Page 3517 of 3679 Results 35161 - 35170 of 36790
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Mollier S., Kunstler G., Dupouey J.-L. & Bergès L. (2022): Historical landscape matters for threatened species in French mountain forests - Biological Conservation, 269: 109544 [19 p.]

Ancient forests are known to host a biodiversity of high ecological distinctiveness and are likely to provide habitat for red-listed species. Yet, few studies have investigated the role of forest continuity for the conservation of threatened species. We used species-presence data on red-listed species from 12 taxonomic groups (Spermatophyta, Pteridophyta, Bryophyta, Lichens, Chiroptera, Aves, Squamata, Amphibia, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Odonata and Orthoptera) to ascertain if ancient forests … URL EndNote Read more... 

Lendemer J.C. (2022): Recent literature on lichens—265 - Bryologist, 125(2): 380–386

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Nadeem S., Niazi A.R., Habib K. & Khalid A.N. (2022): A new species of Gyalolechia (Teloschistaceae, lichen-forming Ascomycota) from Pakistan - Nova Hedwigia, 114: 237–249

Gyalolechia pakistanica sp. nov. is described and illustrated from dry hot hilly areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The new taxon is characterized by a sublobate thallus with short, indistinct lobes, and by relatively large, 8–20 µm long ascospores with variable shape. According phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences, the new species is sister to G. subbracteata, from which differs by the less distinctly lobed thallus and the larger ascospores. A tabular comparison between the new … URL EndNote Read more... 

Fayyaz I., Afshan N.S., Niazi A.R., Khalid A.N. & Orange A. (2022): A new species of Porpidia (Lecideales, Ascomycota) from Pakistan - Nova Hedwigia, 114: 221–235

Porpidia kashmirensis sp. nov. is described from Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. ITS and nrLSU sequences confirm its position within the genus Porpidia and, together with its morphology and chemistry, suggest that it is separate from other species of this genus. The species is characterized by a well-developed, pale grey thallus, up to 2.5 mm thick with areoles, containing confluentic acid, immersed apothecia, ascospores relatively small, 13–16 × 6.3–9.9 µm, paraphyses with relatively … URL EndNote Read more... 

Simon A., Goffinet B., Wang L.-S., Spribille T., Goward T., Pystina T., Semenova N., Stepanov N.V., Moncada B., Lücking R., Magain N. & Sérusiaux E. (2022): Global phylogeny and taxonomic reassessment of the lichen genus Dendriscosticta (Ascomycota: Peltigerales) - Taxon, 71(2): 256–287

The genus Dendriscosticta (Ascomycota: Peltigerales) encompasses several distinctive lichen-forming fungal species restricted to the Northern Hemisphere. Most are flagship species of old-growth forests with good air quality. A global phylogeny of the genus based on multilocus sequence data (ITS, RPB1, EF-1α, MCM7), model-based phylogenetic methods, and morphological and chemical assessments, reveals a high level of cryptic speciation often associated with restricted geographical distribution … URL EndNote Read more... 

Urbanavichus G.P. & Urbanavichene I.N. (2022): First records of lichenised and lichenicolous fungi for the lichen flora of Russia and Eastern Europe - Nature Conservation Research. Заповедная наука, 7(2): 95–97

Noteworthy findings of two lichen species and four lichenicolous fungi are presented. Two species, Celothelium ischnobelum collected from the Nizhnii Novgorod Region and Opegrapha reactiva from the Murmansk Region, are reported for the first time for Russia and Eastern Europe. Four species, Arthonia destruens, Lichenochora gal- ligena, and Schizoxylon albescens collected in the Nizhnii Novgorod Region, and Sphaeropezia cucularis in the Murmansk Region, are new for European Russia. The genus Celothelium … URL EndNote Read more... 

Stapper N.J. (2022): Phaeophyscia orbicularis – Kreisförmige Schwielenflechte (Physciaceae), Stadtpflanze des Jahres 2021 - Jahrbuch des Bochumer Botanischen Vereins, 13: 222–240

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Stapper N. (2022): Exkursion: Düsseldorf, Moose und Flechten entlang eines Transektes durch die Stadt, die Wirkung der Großstadt auf die Natur erleben - Jahrbuch des Bochumer Botanischen Vereins, 13: 84–86

Report on excursion URL EndNote Read more... 

Adjiri F. & Ramdani M. (2022): Distribution maps of the fifferent levels of elemental concentrations accumulated by the lichen in the northeast of Algeria - Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 12(2): 14–22

An evaluation of environmental pollution in the region of Bordj Bou Arreridj (BBA), Algeria according to metallic trace elements has been carried out, to determine the levels of the 10 elements accumulated in lichens and the different sources found in the region. A total of 192 samples of Xanthoria parietina lichen were collected over an area of 3920.42 km². Sampling sites include urban sites, rural sites, green parks, sites near high traffic streets and industrial enterprises. The lichen samples … URL EndNote Read more... 

Farkas E., Varga N., Veres K., Matus G., Sinigla M. & Lőkös L. (2022): Distribution types of lichens in Hungary that indicate changing environmental conditions - Journal of Fungi, 8: 600 [17 p.]

Distribution data originating from earlier herbarium collections and recent biodiversity records form the basis of distribution analyses in lichen species with different ecological requirements, where the records allowed comparisons or showed clear trends. As the occurrences of lichens are strongly correlated to background environmental conditions (e.g., air pollution, global warming), confirmed byWirth’s ecological indicator values, the analysis of distribution types has a great value for … URL EndNote Read more... 

Page 3517 of 3679 Results 35161 - 35170 of 36790