Page 3647 of 3772 Results 36461 - 36470 of 37716
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Aptroot A. & Wirth V. (2006): A saxicolous Arthothelium from the Namib desert, Lichenologist, 38(2): 123-126

Arthothelium desertorum sp. nov. (Namibia) on rocks., Arthothelium, Namibia, Africa, New Taxa, Saxicolous EN Read more... 

Aptroot A. & Weerakoon G. (2018): Three new species and ten new records of Trypetheliaceae (Ascomycota) from Sri Lanka, Cryptogamie, Mycologie, 39(3): 373–377

The following three new species of Trypetheliaceae are described from Sri Lanka: Astrothelium inspersoconicum, A. isohypocrellinum, and Polymeridium fernandoi. Ten species are newly recorded from Sri Lanka: Astrothelium flavoduplex, A. galligenum, A. scoria, A. straminicolor, Constrictolumina planorbis, C. porospora, Dictyomeridium proponens, Marcelaria cumingii, Polymeridium jordanii, and Pseudopyrenula media. Keywords: Astrothelium / Constrictolumina / corticolous / Dictyomeridium / lichens / … EN Read more... 

Aptroot A. & van Vliet K. (1990): Tabel tot de meest algemene steenbewonede korstmossen in Nederland, Buxbaumiella, 23: 25-29

Key to a couple of dozen genera and species. EN Read more... 

Aptroot A. & van Tooren B. (1995): Verslag van de excursie naar het Hulshorsterzand, 25 maart 1995, Buxbaumiella, 37: 59–62

Netherlands; Report on an excursion. EN Read more... 

Aptroot A. & van Herk K. (1999): De lichenologische excursie naar IJsselmeerdiaken in Noord-Holland The lichenological excursion to IJsselmeer dykes in North Holland, Buxbaumiella, 49: 27-31

New to the Netherlands: Acrocordia macrospora. EN Read more... 

Aptroot A. & van Herk K. (1999): Korstmossen in Limburg, vooraaarsweekend 1998 Lichens in Limburg, spring field meeting 1998, Buxbaumiella, 49: 14-26

New to The Netherlands: Caloplaca crenulatella, Cladonia peziziformis, Lecidella anomaloides, Micarea excipulata, Placynthiella dasaea, Thelocarpon sphaerosporum. EN Read more... 

Aptroot A. & van Herk K. (1999): Xanthoria ulophyllodes, een nieuw macrolicheen voor Nederland Xanthoria ulophyllodes, a macrolichen new to the Netherlands, Buxbaumiella, 48: 45-46

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Aptroot A. & van Herk K. (2001): Veranderingen in de korstmosflora van de Nederlandse heiden en stuifzanden [Changes in the lichen flora of Dutch heathlands and inland dune areas], De Levende Natuur, 102(4): 150–155

popular paper; [in Dutch with English summary: ] In Dutch heathlands and inland dune areas terricolous lichens constitute a large part of the botanical biodiversity. In the still existing inland dunes this diversity is largeiy intact. This also holds for smal! areas of drifting sand in heathlands. In heathlands with a continuous, thick organic layer and in flat heathlands without any terrain variation only a few common species remain. In former times such heathlands were relatively rich. … EN Read more... 

Aptroot A. & van Herk K. (2005): Herstel van korstmossen op de heide [Recovery of the lichens in heathlands], De Levende Natuur, 106(5): 232–234

popular paper; [in Dutch with English summary: ] Terricolous lichens are a characteristic element of Atlantic heathlands. The abundance of species with a predominantly boreo-alpine distribution in Dutch heathlands indicates the affinity with more boreal vegetation types. The lichen diversity is generally highest in small, often accidented sandy enclaves. Attempts to recover the lichen diversity in heathlands which have become depauperate are evaluated. Stripping of the top soil often has … EN Read more... 

Aptroot A. & van Herk C.M. (2008): Nieuwe lichenen voor de Nederlandse flora uit het oude herbariummateriaal , Buxbaumiella, 81: 7-14

New lichens to the Dutch flora from old herbarium collections. A revision of old herbarium collections in the National Herbarium Nederland (Leiden) revealed 19 new lichen species to the Netherlands including conspicuous macrolichens correctly identified in the 19th century but not accepted by later authors, such as Ochrolechia tartarea and Peltigera aphthosa. EN Read more... 

Page 3647 of 3772 Results 36461 - 36470 of 37716