Nayaka S., Joseph S., Rajaram S.K., Natesan S., Sankar K., David M.L.R. & Upreti D.K.
Lichens of the Sirumalai hills, Eastern Ghats with one genus and six species new to India,
Studies in Fungi,
6(1): 204–212
Lichens of Sirumalai hills are reported here for the first time. Lichen biota comprised of 95 species. The genus Japewiella is reported for the first time in India and is represented by J. tavaresiana (H. Magn.) Printzen. Furthermore, the following six taxa including one variety are new to India viz. Arthonia atra (Pers.) A. Schneid., Graphis brevicarpa M. Nakan., Kashiw. & K.H. Moon, Micarea erratica (Körb.) Hertel, Rambold & Pietschm., Pertusaria cicatricosa var. deficiens A.W. Archer, Elix & …