Forest management systems … URL EN Read more... 

Wang Z., Wu B., Zhang M., Zeng H., Yang L., Tian F., Ma Z. & Wu H. (2022): Indices enhance biological soil crust mapping in sandy and desert lands, Remote Sensing of Environment, 278: 113078

Biological soil crusts (BSCs) covering drylands worldwide are an important functional vegetation unit and play an important role in the carbon and nitrogen cycling of dryland ecosystems. However, there is a lack of accurate data on the spatial distribution and change of BSCs. Here, two indices were developed to enhance BSC mapping, including the sandy land ratio crust index (SRCI) for sandy land with moss-dominated BSCs and the desert ratio crust index (DRCI) for desert with lichen-dominated BSCs. … URL EN Read more... 

Vitoria N.S., Fortes N., Araújo Lima dos Santos M., Gomes E., Secunda E., Cáceres M., Aptroot A. & Bezerra J. (2022): Guia Ilustrado de Ascomycota, Raso da Catarina -Bahia - Volume I, ,

Ascomycota é o maior filo do Reino Fungi com mais de 83 mil espécies e cerca de 66 mil gêneros. O nome Ascomycota tem origem nas palavras gregas askos (garrafa de couro, saco ou bexiga) e mykes (fungo). Esta é a principal característica do grupo: ascósporos produzidos no interior de estruturas saculiformes, os ascos, que na maioria são formados em ascomas. Os ascos se formam a partir de hifas ascógenas, podendo ser agrupados em quatro tipos básicos: prototunicados, unitunicados operculados, … URL EN Read more... 

Timans H. (2022): Grote diversiteit korstmossen in de Hortus Botanicus te Leiden, Buxbaumiella, 124: 1-6_x000D_

High lichen diversity in Hortus Botanicus Leiden The Hortus Botanicus Leiden is the oldest botanical garden in Western-Europe. Its lichen flora, however, had never been documented. A lichen survey, made during several visits in spring 2021, filled that gap. In total, 111 lichen species were documented, 19 of which are listed as ‘rare’ or ‘very rare’ on the Dutch Red List. Two species are completely new to the province of Zuid-Holland. Due to a great variety of microhabitats and substrates, … EN Read more... 

Risener C., Woo S., Samarakoon T., Caputo M., Edwards E., Zandi K., Goh S.L., Downs‐Bowen J., Schinazi R. & Quave C. (2022): Identification of Botanical Viral Entry Inhibitors for SARS‐CoV‐2, The FASEB Journal, 36

The examination of biodiversity across the world has historically been a critical part of drug development and led to the discovery of common medications for many medical issues including pain management, cancer, heart disease, and infections. During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the use of natural supplements in the United States has increased. The efficacy of these natural products to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection and the safety of their use remains unexplored; therefore, more research must be done to … URL EN Read more... 

Corcoran M.C., Diefendorf A.F., Lowell T.V., Hall B.L., Spoth M.M., Schartman A. & Brickle P. (2022): Hydrogen and carbon isotope fractionation in modern plant wax n-alkanes from the Falkland Islands, Organic Geochemistry, 166: 104404

The hydrogen isotopic composition of terrestrial plant waxes (δ2Hwax) is widely used to reconstruct past hydroclimate. δ2Hwax values reflect plant source water or precipitation δ2H (δ2Hprecip) values, and when extracted from sediment archives, records of past δ2Hprecip values can be generated. In order to better interpret these δ2Hwax records, modern calibrations between plant waxes and source water are required when vegetation and location diverge from plant calibrations in other regions. … URL EN Read more... 

Sparrius L.B. (2022): How lichens survived reinforcement of the sea dike Delfzijl-Eemshaven [Hoe de korstmossen de dijkverzwaring Delfzijl-Eemshaven overleefden], Buxbaumiella, 123: 44-50

Reinforcement of sea dikes is the main factor causing a decline in coastal saxicolous lichens. Between 2016 en 2019, the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society lobbied for the conservation of coastal lichen habitat on a sea dike in the Northeast of the Netherlands. As a result, granite rock surface survived the renovation and lichens remained virtually untouched URL EN Read more... 

Marstaller R. (2011): Die Moosgesellschaften des geplanten Naturschutzgebietes „Kielforst“ bei Hörschel (Wartburgkreis, Eisenach). 137. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens, Hercynia, 44: 93–126

phytosociology; lichens included in sociological relevés URL EN Read more... 

Marstaller R. (1983): Zur Soziologie von Dicranum tauricum Sap. 10. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens , Hercynia, 20: 89–98

phytosociology; lichens included in sociological relevés URL EN Read more... 

Marstaller R. (1991): Bryosoziologische Untersuchungen in den Naturschutzgebieten "Großer Hörseiberg und Huhrodt" sowie "Kleiner Hörselberg" bei Eisenach. 52. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens, Hercynia, 28: 72–102

phytosociology, several lichens included in sociological relevés URL EN Read more... 

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