Mapping of lichen biomarkers of atmospheric pollution in the Agadir urban area
- Author:
- Aadaj J., Tabit A., Algouti A., El Myr A., Elhamdi S.B., Tabet C.B., Lakhlili M., Oudour K., Nidsaid Z. & Laadimi Y.
- Year:
- 2023
- Journal:
- Proceeding Book of 3rd International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research ICSAR 2023
- Pages:
- 1(7): 489-493
- Url:
Air pollution refers to a combination of gases and suspended particles present in the atmosphere, whose concentration levels vary depending on emissions and weather conditions. These substances are harmful to human health and the environment. Analyzing air pollution is a key to assess the level of the pollution in an area. Commonly, the spatial distribution of some plants serves as bio-indictorfor air pollution monitoring. Citing for example, lichens, are autotrophic and symbiotic living organisms composed of a beneficial association between an alga and a fungus, as well as "Nicotianaglauca" tobacco plants.
- Id:
- 36474
- Submitter:
- jph
- Post_time:
- Tuesday, 14 May 2024 16:53