Follmann G. & Poelt J.
Zur Kenntnis der Flechtenflora und Flechtenvegetation der Kanarischen Inseln. V. Eine neue Bodenflechte aus dem Verwandtschaftskreis von Fulgensia desertorum (Tom.) Poelt und das Diploschistetum albescentis Klem. -
4/5: 370-378
Fulgensia canariensis FOLLM. et POELT (aff. Fulgensia desertorum [TOM.] POELT,
sect. Fulgensia, Teloschistaceae)is described as a new crustose, terricolous lichen
from the Canary Islands (Hierro, Tenerife), including a comparative analys,is of its morphology,
chemistry, ecology, and sociology. Whereas the occurrence on the Canary
Islands of Fulgensia fulgens (SWARTZ) ELENK. s. str. could not be confirmed, Fulgensia
desertorum (TOM.) POELT and Fulgensia subbracteata (NYL.) POELT have been
recorded …