Page 3515 of 3674 Results 35141 - 35150 of 36734
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
McNamara J.A., Schaefer J.A., Bastille-Rousseau G. & Mahoney S.P. (2022): Landscape features and caribou harvesting during three decades in Newfoundland - Écoscience, 29(1): 39–53

Landscapes can influence the distribution of harvesting by influencing animal distribution and hunter access. For species like caribou, Rangifer tarandus, decades-long shifts in abundance and distribution might alter such relationships, but few studies have been conducted at such scales. We examined relationships between landscape features and 21,380 harvest records of migratory caribou in Newfoundland during caribou population growth (1980s), cessation of growth (1990s), and decline (2000s). … URL EndNote Read more... 

Fraser R.H., Pouliot D. & van der Sluijs J. (2022): UAV and high resolution satellite mapping of forage lichen (Cladonia spp.) in a rocky Canadian Shield landscape - Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 48(1): 5–18

Reindeer lichens (Cladonia spp.) are an important food source for woodland and barren ground caribou herds. In this study, we assessed Cladonia classification accuracy in a rocky, Canadian Shield landscape near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories using both Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) sensors and high-resolution satellite sensors. At the UAV scale, random forest classifications derived from a multispectral, visible-near infrared sensor (Micasense Altum) had an average 5% higher accuracy for … URL EndNote Read more... 

Sugimoto M. & Ohmura Y. (2022): Pyrgillus mammosus (Pyrenulaceae, lichenized Ascomycota), a new species from Taiwan - Taiwania, 67(2): 267‒270

Pyrgillus mammosus, a new species from Xitou, Taiwan is described and illustrated. It is similar to P. tibellii and P. rufus but differs in its potassium hydroxide reaction of the thallus (K+ red) as a main distinguishing feature, additional chemical compounds detected by thin layer chromatography, and larger conical to hemispherical ascomata. Morphological and chemical differences among the closely similar taxa are discussed. Key words: Chemistry, eastern Asia, lichenized fungi, mazaedia, … URL EndNote Read more... 

Fayyaz I., Afshan N.S., Niazi A.R. & Khalid A.N. (2022): Aspicilia nigromaculata sp. nov. (Megasporaceae, Pertusariales, Ascomycota) from Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan, evidence from morphology and DNA sequencing data - Botanica Serbica, 46(1): 105–111

A new species of Megasporaceae, Aspicilia nigromaculata sp. nov. is described and illustrated from Pakistan. A comparative morpho–anatomical study and ITS–LSU-based molecular analyses confirmed its position within the genus Aspicilia. It differs from the other species of the genus by the following set of features: a well–developed, grey to greenish grey frequently black spotted thick thallus, well–developed thicker peripheral and flat to slightly concave areoles, and small conidia 10–15 … URL EndNote Read more... 

Trobajo S., Fernández-Salegui A.B, Terrón A. & Martínez I. (2022): Functional traits of epiphytic lichen communities in a Temperate-Mediterranean fragmented landscape: Importance of patch size, tree diameter and summer rainfall - Fungal Ecology, 57–58: 101160 [12 p.]

Functional traits have become important tools for evaluating the response of epiphytic lichens to environmental changes. In this study, we evaluated which predictors related to fragmentation, habitat quality and climate were driving the richness and cover of lichen growth form, type of photobiont and reproduction traits, at both fragment and plot levels in a Temperate-Mediterranean area dominated by Quercus forests. At fragment level, patch size and summer rainfall positively contributed to … URL EndNote Read more... 

Zhang Y., Clancy J., Jensen J., McMullin R.T., Wang L. & Leavitt S.D. (2022): Providing scale to a known taxonomic unknown—At least a 70-fold increase in species diversity in a cosmopolitan nominal taxon of lichen-forming fungi - Journal of Fungi, 8: 490 [18 p.]

Robust species delimitations provide a foundation for investigating speciation, phylogeography, and conservation. Here we attempted to elucidate species boundaries in the cosmopolitan lichen-forming fungal taxon Lecanora polytropa. This nominal taxon is morphologically variable, with distinct populations occurring on all seven continents. To delimit candidate species, we compiled ITS sequence data from populations worldwide. For a subset of the samples, we also generated alignments for 1209 … URL EndNote Read more... 

Bajpai R., Shukla V., Raju A., Singh C.P. & Upreti D.K (2022): A geostatistical approach to compare metal accumulation pattern by lichens in plain and mountainous regions of northern and central India - Environmental Earth Sciences, 81: 203 [15 p.]

Based on the physicochemical characteristics, metals emitted from the source (both natural and anthropogenic) contributes towards spatial continuity at a regional scale. Apart from the intrinsic properties of metals, meteorological conditions and topography of the region are also known to contribute towards spatial continuity. In the present study, a comparative spatial assessment of 12 metals in lichen Phaeophyscia hispidula collected from mountains and plains of northern and north-central … URL EndNote Read more... 

Halda J. (2022): Cryptodiscus foveolaris (Stictidaceae, Lecanoromycetes) z NPR Broumovské stěny - Mykologické Listy, 151: 53‒56

Cryptodiscus foveolaris je nově zaznamenaným druhem mykobioty ČR. V Evropě je známý pouze z několika lokalit. Od lichenizovaných druhů známých z ČR Ramonia interjecta a Cryp­todiscus gloeocapsa se odlišuje stavbou plodnic a tvarem spor EndNote PDF Read more... 

Ruas S., Rotchés-Ribalta R., Ó hUallacháin D., Volpato A., Gormally M., White B. & Moran J. (2022): Assessing stone walls habitat quality – Which factors affect bryophytes and macrolichens on farmland stone walls in Ireland? - Ecological Indicators, 139: 108948 [5 p.]

Stone walls are ubiquitous field boundaries used to restrict livestock movement or to separate property. Bryophytes and lichens are often the dominant vegetation in dry stone walls and are strongly affected by local microhabitat characteristics. Bryophytes and lichens related metrics can be used to define habitat quality of stone walls. The current study assessed how richness and cover of bryophytes and macrolichens in dry stone walls related to each other and how different environmental … URL EndNote Read more... 

Paukov A., Teptina A., Ermoshin A., Kruglova E. & Shabardina L. (2022): The role of secondary metabolites and bark chemistry in shaping diversity and abundance of epiphytic lichens - Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5: 828211 [10 p.]

Diversity of secondary lichen metabolites was studied in epiphytic lichens on six phorophytes—spruce, pine, birch, alder, aspen and poplar in the Middle Urals of Russia. Atranorin, usnic, fumarprotocetraric acid, zeorin, and gyrophoric acid were found in 31, 24, 23, 18, and 14 species, respectively, of 237 taxa collected. Seventy-seven species (i.e., 32% of total species documented) contained no secondary metabolites. Spectra of secondary metabolites of fruticose and foliose lichens varied … URL EndNote Read more... 

Page 3515 of 3674 Results 35141 - 35150 of 36734