Page 3543 of 3644 Results 35421 - 35430 of 36438
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Zukal H. (1893): Mykologische Mittheilungen - Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift, 43: 160-166, 211-215, 241-247, 277-281 & 310-314 [+ Tafs. XI, XII]

Thelocarpaceae; p. 246, an algicolous fungus Cyanocephalium murorum gen. et spec. nov. attributed to the same family like Thelocarpon EndNote Read more... 

Zukal H. (1896): Morphologische und biologische Untersuchungen über die Flechten (III. Abhandlung) - Sitzungsberichte Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Abt. I, 105(3): 197-264

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Zukal H. (1895): Morphologische und biologische Untersuchungen über die Flechten (I. Abhandlung) - Sitzungsberichte Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Abt. I, 104(6): 529-574 [+ Tafs. I.-III.]

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Zukal H. (1895): Morphologische und biologische Untersuchungen über die Flechten (II. Abhandlung) - Sitzungsberichte Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Abt. I, 104(10): 1303-1395

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Zukal H. (1891): Halbflechten - Flora (Marburg), 74: 92-107 [Taf. III]

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Zulfiqar R. & Khalid A.N. (2023): A novel saxicolous species of Circinaria (Megasporaceae, Ascomycota) from Pakistan - Plant Systematics and Evolution , 309: 21 [6 p.]

During a lichen survey of different localities of Pakistan, a novel taxon in genus Circinaria was collected and identified as C. thorstenii. The key characters of C. thorstenii are rimose–areolate thallus surface, absence of lobes, presence of pseudocyphellae, taller hypothecium (35–80 μm), larger ascospores (20–40 × 15–28 μm) and the absence of secondary metabolites. The new species is described and illustrated here, based on morpho-anatomical characters and multigene (ITS, mtSSU, nuLSU) … URL EndNote Read more... 

Zulfiqar R., Asghar H.S. & Khalid A.N. (2023): New species of genus Oxneriaria S.Y.Kondr. & Lőkös (lichenized Ascomycota, Megasporaceae) from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Cryptogamie, Mycologie, 44(8): 109–116

Oxneriaria immersa H.S.Asghar, R.Zulfiqar & Khalid, sp. nov. and O. insignis R.Zulfiqar & Khalid, sp. nov. (Megasporaceae) are described here as new to science, both characterized by their elongating/spreading marginal areoles. The distinguishing features of O. immersa H.S.Asghar, R.Zulfiqar & Khalid, sp. nov. are poriform-aspicilioid apothecial discs, a smaller hymenium and hypothecium (90-100 and 50-70 µm, respectively) and larger ascospores (20-25×10-15 µm). The key characters of O. insignis … URL EndNote Read more... 

Zulfiqar R., Ashraf A., Hayat S., Fatima S., Naseer A. & Khalid A. (2022): New Records of Saxicolous Lichens from Pakistan - Biology Bulletin, 49 (Suppl. 2): S79–S85

Two saxicolous species viz., Bagliettoa calciseda and Diploschistes actinostomus are reported as new to country. Among which, Bagliettoa calciseda also makes a new generic record for Pakistan. Complete morpho-anatomical descriptions along with ecology, distribution and ITS-based phylogenetic analyses are also discussed. Tirah Valley, Kallar Kahar, Margalla Hills, phylogeny, taxonomy, ascomycota, diploschistes, graphidaceae, Life Sciences & Biomedicine - Other Topics URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Zulfiqar R., Habib K., Mayrhofer H. & Khalid A.N. (2022): A new species of the genus Rinodina (lichenized Ascomycota, Physciaceae) from Pakistan - Bryologist, 125(3): 418–423

Specimens of a species belonging to the genus Rinodina were collected during a lichen diversity study in district Kohistan, Pakistan. Both morphology and ITS sequence data confirm its position within the genus Rinodina and suggest it is distinct from other known species of the genus. The new taxon, described here as Rinodina iqbalii, is characterized by the absence of a prothallus; small apothecial discs up to 0.6 mm in diameter; and small, Milvina–type ascospores, (12.0–)16.0–18.5(–20.0) … URL EndNote Read more... 

Zulfiqar R., Razzaq F., Afshan N., Fayyaz I., Habib K., Khalid A.N. & Paukov A.G. (2022): Three new species of Lobothallia (Megasporaceae, Pertusariales, Ascomycota) from Pakistan and a new combination in the genus - Mycological Progress, 21: 80 [12 p.]

Three new species Lobothallia elobulata, L. iqbalii, and L. pakistanica from Pakistan are described as new to science and illustrated. Lobothallia elobulata is characterized by the absence of lobes, the presence of a distinct black hypothallus, and small, almost sphaeric ascospores 9–12 × 5–8 μm. Lobothallia iqbalii is characterized by its crustose–placodioid thallus with large appressed apothecia, single on areole, a high hymenium, 100–150 μm tall, and absence of prothallus and secondary … URL EndNote Read more... 

Page 3543 of 3644 Results 35421 - 35430 of 36438