Page 8 of 3644 Results 71 - 80 of 36439
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Яцына А.П. [Yatsyna A.P.] (2021): Лишайники и родственные им грибы заказника «Свислочско-Березинский» (Беларусь) [Lichens and related fungi of the reserve “Svislochsko-Berezinsky” (Belarus)] - Новости систематики низших растений [Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii] / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 55(1): 215–227

[in Russian with English abstract: ] Based on studies of the Svislochsko-Berezinsky Reserve (Belarus) carried out mainly in 2016–2020 in 27 locations, an annotated list of the lichen flora is provided. Altogether 203 species are recorded for the nature reserve, including 193 species of lichens and 10 non-lichenized saprobic fungi. Fellhanera viridisorediata and Micarea tomentosa are published for the first time for Belarus, and 43 other species are new for the Mogilev Region. Moreover, 34 indicator … EndNote Read more... 

Яцына А.П. [Yatsyna A.P.] (2013): Лишайники усадебных парков центральной части Минской области (Беларусь). The lichens of manor parks in the central part of Minsk Region (Belarus) - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 47: 302–309

As a result of the survey of lichen biota in 11 manor parks situated in the central part of the Minsk Region, 115 species were identified. Lecania erysibe (Ach.) Mudd, L. sylvestris (Arnold) Arnold and Xanthoria ulophyllodes Rasanen were recorded for the first time for Belarus. Altogether 19 species of rare in Belarus were found in the parks. Keywords: lichens, manor parks, new records, Minsk Region, Belarus. EndNote Read more... 

Яцына А.П. [Yatsyna A.P.] (2016): Обзор лишайников родов Chaenotheca и Sclerophora (Coniocybaceae) в Беларуси. I [A review of the lichen genera Chaenotheca and Sclerophora (Coniocybaceae) in Belarus. I] - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 50: 257–267

The paper presents data on 11 lichen species of the genera Chaenotheca and Sclerophora in Belarus. A new locality of Chaenotheca cinerea has been discovered; until now the species was known in Belarus from the only record published in 1830. New localities of protected lichens C. chlorella and C. gracilenta are found. Data on localities, habitats and substrates of all species are provided. It is established, that C. chlorella, C. chrysocephala, C. gracilenta, C. phaeocephala, Sclerophora farinacea, … EndNote Read more... 

Яцына А.П. [Yatsyna A.P.] (2017): Лихенобиота спелых еловых насаждений двух особо охраняемых природных территорий Витебской области [Lichen biota of mature spruce forests of two protected areas of Vitebsk Region] - Веснік Віцебскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта [Bulletin of the Vitebsk State University], 2017/3: 74–79

[In Russian with the following English summary:] Despite the large number of studies devoted to the analysis of the genesis and geography of spruce forests, species diversity of lichens of mature spruce forests still has not been the subject of a special study. The purpose of the research is to conduct taxonomic and ecological studies of lichen of mature spruce forests of Vitebsk Region, on the example 2 of protected areas: National Park «Braslav Lakes» and Reserve «Krasny Bor». Material and … URL EndNote Read more... 

Яцына А.П. [Yatsyna A.P.] (2018): Лишайники и близкородственные грибы заказника «Красный Бор» [Lichens and Closely Related Fungi of the Reserve «Krasny Bor»] - Веснік Віцебскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта [Bulletin of the Vitebsk State University], 2018/1: 81–89

[in Russian with the following English summary: ] Despite a large number of studies devoted to the study of the biological diversity of lichens and closely related fungi of Belarusian protected areas Lichenbiota of the reserve «Krasny Bor» was not the subject of a special study. The purpose of the article is to carry out taxonomic and ecological studies of the biological diversity of lichens and closely related fungi of the reserve «Krasny Bor». Material and methods. The work is based on … EndNote Read more... 

Яцына А.П. [Yatsyna A.P.] (2013): Лишайники усадебных парков северо-западной части Минской области [Lichens of Manor Parks of North-Western Part of Minsk Region] - Веснік Віцебскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта [Bulletin of the Vitebsk State University], 2013/5: 58–64

[in Russian with the following English summary: ] As a result of an inventory of lichen at six manor parks of north-western part of Minsk region 91 species of lichens belonging to 48 genera was found. The largest number of species of lichens is observed in parks of Luban and Berezinskoye – 62 species in each, in the park of Ostyukovichi – 59 in Vazan – 56, in Yahimovschina – 53 in Lukovets – 51. At manor parks 12 indicator species were recorded. Caloplaca lichen is tedindic for the first … EndNote Read more... 

Яцына A.П., Чесноков С.В., Конорева Л.А. & Голубков В.В. [Yatsyna A.P., Chesnokov S.V., Konoreva L.A. & Golubkov V.V.] (2023): Ревизия лишайников рода Micarea (Pilocarpaceae) в Беларуси, c ключом для определения видов [A revision of the lichen genus Micarea (Pilocarpaceae) in Belarus, with a key to the species] - Новости систематики низших растений [Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii] / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 57(1): 107–122

[in Russian with English abstract: ] As a result of the revision of the herbarium material stored at the V. F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (MSK), 17 lichen species from the genus Micarea have been identified for Belarus, of which six are reported for the first time for the republic: M. byssacea, M. microareolata, M. nowakii, M. pusilla, M. pseudomicrococca, and M. soralifera. In addition, four other species are known for Belarus according … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Яковченко Л.С., Желудева Е.В., Омура Й. & Давыдов Е.А. [Yakovchenko L.S., Zheludeva E.V., Ohmura Y. & Davydov E.A.] (2018): Lecanora somervellii – новый для России вид лишайника из Магаданской области [Lecanora somervellii – new lichen for Russia from Magadan Region] - Turczaninowia, 21(4): 35–39

The description and locality of the new to North Asia and Russia lichen species Lecanora somervellii Paulson found in Magadan Region are reported. The species is characterized by its effigurate, citrine-yellow thallus (due to the production of calycin and usnic acid), and convex apothecia with soon disappearing thalline margin and 8-spored asci. The species was previously known from Himalaya Mountains and Tibet. Keywords: Asia, biogeography, calycin, Himalaya, Lecanoraceae, Lecanora polytropa … EndNote Read more... 

Яковченко Л.С., Галанина И.А., Малашкина Е.В. & Бакалин В.А. [Yakovchenko L.S., Galanina I.A., Malashkina E.V. & Bakalin V.A.] (2013): Мохообразные и лишайники малонарушенных лесных сообществ в Нижнем Приамурье (российский Дальний Восток) [Mosses and lichens in the minimally disturbed forest communities of the Lower Amur River area (Russian Far East)] - Комаровские чтения [Komarovskie chteniya / V.L. Komarov Memorial Lectures], 60: 9–68

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Яковченко Л.С. [Yakovchenko L.S.] (2009): Лишайники Сохондинского биосферного заповедника [Lichens of the Sokhondinskiy Biosphere Reserve] - Комаровские чтения [Komarovskie chteniya / V.L. Komarov Memorial Lectures], 56: 120–151

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