Page 15 of 3770 Results 141 - 150 of 37696
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Adams L.G., Farnell R., Oakley M.P., Jung T.S., Larocque L.L., Lortie G.M., Mclelland J., Reid M.E., Roffler G.H. & Russell D.E. (2019): Evaluation of maternal penning to improve calf survival in the Chisana Caribou Herd, Wildlife Monographs, 204: 5–46

Key words: Alaska, body mass, calf mortality, caribou, maternal penning, natality, population dynamics, population recovery, predation, Rangifer tarandus, sex ratio, survival, Yukon. [p. 14:] "Animal care and monitoring during captivity.—We provided caribou ad libitum a commercial pelleted ration formulated specifically for caribou (Barboza and Parker 2006, Thompson and Barboza 2014; ¯x = 2.9 kg dry/adult caribou/day) and terrestrial lichens ( ¯x = 0.5 kg dry/adult caribou/day) in plywood … EN Read more... 

Adams M.D. & Zaniewski K. (2012): Effects of recreational rock climbing and environmental variation on a sandstone cliff-face lichen community, Botany, 90: 253-259

Lichen community composition was evaluated for both lichen cover and richness on a cliff face commonly used for recreational rock climbing. The sandstone outcrop is located on the Sibley Peninsula, which extends from the north shore of Lake Superior. One-hundred and twenty plots were examined. Each plot was 1 m2 in size, with 60 plots located on unclimbed cliff sections and 60 more located where recreational rock climbing regularly occurs. Lichen richness and cover were significantly lower on … EN Read more... 

Adams W.W. III, Demmig-Adams B. & Lange O.L. (1993): Carotenoid composition and metabolism in green and blue-green algal lichens in the field, Oecologia, 94(4): 576-584

Thirty-three species of green algal lichens and five species with blue-green algae were studied and compared to the leaves of higher plants EN Read more... 

Adamska E. (2010): Biota of lichens on the Zadroże Dune and its immediate surroundings, Ecological Questions, 12: 51–58

The present paper aims at describing the biota of lichens of the Zadroże Dune and its adjacent area in Toruń. The research on lichens was conducted during the years 2005–2006. The data on lichens come from my own research and literature. Altogether, the occurrence of 82 lichen taxa was recorded in the investigated area, including 74 species recorded during my own research. Due to the availability of habitats and substrata, terricolous species dominate here, mainly from the genus Cladonia and … EN Read more... 

Adamska E. (2011): Lichen recolonization in the city of Toruń, Ecological Questions, 15: 119–125

Together with the decreasing pollution load in the atmosphere, particularly with sulphur oxides, one can observe inhibition of the process of lichens’ biota impoverishment in areas with the increased anthropopressure. Since the end of the 1970s, in most of the cities of Western Europe, the process of recolonization by lichens has been observed. Recently, this phenomenon has been described also in Poland. As a consequence of lichenological researches, carried out in the city of Toruń between … EN Read more... 

Adamska E. & Adamski A. (2014): Materials to the lichen biota of the hill in Folusz near Szubin (NW Poland), Ecological Questions, 20: 39–44

A total of 37 lichen species were identified during the first lichenological research conducted in 2014 on the Folusz hill, including 28 taxa of epiphytes, 10 epixylic lichens and 4 common species of epigeic lichens. Historical sources contain only data on the occurrence of 13 taxa of epigeic lichens. In total, the list of lichens occurring in this area includes 48 species. No characteristic species of xerothermic grasslands were recorded at present or in the past. Key words: lichens, xerothermic … EN Read more... 

Adamska E. & Deptuła M. (2015): Epigeic lichens of different development stages of forest growing on the heathland, Ecological Questions, 21: 39–44

The study deals with the occurrence of epigeic lichens on the study plots with a varying percentage of Calluna vulgaris (L.) in different forest development stages on the heathland Glinki near the southern boundary of Toruń. Five plots were established in the gradient of the increasing density of pine. A total of 17 lichen species were identified, typical of this type of habitats, mainly from the genus of Cladonia, including e.g.: Cladonia arbuscula, C. furcata, C. gracilis, C. uncialis as well … EN Read more... 

Adamska E. & Deptuła M. (2015): Materials for biota of lichens and lichenicolous fungi in the military area near Toruń, Poland, Ecological Questions, 21: 45–53

The paper presents the first species list of lichens and lichenicolous fungi found and identified in the artillery training area located near the city of Toruń. Lichenological studies were conducted in that area in 1998–2001 and 2009. A total of 100 taxa were identified, including 4 species of lichenicolous fungi, with particular emphasis on epigeic lichens – mainly from the genus Cladonia and Cetraria associated with heaths and arenaceous grasslands. The identified lichens include some threatened … EN Read more... 

Adamska E. & Juśkiewicz W. (2018): Visualisation of the influence of habitat on lichen occurrence, Toruń, Poland, Journal of Maps, 14(1): 9–16

The main aim of the paper was a visual comparison of lichen distribution with urban environmental factors. This paper presents a cartographic method for representing the spatial distribution of anthropogenic and natural factors in atmospheric air pollution and prevalent elements of the natural environment and their correlation to occurrences of two selected lichen species – the acidophilous Hypogymnia physodes and the nitrophilous Xanthoria parietina in the area of Toruń (Central Poland). … EN Read more... 

Adamska E. & Krzewicka B. (2024): Occurrence and distribution of the lichen genus Peltigera in Kaffiøyra Plain, Oscar II Land during the 13th summer polar expedition 1997 (NW Spitsbergen, Svalbard), Acta Mycologica, 59: 195527 [6 p.]

The material was collected during studies of the vegetation of Kaffiøyra in the course of „Thirteenth Toruń Polar Expedition, Spitsbergen - 1997” of N. Copernici University of Toruń. The studied areas were situated only on moraines, some mountain massif slopes, and all terraces. Samples of lichens were taken from 24 out of 61 total squares with an area of 1 km2. In the study area, 12 taxa of the genus Peltigera were noted, including nine new ones to the Kaffiøyra Plain, such as P. aphthosa, … URL EN Read more... 

Page 15 of 3770 Results 141 - 150 of 37696