Adams L.G., Farnell R., Oakley M.P., Jung T.S., Larocque L.L., Lortie G.M., Mclelland J., Reid M.E., Roffler G.H. & Russell D.E.
Evaluation of maternal penning to improve calf survival in the Chisana Caribou Herd,
Wildlife Monographs,
204: 5–46
Key words: Alaska, body mass, calf mortality, caribou, maternal penning, natality, population dynamics, population recovery, predation, Rangifer tarandus, sex ratio, survival, Yukon.
[p. 14:] "Animal care and monitoring during captivity.—We provided
caribou ad libitum a commercial pelleted ration formulated
specifically for caribou (Barboza and Parker 2006, Thompson
and Barboza 2014; ¯x = 2.9 kg dry/adult caribou/day) and
terrestrial lichens ( ¯x = 0.5 kg dry/adult caribou/day) in
plywood …