Page 3576 of 3717 Results 35751 - 35760 of 37163
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Gill H., Sorensen J.L. & Collemare J. (2023): Lichen fungal secondary metabolites: Progress in the genomic era toward ecological roles in the interaction, In: Scott B. & Mesarich C. (eds), Plant Relationships, The Mycota 5, p. 185–208, Springer, Cham

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Curtis T., Waters D.P. & Lendemer J.C. (2023): Bilimbia fuscoviridis (≡ Bacidia fuscoviridis), another overlooked sorediate crustose lichen widely distributed in temperate eastern North America, Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 150(3): 385–397

Bilimbia fuscoviridis (≡ Bacidia fuscoviridis) is newly reported from North America where it is shown to be widespread in the temperate eastern United States and adjacent Canada, frequently occurring on shaded calcareous rocks and siliceous rocks in humid habitats near waterways. A detailed description on the basis of North American material is provided, the distribution is mapped, and color photographs are provided. The species is likely common but overlooked because of its inconspicuous appearance … URL EN Read more... 

Shi K., Jia Z. & Zhao X. (2023): A new species and two new records of the lichen genus Fissurina from China, Diversity, 15(9): 959 [13 p.]

The lichenized fungal genus Fissurina with mostly slit-like lirellae, belongs to Graphidaceae and is mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. A total of 17 Fissurina species have been reported from China. During a survey of the lichen diversity of southern China, a new species Fissurina wuyinensis K.J. Shi, Z.F. Jia and X. Zhao, sp. nov. was found, which is characterized by a corticolous thallus without detected secondary substances, uncarbonized lirellae, and an exposed disc with … URL EN Read more... 

Fernández-Pastor I., González-Menéndez V., Martínez Andrade K., Serrano R., Mackenzie T.A., Benítez G., Casares-Porcel M., Genilloud O. & Reyes F. (2023): Xerophytic lichens from gypsiferous outcrops of arid areas of Andalusia as a source of anti-phytopathogenic depsides, Journal of Fungi, 9(9): 887 [13 p.]

In a survey to evaluate the potential of lichens associated with gypsum areas as sources of new antifungal metabolites, six species of lichens were collected in the gypsum outcrops of the Sorbas Desert (Diploschistes ocellatus and Seirophora lacunosa) and the Tabernas Desert (Cladonia foliacea, Acarospora placodiformis, Squamarina lentigera and Xanthoparmelia pokornyi) in southern Spain. Raw lichen acetone extracts were tested against a panel of seven phytopathogenic fungi, including Botrytis cinerea, … URL EN Read more... 

Malíček J. (2023): Lišejníky NPR Velká Pleš na Křivoklátsku [Lichens of Velká Pleš National Nature Reserve (Křivoklát region)], Bryonora, 71: 1–27

Velká Pleš National Nature Reserve (94.8 ha; alt. 248–500 m) belongs to the most valuable localities in the Křivoklátsko Protected Landscape Area. It is covered mainly by natural beech, oak and ravine forests up to ±150 years old, but the highest biodiversity is concentrated in local xerothermic steppe grasslands with andesite outcrops and in the surrounding parkland with a high tree diversity and wild mouflon grazing. In a survey between 2021 and 2023, a total of 290 lichen species, 7 lichenicolous … URL EN Read more... 

Bouda F., Ghlimová H., Hlisnikovský D., Jerhot Š., Syrovátková L., Uhlík P. & Malíček J. (2023): Lišejníky zaznamenané během 34. bryologicko-lichenologických dní na Drahanské vrchovině [Lichens recorded during the 34th Bryological and Lichenological Days in the Drahanská vrchovina Highlands], Bryonora, 71: 42–53

This contribution presents records of 172 lichenised fungi observed during a number of excursions to the Drahanská vrchovina Highlands, including Moravský kras (Moravian Karst) in Moravia. We studied mostly limestone localities and rock substrates. The area is rich in several species absent or very rare elsewhere in the Czech Republic, such as Caloplaca fiumana, C. xantholyta and Lecanora rouxii. The oceanic species Gyalecta nidarosiensis is reported here for the first time in the Czech Republic. … URL EN Read more... 

Palice Z. (2023): Česká a slovenská lichenologická bibliografie XXXV [Czech and Slovak lichenological bibliography, XXXV], Bryonora, 71: 58–62

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Šoun J., Svoboda D. & Kovář P. (2023): Jiří Liška – 70, Bryonora, 71: 70–71

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Malíček J. (2023): Aleš Müller oslavil sedmdesát!, Bryonora, 71: 71–72

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Torres J.M., Torres V.O., Rodrigues A.S., Gianini A.S., Micheletti A.C., Honda N.K., Spielmann A.A. & Lorenz A.P. (2023): Lineages of the lichen‑forming fungus Stereocaulon alpinum and their photobionts in southern South America and maritime Antarctica, Polar Biology, 46: 865–879

Stereocaulon alpinum is a lichenized fungus commonly found in the Antarctic, circumarctic, alpine, and in mountainous areas of temperate regions. It forms a tripartite lichen symbiosis together with trebouxioid green microalgae, as its primary photobiont, and cyanobacteria of the genus Nostoc inside delimited cephalodia. Previous DNA-based analyses revealed two lineages for this fungus. This research discusses the morphological and chemical circumscription of S. alpinum and its geographic distribution … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3576 of 3717 Results 35751 - 35760 of 37163