Page 3637 of 3751 Results 36361 - 36370 of 37510
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Bjorå C.S., Bendiksby M., Løfall B.P., Johannesen L.E. & Timdal E. (2023): Collections of Arctic Plants, Lichens, and Fungi in the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Norway, Collections, 19(3): 155019062311717 [17 p.]

The Arctic has been, and is, an area of focus for the botanical and fungal (lichenized fungi included) collections at the Natural History Museum of Oslo. These collections house more than 233,000 unique Arctic specimens, the oldest dating back more than two centuries. The vascular plants account for 63 percent, lichens 30 percent, and fungi 7 percent. The Arctic collections have a circumpolar representation with emphasis on mainland Norway (48 percent) and Svalbard (13 percent), followed by Arctic … URL EN Read more... 

Brinker S.R. (2023): Further contributions to the Ontario flora of lichens and allied fungi, with emphasis on the Great Lakes Basin, Opuscula Philolichenum, 22: 41–80

Noteworthy records of forty-three lichens and allied fungi are presented based on recent collections from Ontario, Canada. Three species, Agonimia borysthenica, Arthonia subconveniens (on Ricasolia quercizans) and Lecanographa abscondita are reported for the first time from North America. Eleven species, Erythricium aurantiacum (on Physcia millegrana), Hypotrachyna showmanii, Leptogium arsenei, Opegrapha rupestris (on Bagliettoa), Pronectria tibellii (on Cladonia pocillum), Punctelia missouriensis, … URL EN Read more... 

Elix J.A. (2023): A new combination and new record of Cratiria (Caliciaceae, Ascomycota) from Papua New Guinea, Australasian Lichenology, 93: 11-13

The corticolous Cratiria confusa (Awasthi) Elix comb. nov. is recorded from Papua New Guinea for the first time. EN Read more... 

Guttová A. & Lisická E. (2023): Lichenizované huby (lišajníky), In: Kliment J. & Hegedüšová Vantarová K. (eds), Lišajníky, machorasty a cievnaté rastliny Národného parku Veľká Fatra, p. 65–112, Veda, Bratislava

[in Slovak with English summary]; Slovakia, Western Carpathians; chapter in book EN Read more... 

Jaśkiewicz M. & Fałtynowicz W. (2023): Evernia divaricata i inne porosty rekolonizują Góry Izerskie [Evernia divaricata and other lichens are recolonizing the Jizera Mountains], Przyroda Sudetów, 25: 27–36

[in Polish with English summary: ] The article describes five new localities of Evernia divaricata, a very rare epiphytic lichen species thought to be on the brink of extinction in Poland. Information is also provided on accompanying lichen species, some equally rare, protected and threatened, e.g. of the genera Bryoria and Usnea. Tree stands in the Jizera Mts were destroyed as a result of the environmentally disastrous levels of air pollution in the 20th century, which led to the extinction … EN Read more... 

Cannon P., Aptroot A., Coppins B., Ertz D., Sanderson N., Simkin J., Benfield B. & Wolseley P. (2023): Arthoniales: Roccellaceae [revision 1] including the genera Cresponea, Dendrographa, Dirina, Enterographa, Gyrographa, Lecanactis, Ocellomma, Pseudoschismatomma, Psoronactis, Roccella, Schismatomma and Syncesia, Revisions of British and Irish Lichens, 32: 1-22

URL EN Read more... 

Cerrejón C., Valeria O. & Fenton N. (2023): nahradit, nahradit, nahradit

nahradit URL EN Read more... 

Rotter P., Purchart L. (eds.) (2023): Ekologie lesa. Jak se les mění a funguje, Brno: Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 647 p

Kniha představuje čtenáři les jako komplexní adaptivní systém. Oproti tradičnímu ekosystémovému pohledu jsou více zdůrazněny biotické interakce mezi členy této složité sítě. To se neobejde bez vysvětlení některých základních pojmů a fenoménů sítí vztahů v lesních ekosystémech. V těchto sítích vynikají některé druhy, či skupiny druhů, jako druhy klíčové nebo jako tzv. ekosystémoví inženýři. Tyto druhy, skupiny druhů, či dokonce celé fragmenty sítě … URL EN Read more... 

Crous P.W., Akulov A., Balashov S., Boers J., Braun U., Castillo J., Delgado M.A., Denman S., Erhard A., Gusella G., Jurjević Ž., Kruse J., Malloch D.W., Osieck E.R., Polizzi G., Schumacher R.K., Slootweg E., Starink-Willemse M., van Iperen A.L., Verkley G.J.M. & Groenewald J.Z. (2023): New and Interesting Fungi. 6, Fungal Systematics and Evolution, 11: 109–156

Three new genera, six new species, three combinations, six epitypes, and 25 interesting new host and / or geographical records are introduced in this study. New genera: Neoleptodontidium (based on Neoleptodontidium aquaticum), and Nothoramularia (based on Nothoramularia ragnhildianicola). New species: Acremonium aquaticum (from cooling pad water, USA, Cladophialophora laricicola (on dead wood of Larix sp., Netherlands), Cyphellophora neerlandica (on lichen on brick wall, Netherlands), Geonectria … URL EN Read more... 

Acosta Hospitaleche C., García R., Pérez L.M. & Márquez G. (2023): Neoichnology of endolithic lichens: an update on the traces produced in fossil bones and teeth, Historical Biology, 35(7): 1175‒1185

The present contribution is motivated by the frequent occurrence of traces generated by lichens on the fossil record, the usual and erroneous attribution of them to plant roots, and the scarce information published about bioerosive damage caused by lichens. As a result, two different patterns were identified on the surface and inside the fossil bones and teeth. The first one is characterised by the presence of lines clearer than the rest of the surface, produced by the hyphae and interrupted … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3637 of 3751 Results 36361 - 36370 of 37510