Page 3515 of 3772 Results 35141 - 35150 of 37716
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Nayaka S., Joseph S., Rajaram S.K., Natesan S., Sankar K., David M.L.R. & Upreti D.K. (2021): Lichens of the Sirumalai hills, Eastern Ghats with one genus and six species new to India, Studies in Fungi, 6(1): 204–212

Lichens of Sirumalai hills are reported here for the first time. Lichen biota comprised of 95 species. The genus Japewiella is reported for the first time in India and is represented by J. tavaresiana (H. Magn.) Printzen. Furthermore, the following six taxa including one variety are new to India viz. Arthonia atra (Pers.) A. Schneid., Graphis brevicarpa M. Nakan., Kashiw. & K.H. Moon, Micarea erratica (Körb.) Hertel, Rambold & Pietschm., Pertusaria cicatricosa var. deficiens A.W. Archer, Elix & … URL EN Read more... 

Larsen H.M.E. & Rasmussen H.N. (2021): Bark extract influence on spore germination in corticolous lichen Xanthoria parietina in vitro, Mycological Progress, 20: 313–323

During establishment and subsequent growth, corticolous lichen fungi are subjected to the chemical composition and pH of the stemflow, which depend on the water-soluble compounds released from the bark. The present study explored the use of sporeshot isolation to test the effect of bark extracts on germination and initial mycelium growth. The pH, phenolic content and glucose equivalents of the bark extracts were also related to spore germination. Bark samples from Acer pseudoplatanus, Alnus glutinosa, Betula … URL EN Read more... 

Meysurova A.F., Notov A.A., Pungin A.V. & Skrypnik L.N. (2021): Application of optical spectroscopy for the analysis of physiological characteristics and elemental composition of some lichen species, Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 88(5): 987–998

[Translated from the Russian original published in Zhurnal Prikladnoi Spektroskopii, Vol. 88, No. 5, pp. 755–767] The main physiological and biochemical characteristics and elemental composition of the lichens Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr., Parmelia sulcata Taylor, Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl., and H. tubulosa (Schaer.) Hav. growing under insignifi cant anthropogenic impacts in one habitat were studied using optical spectroscopy analysis. The fi rst three species are often used as indicators … URL EN Read more... 

Chekanov K. & Lobakova E. (2021): Photosynthesis measurements on the upper and lower side of the thallus of the foliose lichen Nephroma arcticum (L.) Torss, Photosynthesis Research, 149: 289–301

The measurements of chlorophyll fuorescence play an important role in studies of lichen physiology. Usually, for foliose lichens fuorescence kinetics is recorded from the upper thalline side often exhibiting green color refecting the presence of photosynthetic pigments. The lower side of such lichens is grey, dark-brown or black. At the frst time, we evaluated photosynthetic activity distribution by chlorophyll fuorescence analysis on both lower and upper thallus sides for the foliose lichen … URL EN Read more... 

Vančurová L., Malíček J., Steinová J. & Škaloud P. (2021): Choosing the right life partner: Ecological drivers of lichen symbiosis, Frontiers in Microbiology, 12: 769304 [18 p.]

Lichens are an iconic example of symbiotic systems whose ecology is shaped by the requirements of the symbionts. Previous studies suggest that fungal (mycobionts) as well as photosynthesizing (phycobionts or cyanobionts) partners have a specific range of acceptable symbionts that can be chosen according to specific environmental conditions. This study aimed to investigate the effects of climatic conditions and mycobiont identity on phycobiont distribution within the lichen genera Stereocaulon, Cladonia, … URL EN Read more... 

Hafellner J. (2021): Carbonea tephromelae in the European Alps and selected distributional data for other Carbonea species, Fritschiana (Graz), 97: 19–34

Specimens previously determined as Carbonea assimilis, all lichenicolous on Tephromela atra and originating from the Eastern Alps (Austria and Italy), have been revised and found conspecific with the recently described Carbonea tephromelae. According to our observations C. tephromelae is a lichenized-lichenicolous species. Material of a number of additional Carbonea species has been used for comparison and the label data have been listed, resulting in notable range extensions for some lichenicolous … EN Read more... 

Hafellner J. (2021): Lichenicolous Biota (Nos 341–360), Fritschiana (Graz), 97: 1–17

The 15th fascicle (20 numbers) of the exsiccata 'Lichenicolous Biota' is published. The issue contains material of 19 non-lichenized fungal taxa (17 teleomorphs of ascomycetes, 3 anamorphic states of ascomycetes), including paratype material of Lawreya glyphidiphila U.Braun et al. (no 347). Furthermore, collections of the type species of the following genera are distributed: Arthophacopsis (A. parmeliarum), Illosporiopsis (I. christiansenii), Lawreya (L. glyphidiphila), and Lichenopeltella (L. maculans). … EN Read more... 

Tekiela A., Furmanek Ł., Andrusiewicz M., Bara G., Seaward M.R.D., Kapusta I. & Czarnota P. (2021): Can lichen secondary compounds impact upon the pathogenic soil fungi Fusarium oxysporum and F. avenaceum?, Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 58: 165–181

The antifungal activity of secondary lichen metabolites extracted by means of acetone and ethanol from Cetraria islandica, Cladonia mitis, C. rangiferina, Pseudevernia furfuracea and Usnea dasopoga on the pathogenic fungi Fusarium oxysporum and F. avenacuem was examined. The activity of extracted compounds was tested after their mixture with PDA medium before solidification. The most active extracts inhibiting the growth of fungal mycelia contained fumarprotocetraric, salazinic and usnic acids, … URL EN Read more... 

Schiefelbein U., Arnfred T., Dolnik C., Neumann P., Ossowska E., Poulsen R., Søchting U. & Thell A. (2021): Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm. in the southwestern Baltic – Kattegat area, Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 58: 183–197

The antifungal activity of secondary lichen metabolites extracted by means of acetone and ethanol from Cetraria islandica, Cladonia mitis, C. rangiferina, Pseudevernia furfuracea and Usnea dasopoga on the pathogenic fungi Fusarium oxysporum and F. avenacuem was examined. The activity of extracted compounds was tested after their mixture with PDA medium before solidification. The most active extracts inhibiting the growth of fungal mycelia contained fumarprotocetraric, salazinic and usnic acids, … URL EN Read more... 

Randlane T., Jüriado I., Degtjarenko P. & Saag A. (2021): New assessment of Least Concern lichens in the Red List of Estonia: are common species still common?, Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 58: 199–212

The threat status of 161 lichenized species that were considered common in Estonia was assessed in 2021. For most of these species, it was the second Red List assessment using the IUCN system (the first such evaluation was performed in 2008). The main data sources for species occurrence were the records reported in 100 study sites located throughout the country during 2020, and the PlutoF biodiversity database. 125 species remained, according to the new assessment, in the category Least Concern … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3515 of 3772 Results 35141 - 35150 of 37716